They thought that tonight was over, but when a figure rushed out and blocked their way, they knew that tonight was not over yet.

Tu Shou, reeking of alcohol, rushed out from the side and blocked their way.

She had changed back into her normal clothes, but the blush on her face was still there, and she was still dazed when she walked and talked, obviously she was still drunk.

But even so......She also wants to take back the Master!

"I can still tolerate what happened before.......But what kind of death are you now!?"

The appearance of Tu Shou obviously exceeded the expectations of the two. Since Tu Shou is here, it means that everyone else is here.......He never told them his next itinerary.

There is only one possibility......

Yuta was so angry that his teeth itched, but it was obvious that he needed to deal with the matter of Touma first.

"It seems......I still can't leave the Master to you, death......Just by me......"

As Toumori was talking, he picked up the whip and rushed towards the two, but was stopped in time by Nibutani behind him and pulled back.

Nibutani hugged Toumori's chest tightly, relying on her larger body to pull Toumori back, letting Toumori make a fuss in her arms.

Seeing that Nibutani and Toumori were exposed, the others could no longer hide, and they came out of the cabin and came in front of Yuta and Rika.

"you......What are you doing?"

Yuta was a little annoyed......Did he just live broadcast the whole thing?

Nibutani and the others were also a little embarrassed. Following was originally a......They were not informed by Fang Wuwei as Yuta guessed, but followed in Tuo Shou's car without permission.

They didn't even know that Fang Wuwei was on the ship, and Nibutani felt sorry for him.......If he were here, he would have taken a few photos of the two of them.

However, the innocent senior sister Anise was still smiling, thinking that Yuta was just asking them why they knew they were here, and she kindly explained.

"Xiaotu has been making a fuss about coming to see you guys......."

Isshiki Makoto also responded, feeling a little sorry for his buddy this time.

"Actually, we had already agreed that we would just watch from the sidelines and not come up to disturb you......."

But now it seems that he was disturbed, because Yuta seemed a little angry.

"Since you are all here, where is Kong Hong?"

Yong Tai looked around and didn't see Fang Wuwei. He felt a chill in his heart and had a bad feeling.......

Speaking of this, Ikeuchi Maki became excited. She had been staring at it for a long time.

"I!! I I I, I know!"

Ikeuchi Maki raised his hand, extremely excited, and then, under the curious eyes of everyone, he stretched out his finger and pointed to the other side of the boat.

Looking in the direction of Ikeuchi Maki's finger, everyone saw the familiar figure hiding behind the crowd who was looking over. At this moment, Fang Wuwei had a smile on his face and waved to everyone.

But it was strange that Fang Wuwei was alone, with nothing around him.

Ikeuchi Maki was very confused and cried out in confusion, but soon he felt his hair stand on end.......She saw a hint of danger in her master's smile.

Everyone waved and greeted, only Touma, who had been in Nibutani's arms, stared at Yuta and Rikka's clenched hands, her mouth puffed with anger, her face gloomy, and she grabbed the whip with both hands and began to swing it to accumulate power.

She wanted to open it!!

"Master......Give me death......

"Thunder Hammer!!"

Toshou grabbed the whip, swung it and rushed forward.

The sudden attack and Toshou's fierce sprint made Nibutani, who had relaxed, unable to hold back, but he couldn't let go for a while. He was dragged by Toshou's crazy advance and rushed towards the two people, screaming.

The sandbag went straight to Yuta's face. Toshou vowed to make Yuta pay the price, but was easily caught by Rikka on the side and showed off his handsomeness.

"Leave it to me. I'll take care of Yuta......."

Before she could finish her words, Toshou's other whip was aimed at Yuta. Seeing the two still showing affection, Toshou exploded.

But Nibutani behind her was no pushover either. When Rikka defended against Toshou's attack, Nibutani suddenly began to exert his strength, braked suddenly, and began to retreat while holding Toshou.

But due to the unstable center of gravity, the two fell backwards, and Rikka and Yuta were also pulled apart.

Fortunately, the two had not let go of each other's hands just now. The handshake posture with their fingers interlocked prevented Yuta and Rikka from separating. Yuta even used this momentum to pull Rikka into his arms, leaning against the railing and hugging her tightly.

The two shyly felt the warmth in each other's arms, but soon separated.

They just heard a loud"chi" sound......

