"Well, sir.......Please."

The butler took Fang Wuwei back to the room, bowed slightly and elegantly, and gestured inside with one hand.

Outside, he could hear the young lady and her friends playing and frolicking inside. When he opened the door for Fang Wuwei, what he saw was not the harmonious and beautiful picture he had imagined. Instead, it was a secret passage that he was very familiar with.

"Thank you for leading the way."

In horror, the butler turned around, only to find that they were not in the corridor he had imagined, but in the basement that he was so familiar with.

In front of him was the password door that he had opened himself.


Without panicking, the butler quickly distanced himself from the wall and turned around to take something out from his waist.

But before he could take it out, the moment he turned around, everything in front of him was pitch black. It was pitch black, silent and terrifying, with only a different color.......It was Fang Wuwei's evil right eye, which appeared in the darkness, glowing red.......What is it?......Who is this?......

The butler fell down, and the thing in his hand fell down - a pistol.

Fang Wuwei picked up the pistol and found it was a real gun after careful inspection.......He sighed and shook his head.

It seems that there is something in the Touma family, something that cannot be seen by others.

He threw the gun away casually, and it collided with another gun on the ground, making a sound of metal collision. Fang Wuwei folded up his sunglasses, stuffed them into his trouser pocket, walked into the door opened by the housekeeper, and disappeared into the darkness behind the door.

Behind him were countless bodyguards lying on the ground.

Using the Sharingan to clean up these mortals is extremely efficient. The ordinary hypnosis of three magatama is enough to let them have a good sleep.

Behind the password door is a dead black, no lights, no light source.

If there is no light, then create light.

"Light, favor me! Lead me out of the darkness, lead me to illuminate the world!"

The elves in the air began to become active, making pleasant laughter and emitting magic power for Fang Wuwei to use.

A dazzling ball of light appeared in his hand, and continued to expand under Fang Wuwei's tyrannical magic. He raised it above his head, and then instantly exploded into countless tiny balls of light, which scattered and covered the darkness.

The low-level lighting technique was now in Fang Wuwei's hands.

This allowed Fang Wuwei to see the structure of the darkness clearly. It was actually just a long corridor, empty inside, with only some empty bookshelves, sandbags and other unclear things.

And the countless men in black hiding in it, even the darkness and sunglasses could not hide the extremely shocked expressions on their faces.

It's a pity that the Japanese can't say"Fuck".

After a brief shock, the bodyguards of the men in black knew that they were definitely exposed. They originally planned to launch a sneak attack, but now.........

""What are you standing there for? Shoot!"

Countless men in black raised their guns and shot at Fang Wuwei, but it was not a pistol, but a long gun.

The speed of the shot was also very slow. Fang Wuwei saw it clearly. He reached out to grab it, but found that the feel was not right.

This was not a bullet.

He spread his hand, and there was a needle lying quietly inside, an anesthetic needle.

It seemed that they were concerned about his identity and Touma Sanae's mood and didn't want to really attack him.

Countless anesthetic needles shot at him, but Fang Wuwei didn't defend himself at all, and walked straight to the deepest part of the corridor as if nothing happened.

The lighting technique illuminated the way ahead for him, and he saw that there was a door there.

The anesthetic needle couldn't break his defense at all. Seeing this, the bodyguards could only rush forward and try to stop Fang Wuwei from moving forward with their bodies.......

But they all fell down soon.

Fang Wuwei just looked around and saw that they all fell down one by one, sliding to the ground and dying.

For ordinary people, supernatural power is a complete dimensionality reduction attack. Applying multiple hypnotic spells in a short period of time only made Fang Wuwei's eyes a little sore, and he recovered quickly.

He was the one who started this thing.......

If I had to say it, this is probably trespassing.......The unknown and inexplicable fluctuations of magic were too strange. You know, in this world, the only family he had ever seen with some magic was the Chi Nei family, not to mention that they had no connection with magic at all.

What, you asked Morisummer? That doesn't count. She herself didn't even know that she had created a branch of elven magic.

The bodyguards all fell to the ground without a sound. Just as Fang Wuwei was about to move on, the room suddenly lit up.

