
"Mr. Fang?"

Fang Wuwei's actions naturally attracted everyone's attention, especially when he coughed violently after spitting out the tea.

"cough cough......I......cough......It's okay, it's okay,......cough......"I choked."

He stretched out his hand to signal that there was no need to worry. Under the gaze of everyone, Fang Wuwei finally stopped coughing, but the suspicion in his heart did not disappear at all.

"Mr. Ikeuchi, you just said, his name is Ye Tian?!"


"And he [silenced] called himself the Dragon King?! ?"

"right......Mr. Fang, do you know him?!"


Fang Wuwei slapped his forehead fiercely, and felt his head go numb. He felt that his CPU was burning up.

"Mr. Chi Nei, could you please tell me more about Ye Tian's matter?"

Faced with such an abnormal Fang Wuwei, although Chi Nei Dongyan was still a little confused, he still began to tell Fang Wuwei what he wanted to know.

"I don't know much about that person.......But he is definitely not a good person. He has many wives and concubines, and is extremely philandering. He even has a morbid possessiveness that requires him to hold the beautiful women in his hands, completely ignoring the fact that our world is also monogamous.

But he is also very powerful and has extraordinary talents.......It is said that it only took him a few years from coming into contact with magic to becoming the strongest magician in the Brun family and even in all magic families.

What's more terrifying is that he has a lot of abilities that we can't quite understand, which are extremely weird.......

Oh, and his favorite saying is 'You have already died.’"

It's settled.

Fang Wuwei clapped his hands, his face full of helplessness and dissatisfaction.

A time traveler, a time traveler with a golden finger, who is bullying over there. With a deep sigh, Fang Wuwei accepted his fate.......Originally, he had no interest in the so-called other world, but now it seems that he has to go.

But I don't know why the system didn't give any hints.......Is it because he can't harm this world?

Even so, he has to go. This kind of person reminds him of the male protagonist of the urban cool novels when he was in school in his previous life.......Almost the same, he has to go and see

"Mr. Fang......What happened to you?"

Ikeuchi Nami felt uneasy. Fang Wuwei was afraid that they knew each other when she heard Ye Tian was so excited.......

And the name Fang Wuwei sounds like he and Ye Tian are from the same place.......

Fortunately, Fang Wuwei waved his hand, indicating that she didn't need to worry.

"His presence was somewhat unexpected.......But it doesn't matter, it's just overtime."

Overtime? Work? Work?......

Maki Ikeuchi's eyes light up

"Master, Master! What do you mean by overtime?......That Ye Tian is also the same as those reincarnations?!"


Ikeuchi Maki was excited and in high spirits.

Great! That's a lot better!!!

Maki had never heard her parents talk about the past, and now she was very angry.......That so-called Ye Tian was simply unreasonable.

She wanted to kill him to avenge her parents, but she was afraid that she couldn't win.......Now it seems that if Master also goes, then it will be safe!!

Encrypted call, so that others don't know what's going on, but listen to the situation......Maybe Mr. Fang is going to kill Ye Tian?!

That's great! The Chi Nei family has a chance to revive!

But can Mr. Fang beat him?......

This is a question worth thinking about, but it is not a problem for Maki Ikeuchi.

When Fang Wuwei evolved into the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, he once used Maki Ikeuchi to open the Iron Man Duel Arena in order to test its power.

In it, Maki Ikeuchi saw the orange Gundam that was more than 200 meters high. That day, she had a new understanding of her master's power. Forget it.......When I can go to that world, I will go and take a look.......It doesn't necessarily mean to kill him.

"Well, Mr. Ikeuchi, to be honest, what I am most curious about now is the magic crystal and how you came to this world."

The Ikeuchi couple looked at each other.

"Although our Chi Nei family is weak, it is quite ancient. According to the records of our ancestors, in that world, a channel connecting this world with another world will open at 4 o'clock every afternoon, but each time it will only last for one second."

Fang Wuwei's eyes condensed, why does this setting look so familiar?

"It's just that the location of each opening is not fixed, but according to the ancestors, if the channel is opened in a certain place, there will be a sign in that place, and the magic power will decrease sharply. It is inferred that the magic power in the air is consumed in order to open the channel.

However, the channel opened in this way cannot be passed due to insufficient magic power, and can only be opened by magic power.......Although we have never encountered it before, in that world, we no longer have a place to stay and are in constant fear. That is our only way out."

"So you guys go find that passage."

Ikeuchi Nami nodded, the tears on her face no longer flowing.

"Fortunately, we found it, but unfortunately......We were also found by Ye Tian himself."

Ikeuchi Dongyan recalled this past and closed his eyes in pain.

"............Since I was the head of the family at that time, all the people in the clan......They all volunteered to sacrifice themselves in exchange for Nami and I to leave safely.

In order to solve the problem of insufficient magic power in the channel and the inability of people to pass through it, we consumed all the magic crystals to allow living things to pass through the channel, and the existence time was greatly extended from one second to five seconds.......Five seconds is still too short.

Nami and I drained our magic power and destroyed our magic circuits, but we could only maintain this time, which was enough for the two of us to barely pass.

What's more, what I am most worried about is Ye Tian's roar at us before we leave."

Unconsciously, Tuo Shou Song Sheng and Fang Wu Wei have been immersed in this sad story.

"Ye Tian, that beast, said that he would find us even to the ends of the earth......."

Well, I have to go, I'm afraid I have to have a fight with Ye Tian.............

"We have lived in fear ever since, but even after we have been here for ten years, built a business, and had Maki, he still hasn't shown up.......It's all over......"

Ikeuchi Higashihiko looked at the badge with endless pain on his face.

"Mr. Ikeuchi......Have you never thought about revenge?"

After hearing this, Ikeuchi Dongyan was stunned for a moment, and then laughed at himself.

Revenge? Of course he thought about it! But, can he do it?!

The Ikeuchi family was beaten to pieces by Ye Tian in their heyday, and now there are only three of them left. Their magic circuits have been destroyed, and Maki is a person who can't use magic at all.

The only hope is that Fang Wuwei can take action, but the two who have not seen Fang Wuwei's strength even think that Fang Wuwei can't beat Ye Tian.......After all, he is very strong.......

The Chi Nei couple did not respond, and the air fell silent.

In the end, it was Fang Wuwei who broke the silence.

"Mr. Ikeuchi......Where did you land when you arrived in this world?"

"......A vacant lot"

"............Please follow me."

Fang Wuwei said this incoherent sentence, and then left everyone behind.

Even though they were confused, the Chinei couple followed them, and Tuo Shou Song Sheng would not fall behind.

Fang Wuwei rode a cavaliere in front to lead the way, while Tuo Shou Song Sheng was sitting in the Chinei family's car, following Fang Wuwei.

Until Fang Wuwei brought them to a place that the Chinei couple looked very familiar with.

""Yes! It's here! The high-voltage power tower and the things here haven't changed at all!"

Ikeuchi Dongyan shouted, pointing at the empty space, and Fang Wuwei felt his scalp tingling.

This place is where the singularity is. The singularity recorded in Yuta's"Dark Notes" is probably the channel connecting the world mentioned by the Ikeuchi couple.

In other words, the other world they mentioned is actually the inner world of this world!

Well, this time I really have to deal with that time traveler.

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