That was a long time ago, at least longer than Fang Wuwei imagined.

It was about twenty-six years ago, around 1988, during the neon economic bubble.

According to Toumori Matsuo's description, that era was full of gold, especially real estate, and the economic bubble period was extremely profitable.

At that time, the huge foundation of the Toumori family allowed him to stand out in this bloody sea of finance.

Originally, his life would probably have gone like this, either he would step on the corpses of countless people in this sea of gold and become a superior person, or he would fail and be completely silent in that sea of blood.

Until some people broke their peaceful lives...................

At that time, the Tushou couple had just gotten married and were only in their early twenties. They were in their prime, young and beautiful.

They had experienced ups and downs together. In just a few years, they had experienced prosperity, bankruptcy and finally a comeback.......They already had quite deep feelings and fell deeply in love with each other.

Their same golden hair became the best symbol of the two and the destined knot of their fate in this life.

Everyone sent blessings to their marriage, including people who shouldn't have come.

On their wedding day, gangsters came.

At that time, the Toumori family took advantage of the housing price boom and became a real estate tyrant at the time. They controlled most of the local real estate and land, and they were very successful. They originally thought that it would be best to live a good life, have a child, and live a happy and legendary life.

Until the arrival of the gangsters, they just wanted to wash their hands. In the 1980s and 1990s, Neon was in an economic bubble period. Everyone had high salaries and high consumption. There was even a saying that"selling Tokyo 23 districts can buy the entire United States." Everyone could make a lot of money, and even ordinary office workers could spend 10,000 yen to take a taxi for a bowl of 800 yen ramen.

Everyone was extremely wealthy, even ordinary housewives could make a lot of money, and wearing famous brands even became a standard for women.......Except the gangsters.

At that time, the Japanese gangs were at their lowest point, and the gangsters who came to the Toshinori family were among the most destitute.

They came to clean up their past and do some legitimate business, but they had nothing and could only hope that someone could help them.

They set their sights on the then overlord Toshinori family, and with the idea of pleasing them, they came uninvited on the day of Toshinori Matsuo's wedding and brought their gifts......

"So, this is it?"

Fang Wuwei pointed to the purple crystal on the table. When no one was using it, the magic power on it was like a pool of stagnant water, motionless. One could only sense the magic power, but there was no fluctuation at all, which showed that it was quite stable.

Tu Shousongsheng nodded.

"They sent us a lot of these crystals, but now we have almost used them up.......Do you want to hear more?"

"never mind......I'm curious about where they got this thing from."

Fang Wuwei soon got the answer from Tuo Shou Songsheng.

In that era, no one looked down on the gangs, especially the Tuo Shou family. They quickly drove the gangs away, and the marriage went on as usual, as if nothing had happened.

Until that night, Tuo Shousong became curious and wanted to take a good look at the crystals sent by the gangs.

At that time, only one was sent, and the size was extremely small, but very beautiful. Under the moonlight, it was only a little light source, and it reflected a rainbow-like light. It was obvious that it was not an ordinary item and must be extremely rare.

Tuo Shousongsheng saw the determination and sincerity of the gangs, so he met with the gangs the next day and promised to rent them a house for free temporarily for their development.

For Tuo Shousongsheng, a house was just a drizzle at the time, but for the gangs, it was a great blessing, so they sent a lot of gifts the next day.

A crystal clear bracelet, and those crystals, which were even bigger, and there were dozens of them. But

Tuo Shousongsheng was stunned......Wow, I thought those crystals were so precious, but they were bought in bulk? So many?

But it’s hard to take back things that have been given away.......Just give it, it's rented anyway, just think of it as a gesture of kindness.

And I have to admit that these crystals are really beautiful. Mrs. Tu Shou likes them very much. She puts a different one by her bed every night.

The turning point of things was in the second year. Mrs. Tu Shou saw so many crystals and was tired of the ordinary appearance of these crystals, so she decided to carve these crystals into jewelry.

An appointment was made with the craftsman. When they were processing the first piece of crystal, an accident happened.

When the craftsman saw the unknown material, he wanted to explore the situation first. As soon as the carving hammer hit it, the crystal cracked inch by inch, and the cracks spread all over the crystal in an instant.

I thought it was just a problem with the crystal material, but the cracks in the crystal glowed with light, and the strange and mysterious light illuminated the studio at that time.

Then, there was an extremely violent explosion, which almost blew up the entire studio, and the craftsman died on the spot, and his body was not intact. The

Tu Shou couple just turned around and said goodbye to the craftsman's apprentice, and saw the house inside explode violently, purple light burst out from it, and violent and strange energy blew them away.

There was no fire, no smoke, no bang, and the explosion was even unusually quiet, with only the sound of houses flying up and falling to the ground.

The terrified people called the police, but in the end they only found the crystals inside.

There were only crystals, except for the one that exploded, and the other things were all gone.......It seemed as if they had disappeared out of thin air. Even the body of the craftsman could not be found, and a large part of the materials were missing from the house.

This was naturally not normal. No matter how stupid they were, the Tushou couple should have realized what was wrong.

In fear, they went to find the gangsters, with countless bodyguards, and asked about the origin of these crystals.

The gangsters had already started doing legitimate business. Knowing the current economic situation, they naturally did not dare to offend the behemoth Tushou family, and honestly explained the origin of the crystals.

They picked them up from next to a corpse. At that time, these crystals were scattered all over the ground, surrounding the corpse in the middle, which was very weird.

The gangsters just thought that the man had died suddenly, and took away all the crystals based on the principle of not wasting, and buried the body on the spot based on humanitarianism.......Under the angry pursuit of the Tuo Shou family, they led the way and dug out the body. Then they saw the most shocking scene in their lives.

The body had been buried in the soil for more than a year, but it was still intact and not rotten at all. Even the corpse spots and corpse odor had not appeared. It looked like it was asleep, that's all.

"So we brought the body back......."

Tu Shousongsheng led Fang Wuwei through another secret door and came to a deeper place.

There was something that looked like an operating table, and on it, under the light, a person was lying, with several bodyguards standing beside him, with guns on their waists. There were also some bookshelves around, with many books on them.

"We have used quite scientific methods to study and found that this person is indeed dead. All organs have failed and lost their ability to work. His heart no longer beats, he no longer breathes, and his body is extremely cold. But for some reason, he does not have any of the reactions that people would have after death, such as rotting, corpse spots, corpse odor, and rigor mortis. Fang

Wuwei walked forward to observe - a man, a man in a robe, lying peacefully on the stage. Under the strong light, his face is bloodless, his eyes are closed, he seems to be asleep, but also seems to have died long ago.......It seemed that he was still alive.

Fang Wuwei could sense that there was a layer of magic power still flowing through the man's body, flowing over his surface.

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