Looking back, she saw Toshou and Nibutani, who had fallen due to an unstable center of balance, lying on the ground face to face.

Toshou's hat fell to the side, and he was lying on Nibutani, and beside him were the stunned Anise and the other two, staring blankly at the two of them completing something they had never expected.

The two kissed, and this couple was truly faster than Yuta and Rikka.

Obviously, the two hadn't reacted yet, and they were stunned on the ground for several seconds before Toshou suddenly climbed up with a red face.

She was sobered up by the fright, and she covered her mouth and pointed at Nibutani, who was also blushing.

"you......What are you doing, death?!"

"That's the question I wanted to ask!!"

Nibutani never expected that she, who had been Rikka's strategist for the entire Christmas, would actually accomplish what Rikka couldn't.......

The ashamed and angry Nibutani and Touma started to fight on the ground. Touma kept hitting Nibutani with his braid. Nibutani was not to be outdone and immediately started to fight with Touma.......

It made Yongtai and the others dumbfounded, and Fang Wuwei, who was not far away, very happy.

Fang Wuwei put down his phone, looked at the high-definition photos inside, whistled, and his face was full of joy.

"This is how it should be, this is how things should develop~~"

Fang Wuwei looked at a tall woman not far away with a smile on her face.

"Is that right? Sister Shihua?"

"You are quite interested in others."

Touka Kotori came to Fang Wuwei with her long black hair, looking at the scenery outside, but she kept fiddling with her phone in her hand.

"Don't say that, aren't you interested too?"

"I'm just trying to get a handle, just in case, send me a copy of the photo"

"Got it~"

Without hesitation, he sent the photo to Shihua's phone via email. Shihua picked it up and took a look.......Very high definition, the posture is also very perfect, I nodded with satisfaction.

It is indeed high-tech

"Remember, you didn't see me tonight."


Shihua got what she wanted and left, leaving Fang Wuwei alone leaning against the railing, enjoying the sea breeze.

""Who was that just now?"

Soon, a tender voice sounded from behind. Fang Wuwei looked back and saw a short-haired girl walking over with two cups of hot drinks.

Fang Wuwei took the drink with a smile, held it up and took a sip.

"It's Sister Shihua. Also, look at this.......and this......"

Fang Wuwei couldn't wait to take out his phone, open the album, and show the girl the good things he had just taken, including photos of Rikka and Yuta, and even those of Toumori and Nibutani.

"......You are very concerned about other people's love affairs."

"Of course, Yuta and the others are in love to save the world."

The girl said sourly, holding the drink with both hands and taking a sip, her hands felt a little cold.

"What about yours?"

Fang Wuwei was silent for a moment, then stretched out his big hand and rubbed the girl's head.

"You are still too young. Let's talk about love when you grow up."

Zhangye stretched out her little feet and gently walked towards Fang Wuwei.

"I'm only three years younger than you!"......................................................

In this way, Christmas passed peacefully.

The boat docked, and everyone followed the crowd and got off the boat, chattering.

There was no hope for Anise-senpai and Isshiki Makoto to be together.

There was some progress between Yuta and Rikka, but not much.


Several people turned their eyes to the two girls who were facing away from each other. They just glanced at each other, and Toumori was furious.

"You just looked at me with a dirty look, death!!"

Toushou Hong's little face rushed up to Tanyuya to argue. She was not calm at all and urgently needed to talk to someone.

Tanyuya's heart was also very confused. She never expected that it would be like this.......

The two started fighting again, and Yuta and Isshiki Makoto stood aside and watched.

Until he saw Fang Wuwei coming down from the boat holding his sister's hand, his face darkened.

Just now he only saw Fang Wuwei and still held out some hope, but now.........

"ah......elder brother......"

"Camphor leaves!"

Yong Tai walked up and took Camphor leaves away from Fang Wuwei. His eyes were full of vigilance towards Fang Wuwei, and his face was full of hostility.

This yellow-haired man!! Damn it!! Fang

Wuwei smiled and scratched his head, showing no regrets.

"How did you get here?"

"Take a taxi"

"You left early just for this?!"

"if not?"

"You brought camphor leaves out so late at night, and my parents didn’t scold you?"

"Your mom said it's okay if it's me, and your dad agreed, too, they trust me."

Looking at Fang Wuwei who was still smiling, Yongtai's veins popped up on his hands.......Hard, the fist is hard.

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