In the end, Zhangye followed Fang Wuwei and the others to worship, because she was too embarrassed to stay there after such a thing happened.

Especially the expressions of the Toumo couple and the Ikenai couple, they looked like idiots, their eyes turned into small eyes, and their mouths never closed. It was so embarrassing.......

Fang Wuwei walked out angrily holding Zhangye's hand, ready to return to the main group. Only Ikeuchi Maki was left lying on the ground with her butt raised, without any movement.

Ikeuchi Nami was a little worried, so she went forward to check and saw that her daughter had rolled her eyes.

She was lying on the ground stupidly, with a stream of crystal saliva sliding down her mouth, her eyes rolled back, and she had fainted.

Fang Wuwei's fist will let you experience a baby-like sleep~~

The Toumori couple shuddered, and the Ikeuchi couple.........

I 'm used to it. Is there anything more outrageous than amputation on the spot?......Following such a master, one can also learn real skills. If Ye Tian really comes, at least Maki can protect himself a little.......

This is the real reason why the two did not object to Maki learning martial arts from Fang Wuwei.

On the other side, Zhangye was led by Fang Wuwei with one hand and kept moving forward in the crowd. With the other hand, she picked up her phone to check messages. She did not look at the road and just let Fang Wuwei lead her forward.

Soon the two caught up with the large group. In front, Nibutani and others had already found Yuta and Rikka. Obviously, Yuta and Rikka were also surprised.

However, the mood of the two at this time was similar to that on the yacht on Christmas a few days ago.......We were having a nice date, holding hands and strolling down the street, talking sweet nothings and playing around, and suddenly someone interrupted us.

Our good time together was gone, and we were not in a good mood, but we were not annoyed either. It is better to have more people around during the first month of the lunar year, isn't it?

"Wait a minute......You are all here, where is Kong Hong?"


Nibutani looked back and saw nothing behind him.......

"Just here......"

"Keep the change, please......He's here."

Fang Wuwei's height is particularly conspicuous in the crowd. Although he is not the tallest, he is also tall and easy to recognize.

From a distance, it seems that there is only one person in the crowd, but Yongtai always has a bad premonition.......

Until Fang Wuwei came to him, the bad premonition in his heart finally came true.

Facing the dark-faced Yuta, Fang Wuwei had no idea at all, and greeted everyone like nothing had happened. Seeing Yuta and Rika holding hands, even in front of others, his face was full of relief.

But he didn't notice that with the appearance of him and Zhangye, everyone else's eyes were all focused on him and Zhangye's hands.

Nibutani touched his chin, thinking, with uncontrollable excitement in his eyes. Senior

Sister Fennel didn't say anything, just looked at the two of them, with a sweet smile on her face.

Toumo Sanae glanced at Zhangye and Fang Wuwei, then turned around to look at Yuta and Rika, and then looked back again, surprised. He actually stole the house, it's really amazing death! Well done death!! Looking at the expression of the black flame user, does he now understand the feeling of having an important person taken away death!!

Yuta's face darkened, but in the end he just sighed.

What can he do? He is his own brother, so he can trust him.......Although he was still a little unhappy, it didn't mean that he disagreed.

However, Rikka's eyes lit up and her face was a little excited.......It seems that I don’t have to bother Danshenggu with some things in the future. I can just ask Zhangye!

"Brother, mom and dad will come over later......."

Kuzuha was still looking down at her phone, confirming the message from the Togashi couple. She wanted to tell Yuta, worried that their sudden arrival might disturb her brother and Rikka. But when she looked up, she found that everyone's eyes were fixed on her.......To be precise, it was her own hand.

Zhang Ye blushed, then gently shook off Fang Wuwei's hand and walked to Liuhua.

Their hands were not tightly held, and they would separate with a slight shake. This was also because he was worried that Zhang Ye would be uncomfortable with the pinch, but it was obvious that Fang Wuwei was worrying too much, because for a long time Zhang Ye kept drilling into his palm and complained that he didn't hold it tightly enough.

But at this moment, she was very glad that they held it very loosely.

"What are you looking at? Let’s go. Aren’t we going to pay homage?"

"Oh oh oh......"

"Aren’t you going to wait for your parents?"

"Adults have their own gatherings. Chi Nei and Tu Shou's parents are here too. They might even go to the gathering for dinner.

Fang Wuwei spoke and took the lead. The souls of the others came back and followed the Dongfang brand shield machine forward.

"By the way, where are Higashia-san and Ikeuchi-san?"

"She fell asleep. She will come over later."

Falling asleep?!"

Nibutani and Kaede were stunned. Would Ikeuchi Maki sleep? And at this time? You know, she would never take a nap at school if she could avoid it. Kaede had failed to invite her several times.

"It seems that Ikeuchi-san has also experienced the joy of taking a nap~"

Senior Sister Fennel sighed, and she secretly decided to give Ikeuchi Maki a new member pillow in a few days.

Walking in the middle, Zhangye suddenly remembered the embarrassing scene just now. At this moment, she finally realized the shame of recalling the second disease that her brother talked about.

"Yoshi! Now everyone is here!"

Rikka looked at the finally widened space in front of her, left the crowd, raised her hands towards the temple that was still some distance away, faced the sun, and made a declaration of independence with a cool look on her face.

"The Far East Magic Nap Society's Summer! Gather all here! All present! Follow me and charge!"

"Don't do this! You'll be cursed!"

Yuta hurriedly went up and grabbed Liuhua's shoulders and pulled her back, then bowed to the temple from a distance, bowed slightly to apologize, and kept saying apologies.

The cute and innocent child and the reliable and sensible adult, this pair made passers-by around think that Yuta and Liuhua were siblings, which made people smile knowingly, and secretly sighed in their hearts that the relationship between the brother and sister was really good.

The other people behind them also behaved differently.......

Senior Anise and Sanae Toumori responded to the call on the spot, raising their hands in response.

Nibutani and Fang Wuwei turned their heads away, and Fang Wuwei walked away with Zhangye, turning his head away and covering his face to avoid looking at them.

It was so embarrassing.......

""You're just a bunch of idiots, you're just a poor fellow (laughing)"

Fang Wuwei frowned.

Fortunately, the passers-by didn't take it seriously and left with a smile, which also allowed Fang Wuwei and Danshenggu to spend more than half a minute of agony.......


Fang Wuwei cleared his throat and called everyone back.

"It's late now, let's finish our worship and go eat.......Hurry up, everyone."

"I agree with death! The convex guard is starving death!"

"I want to sleep so much~~"

"Okay, let's go."

"Trash~ is just trash, only says some unrealistic wishes, it's really whimsical~~"

Fang Wuwei took the lead and led everyone towards the temple, but some veins on his forehead bulged.

"Miscellaneous fish~Miscellaneous fish~"

【[Silence] Whose little female ghost is screaming?!

Fang Wuwei couldn't stand it anymore and looked in the direction of the sound, but saw a figure floating in the air, swaying in the air, covering his mouth and laughing.

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