Someone turned on the light.

"guest......"Have you crossed the line, death?"

A familiar voice sounded from behind him, as well as that familiar habit. Fang Wuwei turned around and saw Tu Shou's mother standing at the door, no longer with a polite smile on her face.

Fang Wuwei put away the lighting technique, and the countless light spots suspended in the air also dissipated instantly, turning into ownerless magic power that dissipated in the world. For a moment, the magic concentration in this place increased rapidly, but then decreased at a faster rate.

The elves absorbed the magic power and left with a smile.

Tu Shou's mother no longer looked like a kind lady at this moment. She stepped into the corridor, calm and collected.

She was not sure whether she would be picked up by the way, but she still did it. She had seen this situation many times. Only by oppressing the opponent with momentum could she gain a glimmer of hope.

What's more, she believed that Sanae's friends would not do anything out of line.

"It seems that you are a professional death?"

Looking at the magic just now, Tuo Shou's mother leaned over to check the situation of the bodyguards lying on the ground. She found that this group of people were just asleep, and one of them was even snoring. She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

"Madam, magic is very dangerous. If an ignorant person touches it by mistake, the consequences will be disastrous. Fang Wuwei put on his sunglasses again to cover his Sharingan. Information asymmetry can sometimes play a crucial role."I am here for this, madam."

Tu Shou's mother lowered her head, as if she was thinking.

"Is this why you became friends with Sanae?"

"No, I just discovered it by accident."Yes

, even Sanae didn't know about the family's affairs.

Tuo Shou's mother raised her head and looked at Fang Wuwei. She knew that this person couldn't be stopped.

In this case, it would be better to......

"Got it, guest, please follow me to death."

Tuo Shou's mother walked around Fang Wuwei and took the lead to open the door at the end of the corridor.

So decisive?

Looking at Tuo Shou's mother who turned back and signaled to him, Fang Wuwei just raised his eyebrows and followed.

Don't ask why, the more skilled you are, the more courageous you are.

To Fang Wuwei's surprise, there was an elevator behind the door.

Fang Wuwei had already felt from the ripples that there was a basement in this house, and he was looking for the way to the basement. It seemed that this was it.

Entering the elevator, Tuo Shou's mother pressed the button silently, and Fang Wuwei also remained silent.

The elevator began to go downstairs, and it was obviously only a short To one minute, Tu Shou's mother felt it was extremely long.

The moment the elevator door opened, something unexpected happened. As soon as the elevator reached the basement and the door opened, a man rushed up.

The man held a ball of blazing fire in his right hand, and the flame formed the shape of a blade, a fire knife. He rushed towards Fang Wuwei with the fire knife in his hand, and kept roaring.

Tu Shou's mother was frightened and took two steps back. The man raised the knife high and slashed at Fang Wuwei.

Fang Wuwei didn't move at all. There were two reasons. One was that this man was too slow and was really just a mortal. The other was that......The knife had no power to him, and was even less powerful than his fireball.

The knife stopped in front of Fang Wuwei's face, less than ten centimeters away from his forehead.

The heat and light from the fire knife spread across Fang Wuwei's face, but he remained motionless.

"Why didn't you avoid it?!"

The man looked surprised. He really had no intention of attacking Sanae's friend. He only intended to scare him. But he never expected that Sanae would not even try to avoid it.

"Because I'm not afraid."

Fang Wuwei was quite calm, and this confidence made the man a little confused, but also a little impressed.

"Why aren't you afraid?"

Fang Wuwei raised his hand with one hand, and with a speed that the man couldn't understand, he directly hit the fire knife with his arm. The knife shattered instantly and turned into flames floating in the air. In just a blink of an eye, the flames also went out and turned into violent magic power and dissipated.

"I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid."

The man was dumbfounded, and took two steps back. His body was trembling, and his face was full of disbelief.

But Fang Wuwei set his sights on the man's left hand, which held a purple crystal.

The magic power was very strong.

(��I kind of regret it. Am I out of my mind or something? Why did I add this setting to the Touma family?......)

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