Christmas ended successfully. Although everyone was still reluctant to leave, they went their separate ways.

As the night passed, the Christmas atmosphere slowly disappeared.

The next day, shortly after dawn, when the air still lingered with the chill of last night, the doorbell of Fang Wuwei's house rang.

The sound of the doorbell echoed in the room, which was more disgusting and annoying than the neighbors decorating during holidays.

Anyway, Fang Wuwei was furious. He suddenly got up from the bed and rushed downstairs with a terrifying aura.

I don't care who you are. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I will never let you go.

Fang Wuwei pushed open the door abruptly, with endless anger on his face, but when he looked over, his anger subsided a lot.

Outside the door was the Ikenai family. The Ikenai couple and Maki were all there, looking at him in horror.

"Master......"Maki, who was also half asleep, took out her phone and took a look at it. Then she looked at Fang Wuwei's messy hair and the pajamas that were a little messy."It's almost eight o'clock now." There was a hint of complaint in her tone. Maybe she was woken up when she was sleeping well.

It's normal for the nights to be longer in winter. Although it's past eight o'clock, it's really just dawn.

"Mr. Fang!"

Unlike Maki's drowsy look, the faces of the Ikenai couple at this moment were filled with fear and anxiety. When they saw Fang Wuwei, they rushed over immediately, their emotions were so agitated that they were out of shape.

"This thing! Where did you get this thing you gave to Maki?!"

Fang Wuwei frowned and took a look at the thing that the Ikenai couple mentioned. Isn't this the badge of the corpse that he got from Toumori Matsuo?

"this......Very important?"

"Very important! Very important!!"

Fang Wuwei glanced at the deep dark circles under the eyes of the Chi Nei couple, and their obviously haggard and frightened faces.

"......It's cold outside, you guys come in first, I'll go wash up."

After leading the Chi Nei family into the house, Fang Wuwei asked them to sit down and went upstairs.

Although he was still asleep, looking at the Chi Nei couple's appearance, he was afraid that this matter was not that simple.......Sure enough, it is easy to solve the problem when it is handed over to professionals.

But seeing the hesitation and uneasiness of the Ikeuchi couple, as if they had seen something scary, it seems that the thing, or the thing represented by the badge, is probably not a good thing.

The Ikeuchi couple watched Fang Wuwei go upstairs. Even at this moment in his home, the Ikeuchi couple did not feel safe.

Ikeuchi Maki didn't understand what this thing meant to them. After she gave this thing and the amethyst given by Toumori Matsuo to her parents last night, the two of them had been like this.

But they refused to say what this meant, and the Ikeuchi couple spent the night in fear.......Now it seems that they probably didn't even sleep. If they hadn't considered that Fang Wuwei also needed to rest, they might have come to his house at midnight yesterday.

Maki saw it all, but she couldn't do anything. She could only stand aside, stroking her parents' shoulders and comforting them softly.

"Mom and Dad......Although I don't know what you are afraid of, Master is here, and Master is very strong."

The Chi Nei couple looked up, and before they could say anything, they saw Fang Wuwei coming down from the upstairs.

After washing up, tidying up his messy hair and washing his face, Fang Wuwei looked energetic at the moment. Although he didn't get enough sleep, he didn't need a long sleep at all.

Fang Wuwei had already put on his clothes for going out, and came down from upstairs, while tidying up his coat.

"Let's go"

"Where to go?"

"Go meet the person who got this badge."

Fear suddenly appeared on the faces of the Chine couple. They looked at each other, their eyes gradually became firm, and then turned into anger.......................................................

How does it feel to be disturbed while sleeping?

Not only Fang Wuwei experienced this, but Tu Shou Songsheng also experienced it.

After receiving Fang Wuwei's call long ago, even if he was dissatisfied, Tu Shou Songsheng got up with his wife with sleepy eyes, arranged for the servants to get ready, and had to be careful not to disturb their baby Sanae. The Tu Shou family welcomed Fang Wuwei and his family very much.

"Mr. Dongfang, Ms. Ikeuchi, welcome. And these two are......"

