"There are so many people......"

"yes......Isn't that the case with the first meeting?"

Yuta, Liuhua, Zhangye, Fang Wuwei and their group of four were dressed in thick clothes and were standing outside the torii gate of the shrine. They couldn't help sweating as they looked at the huge crowds of people inside. If they went in now, they would definitely be squeezed to death.

But now that things have come to this, they have to go in.

"Squeeze in! How can a mere mortal stop us from advancing!"

Lihua yelled, expressing her determination not to be defeated by any difficulty, and then walked behind Yuta and pushed him in.

"why me?!"

"Yuta......Your body is bigger and stronger than mine, so I'll leave it to you to open the gate!"

The crowd in front was still dense, but then a new crowd came behind them. There was an abyss in front and hell behind. There was no way to retreat, so we had to move forward, but......Aren't there too many people here? Why did Liuhua think I could squeeze in? Yuta looked at Fang Wuwei, who was a head taller than him, and then pointed at the crowd in front of him, his face full of help.

Fang Wuwei:............

Fang Wuwei looked a little unhappy, but considering that it was already this late, it would be better to finish the worship as soon as possible.......I did as I was told and went up to clear the way.

In Neon, a small place where the average height is only 1.7 meters, Fang Wuwei stood up straight and squeezed into the crowd. With his tall and strong body, he was like a human tunnel boring machine when he cleared the way.

Even if the people in front of him were squeezed, they would turn around angrily and only see a chest. If they looked up subconsciously, they would see a red eye.......

The [Silencer] that was about to reach his throat was forcibly held back, and he silently made way.

In this way, Fang Wuwei led the way in front, Yuta grabbed Fang Wuwei's clothes, and Liuhua grabbed Yuta's sleeves, and walked hand in hand with Zhangye behind, forming a long line to avoid getting separated and not blocking the progress of the people behind.

There are many food stalls and shops from the inside of the torii to the temple for people to consume and play.

After passing through the torii, the space is much wider. Although this point is lively, it is not the peak yet. Everyone can disperse and go play on their own.

Although they are here to worship......But who says it’s just about worshipping?

There are a lot of procedures for worshipping on weekdays, such as you have to straighten your clothes and bow before passing through the torii gate to show respect to the gods, and you can’t walk in the middle of the shrine.......But there were so many people that they couldn't take care of much, including the shrine maiden and the host.

Liuhua was so excited that she dragged Yuta away. In order not to disturb their date, Fang Wuwei and Zhangye didn't pay attention to them and watched them leave.

He turned around and looked around. Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, he heard a voice ringing on the side of the road.

""Master! Master! Over here, over here!"

Hmm? Maki?

His head froze for a moment, and he looked towards the place where the voice came from. Over the crowd, he saw Maki Ikeuchi waving at him in a shop.

Why is she here? What a coincidence?

"What's wrong?"

"Ah, someone is calling us over."

"Who is it?"

Zhangye was small, and even if he stood on tiptoe, he couldn't see anything in the crowd. He stretched his head to try to see the person who called them.

"Maki Ikeuchi. You probably met each other on the yacht a few days ago. Although you are not familiar with each other, she is actually my apprentice and learns martial arts from me."

Looking down at Zhang Ye, Fang Wuwei naturally took her hand and walked towards Maki Ikeuchi's shop.

After all, Zhang Ye is not as tall as him, and he has to lead her in the crowd, otherwise he might be separated by the crowd and get lost.

"Eh——Is that so?——"

"Well, it's a good opportunity for you to get to know each other......."


"......No, I'm just an apprentice. I just taught her some sword skills, nothing else! Really! I've only known her for less than a year!"


"Yeah yeah......If you don't like it, I will expel her from my sect tomorrow."

Zhang Ye burst out laughing, smiling happily.

"Okay~ I didn't say anything~"

He let Fang Wuwei hold his hand and walked away, feeling the warmth of his hand wrapped around him. He heard Fang Wuwei's somewhat flustered explanation again, and a sweet smile hung in the corners of his eyes.


Ikeuchi Maki came out of the shop and approached the two of them with a smile. This shop didn't sell anything, so there were no customers at all.

"You stand out in the crowd, Master. I saw you right away.......By the way, Master, where is your eyepatch?"

"I didn't find it, and there are too many people today, so I won't wear it."

The real reason was that Zhangye said it didn't matter if he didn't wear it, so he stopped looking for it on the spot.

Ikeuchi Maki was just about to take his master in to sit down, when he saw Fang Wuwei's hand still in the crowd, and soon he led a small and cute girl out from the crowd.

Hey, isn't this the girl she saw on the yacht?!

Still holding hands......

"......Hello, Master's Wife"


Zhang Ye was startled by this title and blushed a little, while Fang Wuwei's face suddenly turned dark, and he stretched out his hand and slapped Ikeuchi Maki on the forehead.

"Don't yell, this is Yuta's sister, Togashi Shoha, you should have met her before"


Ikeuchi Maki still hasn't recovered, she squatted on the ground, covering her head and crying......Master, this slap is real. It hurts.......What are you doing? And judging from your attitude, I didn't call you wrong.......

But she was very optimistic. She stood up immediately, patted her chest and proudly introduced herself to Zhangye.

"My name is Brilliant Gale! I am the successor of Gale Sword and Ripple Qigong! I am the one who has mastered the truth of the world!......Hey, Miss Zhangye, just call me Maki, I don't mind!"

Zhangye understood, the second-year syndrome......She stopped worrying and smiled back awkwardly.

"Why are you here? And you have a shop?"

"This shop is not mine, it belongs to Tuo Shou. Mr. Tuo Shou had expected that we would come to worship, so he bought this thing for us to rest.......Master, please come in first."

It seems that this is not a coincidence.

"Okay......"Brother Kong Hong, let go first~"

After being called by Ikeuchi Maki just now, Zhang Ye felt a little embarrassed and took the initiative to shake off Fang Wuwei's hand. He looked at the two people who seemed to have something to talk about and walked into the store first.

Fang Wuwei silently looked at Zhang Ye's back and raised his hand to look at his palm.......

"Next week, double your training volume."

"Eh?! Master, you can’t do this!"

"Four times." Ikeuchi

Maki kept silent. Based on her past experience, if she refuted again, she would probably get double the amount.......The master is not a human being when it comes to punishing people. He is too much!

But there is one thing she must say!


Maki Ikeuchi looked around, then approached Fang Wuwei in a sneaky way, standing on tiptoe, as if to whisper something to Fang Wuwei.

Fang Wuwei was a little surprised. What was the point of saying that? He also moved his head closer to let Maki Ikeuchi speak in his ear.

"......Master, is this really not illegal for you, Master?"

"..................I will expel you from my sect right now."

Ikeuchi Maki's knees softened and she fell to her knees.

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