After repeatedly telling Tuo Shou Song Sheng not to use magic too much, Fang Wu Wei got what he wanted after Tuo Shou Song Sheng promised him repeatedly, and prepared to go back and meet up with Yuta and the others.

I hope it's not over yet.......

Tu Shousongsheng watched Fang Wuwei leave, then turned around and walked back to the room where the body had been stored.

He only saw that the table where the body was placed was empty, without even a trace of anything left, and the table was even tidy.

The flames did not burn anything other than the body.......

What a terrifying control!......I have to build a good relationship with Mr. Dongfang.

Let Sanae go? No, no, Sanae is their precious daughter.......

Give money? No, this kind of person definitely doesn't lack money.......

Being a businessman, Tuo Shou Song Sheng began to rack his brains to think about how to win over Fang Wu Wei, but Fang Wu Wei, who had already left, didn't care. Since he already knew the source of the abnormal magic fluctuations, and Tuo Shou Song Sheng had repeatedly assured him that he would definitely pay attention to safety, there was nothing to deal with.

Not to mention that he had acquired several magic books, which was a great harvest!!

Fang Wu Wei didn't hide his smile, and returned to their room with a smile on his face, and pushed open the door of the room.

"I'm back!!"

No one answered him because the scene inside was very chaotic.

"Thunder dances wildly!! Thunder hammer flashes!!"

"Avalon is broken!!"


Sanae Touma, with a slightly red face, swung the whip, followed by Rikka, who was also slightly red with a black folding umbrella in her hand, and they were chasing Yuta frantically. Yuta was running in front, wailing and running away, and even screamed when Rikka and the others used long-range chuuni moves, and took defensive actions and attacked postures.......

This extremely shocking scene made Fang Wuwei stunned in place. After a while, he took out the camera from behind and started recording the video silently.......

If used well, this video will be enough to embarrass Yuta for the rest of his life. It will be a shame that Yuta will never be able to wash away.

Only Ikeuchi Maki saw her master coming back, and the first thing she did was to record a video. She was dumbfounded and her mouth kept twitching.......

How did she end up with such a funny master?............................................................

Touma and Rikka ate too much chocolate cake with wine flavor and got drunk.

It can be seen that the two of them are not very good at drinking. After chasing Yuta for a while, the two of them fell to the ground and lay unconscious.

Because there were fewer drunk people and time was almost up, everyone decided to end the party.

Of course, they had to make arrangements for the two first.

Yuta carried Rikka to another room and settled her down, while Nibutani did the opposite.

He pressed Touma under him and asked about the whereabouts of his clothes. Under the influence of alcohol, Touma Sanae became quite frank and explained the whereabouts of the clothes he brought in a few words. Nibutani went to look for clothes. Taking this opportunity, Nibutani also changed Rikka's clothes back. They were about to leave, and there was no heating outside. If they went out wearing gym clothes, they would definitely freeze to death, right?

As for Touma? The naughty child must be punished. Besides, this is her house, he won't freeze to death.

Rikka was lying on the sofa in the next room, looking at the chandelier above her head. She felt dizzy and uncomfortable.

Although the alcohol was not enough, it would take some time for the effect to wear off.

Rikka was dizzy and couldn't go home. Before that, Rikka's military advisor, Nibutani, who was the most caring person present, would take care of her.

"Lie down and take a rest......well......I'm so sorry.

After covering Rikka with a blanket, Nibutani sat on the other sofa, propped up his head and looked at Rikka, sighing.


"I can't find an opportunity."

At this moment, Nibutani was full of regret.......Nothing was accomplished this Christmas. She had already discussed with Rikka that they should get closer at this party, find time for them to be alone naturally, and then get closer to each other naturally.......

But the fact is that because of a little mistake, the whole plan failed.

They just ate some cake and didn't even know that it contained alcohol.......The same goes for Touma. The biggest problem is that she joined in the fun.

When she was slightly tipsy, Rikka was quite frank and bold. She took the initiative to stick to Yuta several times. With a red face, a soft body, and soft words, Rikka almost made Yuta lose control several times.

Not to mention that Rikka was wearing a gymnastics uniform that was right in his strike zone, and she kept saying"Yuta" and"Yuta"."......

It's convex guard......That damn little devil......Why are you looking for trouble with me again?

Nibutani sat on the sofa, silently clenching her fists. She recalled that Toshou had come to trouble her after getting drunk just now. She decided to teach Toshou a lesson he would never forget.

Rikka, who was sitting on the other sofa, heard Nibutani's words. The effect of alcohol began to fade away, and her chaotic brain gradually became clear.

