Fang Wuwei and Ikeuchi Maki exchanged a glance and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Obviously, Ikeuchi Dongyan did not tell Ikeuchi Maki about this matter.

And Fang Wuwei no longer looked indifferent. He sat up straight on the spot, put his hands in front of him, and began to take this matter seriously.

Another magic family, and a magic family more powerful than the Ikeuchi family, this will naturally arouse Fang Wuwei's strong interest.

Ikeuchi Dongyan was very nervous at this moment. The man in front of him did not look like a member of that family, but he had this badge. At this moment, he told the truth, and he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

He was afraid that if this person was actually a member of that family here, then coming here at this moment would be tantamount to death.

But......Chi Nei Dongyan glanced at Fang Wuwei who was sitting upright.

It is only a thief who steals for a thousand days, how can you guard against thieves for a thousand days? The couple's appearance has long been wanted. Once they are found, the people of that family will definitely recognize them.

If that family really came to this world, then instead of squatting at home and waiting to die in fear, it is better to use Fang Wuwei's power to solve this matter.

"Mr. Tuo Shou, I would like to ask, where did you get this thing from?"

Tuo Shou Song Sheng also understood that the information behind this matter was very complicated. He was just a small figure who had just entered the magic side. Even if the couple in front of him claimed to be a down-and-out magic family being hunted by others, the lean camel was bigger than the horse, not to mention that there was Fang Wuwei next to him, who was not someone he could afford to provoke.

Tell the truth, anyway, there is nothing worth hiding.......If he was here to look for his relatives, then he would have to make up a story, but since he was here to seek revenge......

Tuo Shou Song Sheng confessed everything truthfully.

After learning that it was picked up from a corpse, Ikeuchi Dongyan nervously asked where the corpse was. When he learned that it had been destroyed by Fang Wuwei, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Ikeuchi, look at your reaction.......Could it be that the corpse actually has some secrets?"

Tuo Shou Song Sheng suddenly felt that it was a bit hasty to just hand over the corpse to Fang Wu Wei to destroy it.

"yes......Their family is quite sinister. Their secret skill is to fake their death. Once the magic power on their body returns to their body, they will be resurrected.......We suffered a lot in this regard back then."

Ikeuchi Higashihiko smiled bitterly and shook his head. Now that they knew that the man was dead, the Ikeuchi couple finally felt relieved. At least......Tu Shousongsheng is relatively safe.

Fang Wuwei guaranteed this, and they had no choice but to trust him.

Tu Shousongsheng felt his hair stand on end when he heard this.......Fortunately, Fang Wuwei burned it, otherwise something bad would happen sooner or later.

"Mr. Toumo......How long ago was it that you found the body?"

"perhaps......Twenty-six years ago?......"

Twenty-six years?!

The Ikeuchi couple looked at each other, puzzled, and thought of another possibility.

"Mr. Toumo......In these twenty-six years, you......You must have done a lot of research on this corpse."

"Well, we dissected it many times, and buried it before. Later, we did a lot of injection tests, drug tests, and electric current tests......."

No wonder he was treated like this after faking his death for 26 years.......I heard that their family had some perception when they faked their death? Isn't this just a whip zombie?......Tsk tsk tsk.

They thought the body was recently found, otherwise they wouldn't be so scared.......Twenty-six years ago?

The Ikenai couple touched their chins. That period of time was the time when they escaped from the other world.

At that time, they had escaped from the other world with nothing. Almost all members of the Ikenai family died. Only the couple came to this world with the last hope of the Ikenai family.

The badge issue was resolved, but they still had some questions.

Pointing to the amethyst on the table, Ikenai Higashihiko asked about the origin of this thing.

Knowing that these crystals were also closely related to the corpse, and it was even said that they were scattered around the corpse at that time, the Ikenai couple clenched their hands, and then silently loosened them, with sadness in their eyes.

"......Two of you, this......What again?"

"......This is a specialty of our Chi Nei family."

The shocking words shocked Tuo Shou Song Sheng. Well, the important resource I use to practice magic, the producer is here!

"It is because our Ikenai family was able to produce these things that we ended up like this......."

"Hmm? What happened?"

Faced with Fang Wuwei's doubts, Chi Nei Dongyan smiled bitterly and recounted his past glory.

That was his proudest, but also the most painful memory.

"Although our Chi Nei family is not strong, it is not too weak. There are many powerful families like us there.......

But we are different. We have a family secret technique - magic compression. This amethyst is the product of magic compression.

Stable, portable, powerful......Made of pure compressed magic power, it can turn the illusory magic power into solid crystals, and can also draw out the magic power at any time. This is the greatest pride and confidence of our Chinei family.

Magic crystals can be used as the energy core of various magic devices, and can also induce other magic changes. The most important use is that they can be directly supplied to magicians for magic release.

With such a thing, our Chinei family once became prosperous, with many powerful new members, and the opportunity to enter the upper class and come into contact with higher beings."

Ikenai Dongyan recalled the past. From that time to this day, he can't forget the pride and glory.

"until......The appearance of that man.

Fang Wuwei was excited. This was a wonderful story. He picked up his teacup and drank while listening. It was so beautiful.

"It is said that he is just a low-level magician recruited by the Brun family.......The Brun family and my Chi Nei family have been friends for generations and are our long-term partners.

Later, I heard that the man somehow married the eldest daughter of the Brun family, and then he gradually trampled the three most powerful magic families at that time under his feet, leading the Brun family to become the strongest.

But in fact, the Brun family has already existed in name only and has become a tool of that man.......Somehow, the Brun family was actually very happy.

That year, my wife Nami and I had just gotten married, and that man actually came out to snatch the wedding away, saying that he had set his eyes on my wife and that if I handed her over, he would keep our family, otherwise he would die.......Do you think he is sick?"

Indeed, he is sick.

Fang Wuwei and Tu Shousongsheng nodded slightly. He couldn't stand it.

"Although we didn't dare to offend him, because the man already had many wives and concubines, we thought he would just suppress us, but I didn't expect that this would be the beginning of our nightmare.

The man was so angry that he started a massacre on the spot.......We were no match for him and could only flee. After that, the Brun family, who had been friendly with us for generations, actually attacked us.

We fought back desperately, but we never expected that the non-family fighters that the Chine family had recruited to become stronger would actually betray us.

We were severely hit and countless of our compatriots were captured and killed.........................

The secret technique of our Chinei family relies on bloodline, which means that people who are not surnamed Chinei cannot use that power.

But not long after, the Brun family actually took out their homemade magic crystals and compared them with our magic crystals.......

The advantage we had gained with the help of the magic crystals disappeared, and following that person's call, almost all the magic families came out to encircle and suppress us.......A thousand miles of collapse"

"So you had to leave your hometown and come to this world for a chance of survival?"

Seeing that Ikeuchi Higashihiko had begun to sob and Ikeuchi Nami beside him was also crying, Fang Wuwei said what they had not said.

Ikeuchi Higashihiko nodded.

Fang Wuwei didn't know how to comfort him and could only drink tea.

But after hearing this, Tuo Shou Song Sheng felt a terrible......Just because he was unhappy, he was so cruel that he had to force a good family to be destroyed?

This person is simply......It was extremely terrifying.

People who were so self-centered that they would die if they disobeyed others, how terrifying were they?

"Mr. Ikeuchi......I dare to ask, who is that person?"

"His name is weird.......His name is Ye Tian, and he calls himself Dragon King.

Fang Wuwei spat out a mouthful of tea.

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