It was this person who had died a long time ago who completely changed the life and future of the Touma family.

"All of this person's belongings are here, including clothes and jewelry.......We keep them all."

Tuo Shou Songsheng pointed to one side, where there was a transparent glass cabinet with a bunch of neatly arranged things inside.

"Can I see it?"

"Please go ahead."

Fang Wuwei opened the glass cabinet, picked up a piece of clothing from inside and examined it, then held it high above his head and unfolded it. It was a wizard's robe, a very standard wizard's robe, with a golden magic circle printed on the back. It was very similar to the wizard's robe that Ikeuchi Maki was wearing now, but it was a little different.

"......If you just got the crystals, how did you cast the magic?"

"This is also a rather tortuous story......."

Fang Wuwei put his clothes back and continued to listen to Tu Shousongsheng telling his story.

Since they dug up the body, the incorruptible body and the strange crystal aroused Tu Shousongsheng's strong interest. He brought the body back despite his wife's objection. They used most of the medical instruments and even performed an autopsy. They conducted a comprehensive examination of the body and came to an extremely shocking conclusion.

This person was indeed dead, and all his organs were failing and unable to work, but he was extremely fresh.......It looked as fresh as if he had just died less than a minute ago.

But the body had been buried in the ground for more than a year.

This was a miracle, but it was not the miracle that Tuomu Songsheng wanted.

After giving the body to the extremely excited medical experts, Tuomu Songsheng returned home with a badge and a bracelet of unknown material found on the body.

This bracelet changed his life.

Mrs. Tuomu liked this bracelet very much and couldn't let it go. She even put the bracelet together with those amethysts.

Her idea was quite simple - beautiful things should be placed together with beautiful things to be the most beautiful.

But the magic in the amethyst combined with the bracelet, and it seemed to produce an unknown reaction, releasing all the things hidden deep in the bracelet.

Various books written in neon language, as well as several notebooks.

After a moment of recovery, the frightened Tuomu Songsheng began to study those books. He didn't know until he saw them, and he was shocked.

Magic books, very, very profound magic books, weird and mysterious magic books.

Who can resist such temptation?

Tuomu Songsheng couldn't refuse it anyway. A chance to get in touch with the legendary mysterious magic was right in front of him. How could he just let it go?

Since then, Tuomu Songsheng began to study magic, but unfortunately, those books were too profound and did not explain the working principles and mechanisms of magic. I'm afraid they were not suitable for beginners.

But Tuomu Songsheng did not give up. On the contrary, he became more and more courageous and put all his energy into it, even giving up his business.

This made his wife, who supported him at the beginning, somewhat opposed.......After studying for so long, he still couldn't find anything. What if it didn't exist at all?

But Touma Songsheng didn't care. He locked himself in the study all day long, relying on those books and notes, studying magic day and night, and even took the man's body back from the hands of the medical experts.

According to the description of the medical experts, they dissected and studied the body several times during this period, but found nothing.......But when it came to Tomomori Songsheng, he found that there was no sign of dissection on this person. The skin was smooth and intact, without even a needle mark, and it looked like he had no injuries.

So Tomomori Songsheng became even more fanatical about his career, work, and life.......He wanted nothing more.

His only wish was......Magic.

With Tomori Matsuo's crazy and abnormal behavior and his disregard for his career, the Tomori family's business began to decline gradually, and in less than a year, they were completely defeated by the enemy.

But Tomori Matsuo didn't care. In the end, in order to study magic well without being disturbed, he even sold all his properties in exchange for funds and freedom to continue his research.

That year was the end of 1990.

"Late 1990s......"

Fang Wuwei touched his chin. This number was quite familiar. Tuo Shou Songsheng sighed, his face full of relief.

"yes......At the end of 1990, in order to study those magics, I sold all my business and exchanged them for enough funds and gold to maintain its value.......This saved my life."

1990 was the end of the Japanese economic bubble period, and in early 1991, the Japanese economy completely collapsed.......Especially the real estate, which plummeted.

