Liuhua buried herself in the quilt, rolled up into a ball, and turned into an ostrich to resist Nibutani's external language magic attack.

At this moment, Yuta knocked on the door and broke the silence.

"Have you changed your clothes?"

"Well, you can come in now."

Yuta entered and saw the spring roll on the sofa at a glance. He knew without even looking that it must be Rikka.

"how's it going?"

"It has calmed down, and may have fallen asleep."

Nibutani pointed to the ostrich over there. If Rikka is still shy, then it is best to just pretend to sleep and avoid communication.

Yuta approached the little spring roll with a doting smile on his face.

Rikka's cute look just now is still imprinted in his mind, although Rikka is usually so cute.

Perhaps, it is because of her innocent and cute look that he fell in love with her.

"Yeah......Then I will send her home first."

Yuta's brave move was beyond Nibutani's expectation. They had originally agreed to have the Touma family send a car to send them home one by one, but Yuta wanted to take Rikka away first.

"after all......Her house is just upstairs from mine."

Yuta showed a hint of shyness on his face, and Nibutani saw it. Perhaps Yuta had already made plans for the next step.

In that case, there was nothing wrong with it. Isn't this what she wanted to create, an opportunity for the two of them to be alone naturally?

If you plant flowers intentionally, they may not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they may grow into a shade. How can you miss this God-given opportunity?

Yuta stepped forward and gently pulled away the quilt wrapped around Rika. Rika felt the movement and became so nervous that her whole body stiffened and her face flushed.

Nibutani said she fell asleep just now.......Then she fell asleep! She hasn't woken up yet!

Yuta came up and helped Rikka sit up. Suddenly, he felt that something was wrong with Rikka's body.

Unlike before, it was not soft and weak, but stiff. Yuta lifted Rikka's arm. Rikka's hand could stop in the air, stiffly raised in the air.

Yuta understood, he was just pretending.

He sighed slightly.......What else can I do? I'll just pamper her.

After helping Rikka sit up, Yuta gently put Rikka's plush coat on her to prevent her from freezing outside. Then, with the help of Nibutani, the extremely stiff Rikka was lifted onto Yuta's back. Rikka was stiff the whole time, especially after being carried by Yuta. Yuta's body temperature, which he missed, could be transmitted to her through two layers of thick clothes.......It was as if Yuta was hugging her tightly.

Rikka became even more shy and buried her head behind Yuta's back and refused to come out.

Carrying Rikka out of Touma's house, Isshiki Makoto and Dan���Gu and the others stood at the door and watched......Senior Anise is still sleeping. Toumori ate more chocolate cake with liquor filling than Rikka and is still drunk. Maki Ikeuchi was called away by Toumori's father, saying that he had something to discuss.......

So they need to wait here for a while, at least until everyone gathers.

"Say......Did you see the empty macro?"

"Dongfang? I heard that he passed away early."When

Yongtai heard this news, the corners of his mouth twitched. This news was bad news for him.......He knew there was a Christmas luxury yacht event! And this guy was in such a hurry to leave, it must be bad luck!!!

But what can he do? Anyway, he didn't object.......

"I'm sorry then.......We'll leave first, and I'll leave everything to you guys later."

With a slight sigh, Yuta held up Rikka's thighs, slung Rikka's bag over his shoulder, and carried Rikka away.

Since Rikka wanted to sleep, he would just carry her like this. Rikka was gentle, so it wouldn't be a problem to pamper her.

Besides,......He has a surprise in store.

Nibutani looked at the two people leaving and exchanged glances with Rikka who turned around.

Rikka's mind became clearer. Since the two of them were leaving like this, it would take some time for them to get home.......

She must be the same as what Nibutani said! Seize the opportunity!

Although Isshiki Makoto saw this encrypted look, he couldn't understand it and was shocked.

Since this couple is about to start, they should leave. It's not good to stay in someone else's house all the time.......

Ikeuchi Maki also came out, standing next to Nibutani and the others with an excited look on her face.

Everyone was almost there, and Nibutani was about to arrange Isshiki Makoto to wake up Senior Sister Anise when she felt a push from behind, a limp hand on her shoulder, and Touma leaned half of his body against Nibutani, speaking incoherently.

"Master......Where is the Master's death?......"

Touma had eaten more cake than Rikka, but he was still drunk and half asleep, his head was dizzy.

Looking at Touma leaning on him, Nibutani felt helpless.

"He has already gone back with Togashi."

This sentence touched Touma's bottom line.......She has been with the Master for two years. During these two years, she has always been the Master's best and most loyal Servant, until the Dark Flame User intervened.......The Master is now talking about Yuta Yuta all the time, which makes her irritated.

Now, the Master has been kidnapped by that dark flame user! Her most important Master is gone, oooooooo......

With the idea of bringing the Master back, Toshou was about to chase the two people who had already gone far away, but was stopped by Nibutani in time.

Toshou hadn't changed her clothes yet, and she was still wearing that off-shoulder Christmas evening dress. It was so cold outside, and she couldn't catch a cold.

Nibutani just put his arm around Toshou's shoulders to stop her actions. Somehow, Toshou didn't want to resist. Even though she said she didn't care, she didn't take another step forward.

Instead, Nibutani's helpless and seemingly perfunctory attitude made her feel annoyed and���help

"What do you mean by death?......"


"Recently you have been perfunctorily treating me as death......I have been attacking seriously all this time."

"Why are you looking for me this time?"

Nibutani's helpless face dripped with sweat.......This brat, he won't even let her have some peace and quiet. Rikka was kidnapped by Yuta, and she has nowhere to vent so she comes to her?

But Toumo didn't think so. She turned her head suddenly. The distance between Nibutani and Toumo was very close, plus the height difference between the two, so Toumo had to look up at Nibutani, but she didn't have the mind to care about it now.

"In the past, you would still take me seriously, attacking or defending, and would desperately chase me to death......."

Toumori's voice gradually choked up, and tears flowed unconsciously. The best master ran away, and the enemy who had always played and fought with her would no longer accompany her as before.......

Touma felt inexplicably abandoned by everyone. Perhaps the reason why she used the Great Revolution game to humiliate Nibutani tonight was because she hoped that Nibutani would be angry with her like before and fight with her.

But no, even though she did such an excessive thing tonight, as long as the game was over, Nibutani would still be as gentle as before, which made her unhappy and unwilling, and she always felt empty in her heart.

Burying her head in Nibutani's chest, feeling the embrace that she once missed so much, Touma cried.

Nibutani didn't expect Touma to really cry. She felt helpless, but she could understand her feelings. This little brat......Maybe this matter is really important to her.......

"Okay, stop crying, stop crying."

Bending slightly, Nibutani gently wiped away Toshou's tears, which made Toshou feel better.



"Then take me to find Master Death!"

"Forgive me, why did it become like this?——"

Christmas is far from over, and in this air full of love lingers the helpless wails of Nibutani.

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