Fang Wuwei and his group came in the Chi Nei family's car, and were warmly welcomed by Tuo Shou Song Sheng as soon as they got off the car. One was a mysterious and unknown powerful magician, and the other was a famous family from a magic family. Neither of them was someone he could afford to offend.

Maintaining a high level of etiquette, Tuo Shou Song Sheng did what a businessman should do perfectly.

"These are Maki's parents, they have something to ask."

Touma Matsuo's eyes widened, Miss Ikeuchi's parents, the legendary magic family, came in person?!

"Please tell me! I will tell you everything I know, but let's go in first! It's very cold outside."

Tu Shou Songsheng's face was full of smiles. He just picked up some magic books to reach this level. If he could build a good relationship with them and get some professional guidance, wouldn't he be able to take off?

But......These two don't look happy?

Under Tuo Shou Songsheng's arrangement, several people went all the way from the gate to the reception room, which was already decorated with tissues and tea, highlighting the importance of

"You have come so early, you probably haven't had breakfast yet, right?"

To avoid embarrassment, Tuo Shou Song Sheng specially changed the small square table in the reception room into a round table, in order to avoid unpleasantness caused by improper identity arrangement, and also to facilitate the temporary addition of people. Tuo

Shou Song Sheng rang the bell to signal, and the servants outside the door pushed the cart into the room and put all kinds of sumptuous food on the table.

Different from the tea that had been prepared, what was put on the table now were all kinds of small cakes and some small-sized foods, which were exquisitely arranged in front of everyone, and even some cooked food would be divided into small plates and placed in front of everyone, avoiding the embarrassing scene of having to eat something far away.

From the time Fang Wuwei called to inform Tuo Shou Song Sheng that he was coming to the door, it has only been half an hour, and Tuo Shou Song Sheng has made such exquisite arrangements for the reception. It can be seen that Tuo Shou Song Sheng attaches great importance to this meeting.

When the Chi Nei couple saw Tuo Shou Song Sheng's golden hair, they were relieved. At this moment, the countless teas and snacks on the table and Fang Wuwei's nod made their long-tense nerves relax a little.

"Miss Ikeuchi's parents, two great magicians, please......What should I call you?"


Mr. Ikeuchi laughed at himself, with a trace of helplessness and pain on his lips, but he did not deny the title.......In front of ordinary people, they still have a little pride of their own, and the knowledge they possess is the capital of their pride.......Even if they have failed

"Ikeuchi Haruhiko, this is my wife, Ikeuchi Nami"

""Nice to meet you, Mr. Chi Nei. I am Tuo Shou Song Sheng. I hope you will forgive me for my poor hospitality."

Chi Nei Dong Yan glanced at Fang Wu Wei, as if to confirm his attitude. Fang Wu Wei did not move until all the servants left. Then he turned around and nodded to Chi Nei Dong Yan. After receiving Fang Wu Wei's affirmative response, Chi Nei Dong Yan felt relieved. He took out the badge and amethyst from his pocket and placed them on the table.

"Mr. Tushou, Mr. Fang said that he got this thing from you. May I ask?......Where did you get it from?"

Mr. Fang?

Tuo Shousongsheng raised his eyebrows. When the topic came to this, Fang Wuwei had to come out to clarify.

"Mr. Ikeuchi, when you are outside, please remember that my name is Dongfang Konghong."

Tumour Songsheng understood, it's just two names, what's the big deal......Only a fool can't remember it.

"I see......Mr. Ikeuchi, there is nothing to hide about the origin of this thing, but before that, I would like to ask......Do I know what these things are?"

Ikeuchi Dongyan looked at the innocent-looking Tuo Shou Song Sheng, and then turned back to look at Fang Wuwei who was happily eating tea and cakes. He felt a little uneasy for a moment.

Until Fang Wuwei noticed Ikeuchi Dongyan's predicament, he nodded quickly.

Ikeuchi Dongyan swallowed and adjusted his breathing......

"us......The Ikenai family is a poor magic family. They were hunted by various families in another world and fled to this world.

This emblem is the symbol of a family. It was the symbol of one of the families that hunted us at that time."


That’s right! More chapters!!! For him who is so familiar to me! More chapters!!!

Big Daddy! Big Daddy! Big Daddy! Big Daddy!!!

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