"Master......Do you think this force is appropriate?"

"Um......A little higher."

Fang Wuwei sat on the chair with his legs crossed. Behind him was Ikeuchi Maki, who was smiling flatteringly. She kept massaging Fang Wuwei's neck with her hands. She was very attentive.

Fang Wuwei held a cup of hot tea in his hand and took a sip from time to time. Once the tea was less than half full, Ikeuchi Maki would immediately pick up the teapot on the side and fill it up carefully without pouring too much. She was very skilled. The Ikeuchi couple, the Tuosheng family, and the Zhangye family were all stunned.

"......Akame is such a cruel master, death......"

"......Brother Konghong has this side to him?"

Tsumori Sanae and Kuzuha watched the master and disciple, stuffing food into their mouths and sighing.

On the other hand, the Ikenai couple and the Tsumori couple were relatively calm.......

The Ikeuchi couple was used to it.

When they occasionally went to Fang Wuwei's house to visit Maki, they would see even more outrageous scenes (referring to Fang Wuwei cutting off Maki Ikeuchi's arm with a knife, then stuffing it into the stone to restore it and then continuing to cut).

They were sure that this guy was really not interested in their daughter and was also a good teacher.......

It's just a bit of a bad taste, and it's nothing to let Maki pay him attention.

The Touma couple believes that there is nothing wrong with the master-disciple relationship and the apprentice being filial to the master, let alone such a powerful magician.

After watching for a while, both sides looked away. Touma Matsuo and Ikeuchi Haruhiko continued to discuss magic, and the two ladies continued their tea party.

"Say......Sister, you appear here, where is that bastard Black Flame Death?"

"asshole......Ha ha......My brother and Liuhua went out shopping, right here"

"Hey! The Master is also in Death?! Master, here I come, Death!!"

Hearing that Rikka was also there, Toumori Sanae got up on the spot, with a burning fighting spirit in her eyes

"Master! I will definitely save you from that bastard, death!"

Sanae Touma was like a chicken with blood, swinging her braids, the sandbag at the end of the braids spinning rapidly, and rushed out aggressively.

However, before she could rush into the crowd, she just went out and opened the curtain and bumped into a tall man, and took two steps back.

At that moment, Sanae Touma felt that she had bumped into a familiar warm and soft body, and her body suddenly throbbed. When she looked up, she saw the woman who was now unforgettable to her.

"Fake Morisummer! Why are you dying here?"

"Don't call me morisummer! I was about to ask you, why did you suddenly bump into me!"

The person who came was Nibutani Morika, who was wearing a red and white winter outfit at the moment, and next to her stood senior sister Fennel who was also wearing a winter outfit.

Nibutani was pushed back two steps by the collision with Touma Sanae, rubbed her chest to relieve the pain of being hit, and glared at Touma Sanae fiercely. Touma

Sanae was not to be outdone, and glared back with a serious expression. The two braids in her hands flew up, ready for a fight, but her eyes always unconsciously glanced at Nibutani's face, at the mouth that took away her first kiss.......

The battle was about to break out. In anger, Toumori Sanae took the lead in launching an attack, shouting"obscene" and"give me back my innocence" and other words, and attacked Nibutani directly in public.

This naturally attracted the attention of others. For Nibutani, Chuunibyou was simply a deadly thing, especially now that there were so many people. Normally, it was okay, and she could just make a scene with her, but now, in full view of everyone,......If I really accompany her in this place, she will have nightmares.

But I can't seem to solve the problem by defeating her.......Nibuya was in a dilemma for a while.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Nibuya to be embarrassed. Fang Wuwei heard the noise, opened the curtain and took a look, and stopped the two.

Grabbing Tuo Shou's collar with one hand, Fang Wuwei lifted her up with one hand and held her in front of his eyes, his face full of amusement.

Tuo Shou Sanae's face was already red.......Even though she had just worked out, there was no way she could be tired, right?

"Okay, morisummer, stop making trouble with Tuo Shou. And senior Fennel, can you come in and sit for a while?"

"Don't call me a morisummer!"

After being teased by Fang Wuwei, Nibutani subconsciously refuted and looked back, and found that most of the people around them were attracted by them and were still looking at this side.......Now I have to hide first.

"excuse me~~~"

Senior Anise's soft and sticky voice sounded as they entered the house. The warmth inside made Nibutani and Senior Anise, who had been outside for a long time in the cold wind, breathe a sigh of relief and get a chance to breathe.

After greeting the Ikeuchi couple and the Toumori couple inside, Nibutani noticed the camphor leaf sitting obediently in the corner.

"Who is this......"

Danshenggu looked at Zhangye who was sitting obediently, then turned around and asked Fang Wuwei

"Yuta's sister, Togashi Kusanagi, came with us."