She remembered the discussion she had with Nibutani at school, and also remembered what she had done to Yuta in that place just now.

Being shy by nature, she just pulled her brain out of the chaos of alcohol, and fell into the chaos of shyness again. Turning around and not looking at Nibutani, she gave her own answer.

"no need......The Evil King's True Eye has seen through everything, there is no problem."

Looking at Rikka curled up against the back of the sofa, Nibutani also knew that this matter would be difficult for Rikka.

"Too......It is not good to let girls take the initiative......."

Before Nibutani finished speaking, Rikka suddenly smelled something wrong.

What about me?

The soul of gossip burned, and Rikka instantly became excited, half sober. In her eyes, Nibutani was a"bad woman" with rich experience in love. Could it be that he was really.........?

"Nibutani: Have you had this experience?"

"Why are you so excited all of a sudden?"

Lihua instantly stood up and looked at Nibutani's excited face, but was suppressed by Nibutani's complaints.

"What experience do I have? I've never been in a relationship.......I just think that if it were me, it would be hard for me to take the initiative to speak up......."

Rikka climbed up again without hiding her disappointment, and Nibutani clenched his fist silently.......Don't argue with your own children, I am a military advisor

"Christmas is a good opportunity. You see, when you mention Christmas, what do people think of?"

Lihua touched her chin.......Christmas, a pagan ritual? Rituals involve sacrifices, sacrifices......

After thinking for a moment, Liuhua gave the answer

"Bloody tragedy?"

Nibutani's speechless expression was written all over his face.

"What are you thinking about? I'm talking about lovers, things between a man and a woman!"

Liuhua lowered her head and thought again. This time, she was no longer thinking about the memorial service, but about the countless Christmas tragedies in the criminal investigation novels she had read.......

She was more certain of the accuracy of her answer.

"A bloody tragedy?!"

"......There are indeed such relationships between men and women, but this is not what I want to talk about!!"

Nibutani hit Rikka's head hard, making a crisp sound.......There was nothing inside.

Liuhua covered her head and returned to the sofa, looking at Nibutani with a wronged face.

"Normal things that lovers do on Christmas are holding hands, kissing, and so on!"

Rikka briefly imagined herself and Yuta holding hands, kissing, and so on.......Blushing with shame

"Rikka, Togashi would definitely have the same idea, so......"


Before Nibutani could finish, Rikka pulled up the quilt to cover half of her red face and interrupted Nibutani's words.

Yuta is a very gentle person.

"Really? That’s what Dongfang told me."

"No......Definitely not."

Liuhua pulled the quilt over her head and fell on the sofa without saying anything.

For no reason, she thought about the scenes of her holding hands with Yuta and kissing, and her head was about to burn, and she was completely sober.

Nibutani sighed, leaning his head to look at Liuhua, feeling helpless.

On the other side, Fang Wuwei had already prepared to go home, he had to pick someone up first.

"Well, Mr. Tuo Shou, we'll see you next time."

Knowing that Fang Wuwei was going home, Tuo Shou Songsheng hurried out to see him off with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Dongfang, are you in such a hurry to leave?"

"Yeah, there are some things."

"This is my business card. Feel free to contact me if you need anything......."

The two of them were just chatting at the door, until Ikeuchi Maki arrived.

""Master, what's wrong?"

At this time, Ikeuchi Maki had changed back into ordinary clothes and had taken off the mage robe. She looked like an ordinary girl, but the title she said made Toumori Matsumoto tremble.

Master? Mr. Dongfang's apprentice?

"Here it is. Take this thing back and ask your parents if they have any clues.

Fang Wuwei took out the badge of the corpse from his pocket and handed it to Ikeuchi Maki. Since the person was most likely from the same place as Ikeuchi's family, it would be best to let a professional take charge.

Ikeuchi Maki had no objection and put the badge in his bag.

Seeing this, Fang Wuwei stopped talking nonsense and summoned Cavaliere in front of the two of them.

"Well, Mr. Toshou, I'll be leaving first. Maki, just follow Nibutani and the others, I know where to find you later."

The engine roared, dragging the red taillights, and in the shock and admiration of Toshou Songsheng's face, Fang Wuwei disappeared into the night.

"......You call him, Ikeuchi Maki, right? You call him Master......So, you can do magic?"

"Me? We are a family of magicians!!"

Ikeuchi Maki puffed out her chest with pride, put her hands on her hips, and almost wrote"I am awesome" on her face.

Touma Matsuo's face was even more shocked.

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