Yuta and Rikka, who left, have boarded the train and are on their way home.

The train on Christmas Day is surprisingly quiet.......Maybe it's because all the current guys are busy dating, while those without a partner are staying at home.

Rikka leaned on Yuta's shoulder, closed her eyes, and looked like she was sleeping soundly, but in fact, she was already very nervous.

No~~ Still no~~ I can't find a chance or anything~~

It's easier to just pretend to be asleep.

Yuta tilted his head and looked at the scenery slowly receding outside the window, then opened his phone to check the time. It's not too late now.

Glancing at Rikka who was leaning on him pretending to sleep, Yuta wanted to give her a surprise.

""Hey, Rikka."

Rikka was just about to raise her eyes to look at Yuta, but was suddenly stopped by Yuta. She thought she was exposed, and hurriedly closed her eyes again and pretended to sleep.

But soon after she opened her eyes again, she saw Yuta looking at her with a smile on his face.

She couldn't fool him anymore.

The two looked at each other, and Yuta's eyes were full of doting. In Rikka's somewhat embarrassed eyes, he took out two paper tickets from his pocket and put them in front of Rikka.

It was really a ticket for the luxury yacht on Christmas.

Yuta still accepted Fang Wuwei's ticket, but he didn't plan to take it for nothing.......After all, this thing is very expensive. He planned to return the ticket money to Fang Wuwei after the New Year's money came.

There was no other way. When he went to buy the ticket himself, the ticket was sold out. It was indeed as he said, it was very popular.

But the most important thing at the moment was Liuhua. He wanted to spend a perfect Christmas with Liuhua.

"Christmas is coming, and I bought this."

Lihua recognized what this thing was.......Don't forget that she also bought the Christmas special issue. She had long had her eyes on that yacht, but she had no money to buy a ticket and couldn't bring herself to ask her mother for one. She thought it would be a pity, but unexpectedly, Yuta gave her a big surprise.

"Do you want to go? If you don't feel comfortable, forget it."


Liuhua's face was full of emotion and excitement.

"Then you have to get off early......."................................................

The luxury yacht at Christmas was truly luxurious. Although it was only on the river they had been passing by, it was brightly lit. There were five floors on the boat, which were hung with bright yellow lights and looked very romantic.

Most of the tourists were adults. The five-story boat had everything, including restaurants, entertainment rooms, social halls, and even dance halls. It was luxurious at first glance.

Children like Yuta and Rika were just here to broaden their horizons and have a perfect date.

The inner courtyard of the boat naturally could not satisfy Rika. She and Yuta came to the platform on the top floor near the bow. Looking at the stars in the sky, Rika was extremely excited and smiled constantly. Yuta followed behind, agreeing with every word Rika said. He was not very interested in this yacht. To be honest, he felt that it was not as shocking as Fang Wuwei's car.......But, Rikka being happy is the best thing for him.

Not far from them, Nibutani and others also boarded the boat. Except Fang Wuwei, everyone else was there, watching Yuta and Rikka being close to each other not far away.

Although the tickets for this yacht have been sold out tonight, they can still board the boat, and they are VIP guests. The reason is very simple. The name of the ship is Toshou.

This made Isshiki Makoto and Nibutani feel unrealistic, but thinking that this person's family is so wealthy, they could only accept it with a pinch of their nose.

Looking at the two people who were close to each other not far away, Isshiki Makoto felt sad, and Nibutani felt relieved. Senior Anise's smiling blessing made Toshou so angry that his teeth itched.......Ikeuchi Maki was excited, not for Yuta and Rikka, but because she had just seen her master and another girl on the other side of the boat.......

The soul of gossip burned, but she didn't dare to go, fearing that she would be beaten, so she could only follow Nibutani and the others patiently, because the master would definitely come in the end.

Yuta and Rikka leaned against the railing, looking at the lights on the shore in the distance and the beautiful water surface illuminated by the lights on the boat below. The atmosphere was a little subtle.

This is what young couples are like, especially those who want to take the next step.



"I have thought carefully about what is going on between us."

Hearing Yuta's somewhat hesitant voice, Liuhua suddenly remembered that today is Christmas.......It is a very important festival between lovers. His face is slightly red, and he immediately breaks away from his middle school state. He blushes and doesn't look at Yuta.

Yuta doesn't dare to look at Rikka either. He stares at the water surface underground and talks to himself. He knows Rikka can hear him.

"How to say it?......Although in the end, I still don't understand it, but I think we don't have to force ourselves.......That's fine too. I think we should just let nature take its course."This is Yuta's view on love. He believes that love is not about success in a hurry, but about the depth of feelings. Being together naturally, two people who love each other will naturally move towards the end step by step. There is no need to rush.

Perhaps this is why the two of them are progressing so slowly, but this concept is perfect for the shy Rikka.

Yuta has always been such a person, gentle and kind.

She raised her head and glanced at Yuta, who happened to turn his head back, and the two looked at each other, seeing the deep love in each other's eyes.

Rikka finally had a smile on her face.

With the sound of a ship, the two felt shy.

"Outside......It's too cold. Let's go back first."


Although he said so, Yuta's hand was not very honest, and he touched Rikka's lowered hand.

Rikka also felt it. Although Yuta said so, he still hoped to take a step further with her. Nibutani and Dongfang also said that Yuta was a wooden man and should take the initiative.......

In that case!

With a red face, Rikka boldly took the hand and put her whole hand into Yuta's big hand. Her fingers came out from his fingers and held it tightly, unwilling to separate. They intertwined their fingers. This was the boldest move Rikka had ever made.

Yuta was stunned. According to Rikka's personality, she would probably just hold his little finger, but he didn't expect Rikka to be so bold today. He turned around and saw Rikka with a red head, looking down at the bottom of her feet. The soft and small hand in his palm was a little wet and a little cold. It was still moving, as if it wanted to get out of his hand.

Yuta understood that Rikka was very nervous, so he would not fall behind. He held her fingers back and held Rikka's hand tightly, protecting it tightly.

Feeling the warmth wrapped around her little hand, Rikka raised her head. The two of them looked at each other with red faces and smiled at each other. It

's also progress, isn't it? Let's take it step by step.

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