The man looked quite young, about thirty years old, with golden hair and a dignified face.

The surging magic power flowed out from the amethyst in the man's hand. Fang Wuwei could sense that this magic power was the energy used by the man to use the fire knife.

In other words, this man used magic with this amethyst without using the morisummer self-transformed elf magic.

This is very strange.

Fang Wuwei was very interested, but the man only felt a sense of fear.

What kind of monster is it that can kill people with bare hands?......You know, that thing is really hot and quite hard. The man stepped back, but soon he thought of another possibility.......I'm afraid he's in league with the guy they picked up.

That's terrible. At least we need to stop him.

"Burning flames, please listen to my call, follow my will, condense into shape, gather fire into blades, and kill the enemy!"

As the man chanted the spell, a flaming blade condensed in his hand again, pointed at Fang Wuwei, and began to press down. He was ready to fight.

Such a person......He must not be allowed to stay with Sanae.

This time Fang Wuwei could sense clearly that the magic power was indeed emitted directly from the amethyst, passed through the arm to the other hand, and cast the spell directly, bypassing the elves.

And through Fang Wuwei's perception, he felt that the elves were quite disgusted with this behavior.

Fang Wuwei became interested. That spell was not recorded in the magic book of the Chinei family. In other words, this was definitely not a low-level magic, and it might not even be the same system as the Chinei family's magic.......Otherwise, how can we not rely on external magic power?

But this spell sounds very similar, there is something inside......Try it

"Endless flames, please listen to my call, condense into shape according to my will, gather fire into blades, and kill the enemy!"

Fang Wuwei followed suit, raised his hands horizontally in front of his chest and opened them, and began to chant a spell.

As he chanted, the elves and magic power around him began to stir, and then a huge fireball appeared in his hand, emitting heat and flames, all over the place.

The flame was in place, Fang Wuwei clenched his hand, and the fireball quickly shrank, gathered fire, and turned into a blade, turning into a fire knife like the man.

With a flick of his hand, the fire knife drew a circle in the air, emitting a scorching heat that the man could feel, making him swallow hard. He looked at the fire knife in his hand, and then at the knife in Fang Wuwei's hand.......The one in Fang Wuwei's hand was even longer than his, and it was getting stronger?!

What the hell. He decisively loosened his hands, and the amethyst fell to the ground, and the fire knife also dissipated in the air.

""Guest, let's talk it over nicely. There's no need to get violent. You see, you are Sanae's friend and I am Sanae's father. There's no need for us to fight each other."

The man revealed his identity and admitted defeat at the speed of light. He didn't think that a secular identity could suppress such an extraordinary person. In front of powerful forces, money and power are all jokes.

Moreover, if a person has a bad heart, he might not care about the lives of others just because he wants to. At this time, whether for himself or for Sanae, admitting defeat is the best choice. Fang

Wuwei nodded in agreement.

He just wanted to test whether this magic belonged to the same system as the Chi Nei family.

Now it seems that it is, and there is no need to dispute anymore.

It is naturally the best result to talk it over nicely.

To put it bluntly, the purpose of his trip was just to find out what the source of the magic fluctuation was.

If it was safe, keep it, if it was not safe, erase it, and ensure the safety of Tuo Shou's family, at least Tuo Shou Sanae, that's all.

Seeing Fang

Wuwei nodded in agreement, the head of Tuo Shou's family and Tuo Shou's mother behind Fang Wuwei just breathed a sigh of relief, but found that......The fire knife in Fang Wuwei's hand continued to grow larger and hotter, and it seemed......Fang Wuwei was angry.

Tu Shou's mother was frightened by the unbearable heat and came to the side of Tu Shou's master. They looked palely at the fire knife in Fang Wuwei's hand that continued to grow and heat up.

Didn't make a deal? Could it be that he wanted benefits?!

"gentlemen......We can talk about what you want slowly."

The head of the Tushou family was protected by the bodyguards who rushed over, but he still spoke and tried to reconcile with Fang Wuwei.......

Fang Wuwei had an innocent and helpless look on his face. It wasn't him who was angry, it was the elves who were angry. He could swear that he hadn't put even a little magic power into it a long time ago. It was all because the elves around him were unhappy and put it in themselves.

It was obvious that the elves were very angry that the head of the Tushou family bypassed them to release magic.

Fortunately, it was not without a way to save them. The leader of the magic was always him, not the elves.

He cut off the supply of magic power, and the fire knife dissipated, so simple.

The elves in the air were restless for a moment, and soon quieted down, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing the fire knife in Fang Wuwei's hand dissipate, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and was terrified.......They already knew Fang Wuwei's identity, a magician, or a magician, a living magician, not that cold corpse.

He was afraid now that Fang Wuwei came for the corpse. He was afraid that Fang Wuwei was actually a junior who came to collect the corpse and approached Tu Shou just for this moment.......

However, he had to take a gamble.

If Fang Wuwei was really the younger generation who came to collect the corpse, then he would die if he went forward or backward. He had no choice but to fight.

"Sir, why are you here?"

The head of the Tu Shou family shook off the bodyguards, ignored the attempts of others to stop him, took the initiative to step forward, and extended his hand to show his friendliness. His face was no longer hostile, but instead was full of smiles.

You should not hit a smiling person, and he didn't want to offend anyone. Fang Wuwei also extended his hand and shook hands with the head of the Tu Shou family, showing his friendly attitude.

"I was just passing by and accidentally discovered that there was a magical fluctuation here, so I came to check and confirm whether the situation is safe.

Master Tosho, magic is very dangerous.

Master Tosho understood that this person was probably a supervisor like the police station, probably someone in an organization responsible for supervising and preventing civilians from using magic or maintaining the balance of the world. He probably just happened to be friends with Sanae.

It's good that he didn't come here for revenge, it's good that he didn't come here for revenge......

From the notes he found, magicians are a group of people who look down on ordinary people. They have their own pride and contempt for ordinary people, so they will definitely not deceive a weak person like him.

"Then, Patriarch Tushou.

Fang Wuwei picked up the purple crystal that had fallen to the ground and placed it in front of Patriarch Tushou.

"Can you tell me where this thing came from?"

He could sense that there was violent and huge magic power in this amethyst, and he was very familiar with this magic power.......The magic power released from the singularity is no different from this, or in other words, exactly the same.

He had a guess.

The head of the Tushou family was silent. He was thinking about whether to tell the truth, but he finally compromised.......Just tell me, what else can you do but tell the truth in this situation?

"Well, guests, please take a seat first. This story will be very long......."

The head of the Tuo Shou family sighed and gestured to the small table and chairs not far away.

"What's your name?"

"square......Dongfang Konghong, head of the Tushou family, what about you?"

"Tuo Shou Song Sheng, you can just call me Song Sheng."

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