Kusanagi also waved to Nibutani.

"Really? No wonder he looks familiar."

After a moment's hesitation, Nibutani stepped forward and started to talk with Kusanagi. Kusanagi could talk to Rokka Tsumugi and Yuta, not to mention a nice guy like Nibutani.

"Sofa~~Oh yeah private~~~"

Senior Anise performed steadily. The moment she saw the sofa, she climbed up, took out her small pillow and fell asleep.

Nibutani and Fang Wuwei looked at Anise with speechless eyes, then looked away.......I'm used to it.

Fang Wuwei sat back down and enjoyed the massage service from Ikeuchi Maki.

"Hey, sister, you are here, where is your brother?"

Nibutani asked the same question as Sanae, but this time she was full of excitement.

"Brother? He went out to play with Rikka-chan."

"That’s right!! That’s how it should be!"

Nibutani clenched her fists excitedly. She had been so worried about her child’s love life. Fortunately, Yuta did well this time! His wooden head finally got what he wanted!!

"oi! Dongfang-san!"


Fang Wuwei put down the teacup in his hand and looked at the extremely excited Danshenggu in confusion.

"Go find Togashi and Kotori?" Fang

Wuwei hesitated for a moment and agreed on the spot. There was really nothing he could do here.

"Fennel-senpai, don't sleep! Let's go to the shrine~~~"

"Yeah, let me sleep a little longer.~~"

"Master! I’m here, death!"

Nibutani and Toumori Sanae dragged the half-asleep senior Anise to her feet and were about to go out.

"ah......I didn’t expect that we could all gather here~ It’s great~"

Senior Sister Fennel said this while half asleep and half awake. Maybe it was a dream talk, or maybe it was the truth.

"yes......But why do I feel like someone is missing?"

Nibutani touched her chin. She always felt like someone was missing.......

"It's not important. Things that you can't remember are not important. Zhangye, do you want to go with me?"

Zhangye heard Fang Wuwei's call, picked up the phone, took a look, and shook his head to refuse.

"Mom and Dad are awake and will come over too. I'll wait here first."



Ikeuchi Maki suddenly broke out in a sweat.

"I......I'll wait a while too! My dad is looking for me!"

Ikeuchi Higashihiko: Fang

Wuwei frowned at Ikeuchi Maki, who was obviously not right, but he didn't say anything. He looked at Zhang Ye and followed Nibutani and the others to leave. Seeing Fang Wuwei leave, Ikeuchi Maki stood there for more than ten seconds, then suddenly rushed to the door with a smile on his face and looked in the direction of the crowd.......Seeing the super tall man getting farther and farther away with the crowd, Ikeuchi Maki closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she turned back and looked at Zhangye, and the stiff smile on her face scared Zhangye.

Then Ikeuchi Maki did something that scared everyone present.

She suddenly accelerated and ran towards Zhangye, then knelt down on her knees in front of Zhangye's horrified eyes, slid to Zhangye's feet accurately, hugged her drooping legs and began to cry bitterly.


"Master's wife, Master's wife, please save me, please save me......Master said he would expel me from the sect, wuwuwuwu, wahhhhhhhh......Madam, please say a few good words for me. I really didn't mean to disturb you......."

Ikeuchi Maki suddenly hugged Kuzuha's calf, which made her panic. In addition, what she said made her embarrassed in front of everyone, and her face turned red.

Kuzuha looked up and saw the Touma couple and the Ikeuchi couple not far away, looking at this side with their mouths wide open, full of surprise. Ikeuchi Touhiko dropped the teacup in his hand directly to the ground, and his mouth couldn't close.

Kuzuha was even more panicked.

"you......You get up first......"

"Wuwuwu Master, save me! I haven't learned enough! Wuwuwu! I still want to follow Master to explore outside!......"

Maki Ikeuchi hugged Zouye's legs and rubbed her face against them, with a lot of snot and tears. Although she didn't get rubbed, it was quite disgusting. But before she finished speaking, she suddenly heard footsteps behind her, as if someone was standing behind her.

In an instant, Maki Ikeuchi's tears and snot were all gone, and her face was suddenly filled with the determination to die.


Ikeuchi Maki doesn't need to look back to know who is standing behind her.......She slowly let go of Zhangye's legs, stood up, and turned her back to Fang Wuwei. She turned her head slightly and saw the familiar death smile on Fang Wuwei's face. She was so scared that she immediately turned her head and looked down quietly, and saw Fang Wuwei's veins bulging and his tightly clenched fists.

"My Lady,......Rest......"

Ikeuchi Maki raised her head and a tear fell from the corner of her eye. Then, Fang Wuwei's fist hit her head heavily.

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