Tomori Matsuo abandoned all his businesses to continue his magic research, and sold all his real estate when the housing prices were at their highest. This absurd move was the key to the Tomori family's prosperity to this day.

This move allowed him to obtain a large amount of funds, and because he bought a large amount of gold that maintained its value, he did not become destitute when the economic bubble just burst.......Even, a comeback.

Magic saved the lives of the Tushou family, which made Tushou Songsheng even more fanatical, and even Mrs. Tushou was a little shaken.

And Tushou Songsheng successfully made a breakthrough two years later, and he successfully released magic.

He once again studied the countless deeply buried knowledge points in the books, and after carefully selecting them one by one, he actually used his own way to use the violent magic in the amethyst to complete the engraving of the body's magic circuit, and successfully used the magic in the amethyst to complete the construction of magic and successfully released it.

The magic in the amethyst changed his body and nourished his flesh, which is why he looks so young.

He also engraved the magic circuit for his wife, but it was obvious that Mrs. Tushou was not interested in magic, but was excited about eternal youth.

But after witnessing the feasibility of magic, she began to unconditionally support Tushou Songsheng in studying magic, and she led a group of Tushou Songsheng's former confidants to start using those funds to develop their careers.

Tushou Songsheng also understood that the severe situation in reality was no longer suitable for him to devote himself to magic research, so he returned to the business world.

The long-silent Tuo Shou family reappeared, almost like a dimensionality reduction attack, and mastered most of the economic essentials.

The Tuo Shou family made a comeback and became even more powerful.

"These are the books that helped me master knowledge successfully."

Tu Shousongsheng pointed to a bookshelf on the side, where there were many books. The leather covers and yellowed parchment showed that they were extraordinary. Fang Wuwei flipped through them and was surprised to find that they contained more powerful magic and advanced magic knowledge, which were not found in the magic books of the Chi Nei family. He immediately used the system's knowledge recorder to record all these books and made a copy to take away.

Tu Shousongsheng was still afraid that Fang Wuwei would do something to his precious book, but when he saw the book split and copied strangely in his hands, he shut up honestly.

Can't afford to offend Can't afford to offend......

After doing all this, he looked back at Tuo Shou Song Sheng. He still had some other questions to ask.

"For so many years, you have been studying magic alone?"

"Yes......I'm worried about bringing other people with me."

Fang Wuwei walked towards the corpse, put his hand on it, and carefully felt the remaining magic power on it.......There is not much left. At this rate of loss, I am afraid that in half a year, the magic power above will dissipate.

What will happen then?......Fang Wuwei didn't know, so for the sake of safety, he decided to solve this unknown variable while he was here.

So he began to work, gradually decomposing the magic power on the corpse and erasing it.


Tu Shou Song Sheng wanted to go up and dissuade him, hoping that he would not do anything to the corpse - this was the guide of his magic. Although he was dead, his respect for magic still prevented him from desecrating the corpse.

But he shut his mouth the next second.

Fang Wuwei cracked the magic power that remained on the corpse and wiped it out.

The corpse that lost its magic power began to rot rapidly, emitting a foul odor.

The flesh on the body began to turn purple and black rapidly, and then festered, decayed, and even disappeared, revealing the white bones.

The strong stench and the corpse that suddenly became extremely disgusting made Fang Wuwei and the Tu Shou couple retch in unison.

They retreated repeatedly, their faces turning blue, and quickly moved away from the corpse.

"......Master Tuo Shou, this corpse......How about getting rid of it?"

"I agree."

Tu Shou Song Sheng agreed to this proposal instantly. He didn't care about respect or not. Just hurry up. It's disgusting.

After receiving the reply, Fang Wuwei fired Amaterasu and went up. Under Fang Wuwei's control, only the corpses were burned. Once the corpses were burned, Amaterasu would stop.

"Head of the Toumori family......I'm very sorry about this, but could you please grant me one more request?"

"......Please speak"

"Regarding the badge you mentioned, can you give it to me? And those amethysts, I hope to get two pieces for research......."

"Of course."

Looking at the extremely strange and evil black flames burning inside, the head of the Tu Shou family wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and agreed without hesitation.

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