Just above this shrine, there was a person floating, or rather a child.

Unlike Kotori's father whom Fang Wuwei had seen before, that person was not some illusory soul with only a barely discernible human form. Fang Wuwei could clearly see the full appearance of the child.

Green hair, extremely petite body, probably smaller than a camphor leaf if it fell on the ground. Although it had a cute face and voice, it kept saying some irritating words and insulting others constantly, just like a female ghost.

It floated and turned everywhere, but never left the temple too far, always lingering in the air above this place.

A wandering ghost? No, that's impossible. This is a shrine, a big shrine. What's more, this soul is quite solid, unlike Rikka's father whom he had seen before.

Then......This thing is the god enshrined in this shrine?! Just a female ghost?!

Looking at this female ghost, who was smiling as she got into a passerby's body and came out again, and her smile was even bigger, Fang Wuwei suddenly felt that this New Year's visit was completely unnecessary.

But everyone else was very excited. Even Rokka Touma, two people with severe second-year syndrome, chose to worship the gods. After all, it was a tradition, and New Year's visit was a big deal for them. Fang

Wuwei didn't want to spoil their fun, so he had to pinch his nose and go in with them to worship.

The place where the female ghost stayed the most was in front of the temple. She kept floating in the air with her head tilted, putting her ears close to people's mouths to listen to their wishes, and occasionally a sly smile appeared on her face.

Fang Wuwei suddenly stopped. He really didn't want to go.......

"Brother Kong Hong? What happened?"

"Nothing, let's go."

Zhu Ye cast a puzzled look, Fang Wuwei immediately took another step and followed the crowd towards the temple.

At worst, I will explode with this little female ghost. I have never been afraid of Tsukuyomi!

I just don't know......If this guy is really a true god, how powerful is he?......It's better not to provoke it if you can.

But it's obvious that Fang Wuwei underestimated the annoyingness of the female ghost.

Before praying, you need to wash your hands with a long-handled wooden spoon in the"hand water house" next to the temple, and rinse your mouth at the same time, to wash away the dirt and pray to the gods cleanly.

The water slowly flows down a bamboo tube, and the clear water seems to be extremely cold in this winter.

But this is a ritual, and others have also learned it in the same way, although a little perfunctory.

Most people here are very orderly. One group of people came forward one by one to wash their hands, and then lined up to pray. It didn't take long for Fang Wuwei and his friends to get their turn.

"Really, unhygienic trash~ bad hands, really useless~~"

The female ghost floated over at this time, floating around the people who were washing their hands, swaying in the air and constantly mocking them.

Although it was very noisy, Fang Wuwei was in a good mood.......He didn't plan to provoke this unknown female ghost because he was not sure whether she was the real god of the shrine or how powerful she was. If she didn't pose a real threat to them, then he would just ignore her.

Although he was not afraid of the cold, he still washed his hands perfunctorily without even rinsing his mouth, and walked directly to the place where the money box was stuffed in the temple.

"Trash! Trash! Trash who doesn't care about hygiene! I must curse you!!"

Seeing Fang Wuwei not rinsing his mouth, the female ghost rushed up like an explosion, circling around Fang Wuwei crazily, pointing at Fang Wuwei with one hand, pointing and cursing him non-stop.

Fang Wuwei planned to pretend that he didn't see it, smiling and moving forward, aiming to stuff the money box, but a part of his body still unconsciously hardened......The fist was so hard that veins popped out.

The little female ghost really needed a lesson.......call......Don't be angry, don't be angry......It's possible that you can't win, don't be angry, don't be angry......Just pretend you didn't see it, just pretend you didn't hear it

"......? Kong Hong, what’s wrong with you?"

"Why do you seem angry?"

Yongtai and Nibutani were keenly aware that Fang Wuwei was not in a good state. Although Fang Wuwei still had a smile on his face, they saw murderous intent under that smile.

Looking down, they saw Fang Wuwei's clenched fists and his somewhat stiff arms.

"Nothing, I just suddenly remembered something unpleasant."

Yongtai and Nibutani listened to Fang Wuwei's words, which were almost squeezed out from the gap between his teeth, and touched their chins, thinking.

Is he under too much pressure? It should be......He is alone at home, without support or warmth. He has to make a living and study hard.......Oh, really.......

Yuta walked up and patted Konghong on the shoulder, his face full of sympathy.

"If you have any problem, you can tell us and we will definitely help you. There is no one at home, so if you are free, you can come to my house more often. You know we always welcome you, right?"


Although Fang Wuwei knew that Yongtai had misunderstood, he did not correct him.......I can't say that I was scolded by a female ghost, right? It was just that Yongtai's words touched Fang Wuwei a little, but his emotions had not yet brewed.......

"Ha! It turns out he's an orphan! Trash~ Trash~ Trash without a family, all alone, so pitiful~~~"

A vein popped out on Fang Wuwei's face, his breathing became rapid, and his smile became so stiff.

"......Empty macro?"

"Yeah, I know, thank you for your concern."

Fang Wuwei squeezed out these words from between his teeth and walked to the front, intending to get rid of this annoying female ghost.

But the female ghost seemed to have recognized him and followed him immediately. She had a lot of words in her mouth. Nothing else, just calling him"small fish", which was very annoying.

Fang Wuwei was a little angry. If there weren't so many people here, he was not sure what would happen if he angered this god, whether it would cause any irreversible consequences or expose his abilities. He would definitely give this female ghost a Tsukuyomi and fight with her.

But it's not possible now. At least he has to wait until there is no one around before coming here.......Moreover, he was not sure what this little female ghost could do, so it would be best if he could avoid a fight with her.

Walking forward, Fang Wuwei could not wait to take out his wallet and roughly reached into it to take out coins. His every move was filled with anger.

"Brother Kong Hong."

At this moment, Zhang Ye suddenly reached out and placed her small hand on Fang Wuwei's big hand with bulging veins.

The soft small hand soothed Fang Wuwei's anger. Fang Wuwei looked up and saw Zhang Ye's face full of worry and fear.

Instantly Fang Wuwei's heart calmed down.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"......It's okay, I just remembered something."

Fang Wuwei's smile softened a little, and his hands moved more carefully, carefully looking for change and coins in his wallet.


"what do you mean?"


Zhangye smiled happily in return.

"What? You have a girlfriend~ Someone actually likes this unhygienic bastard~~"

The female ghost floated in front of the two men, crossed her legs in the air, and stretched her bare feet to Fang Wuwei's face, just where his mouth was. Then her feet went straight through, half of her feet went through Fang Wuwei's head.

Although Fang Wuwei didn't feel anything physically, he felt that his soul was insulted, and the mood that had just calmed down rose again.

Huh......Don't be angry. Don't be angry.......Zhangye is right next to you, don't make others worry anymore......call......

Japanese people pay attention to"two clap, two claps, one clap", which means bow twice, then throw money, clap twice, make a wish and ring the bell, and finally bow again to end.

Fang Wuwei had no intention of doing so. He skipped the bowing part and threw the money directly, but Zhang Ye still bowed twice before throwing the money. Fang Wuwei took out a coin at random, without even looking at the face value, and threw it into the coin box. Zhang Ye next to him did the same.

Because Fang Wuwei was waiting deliberately, the two of them clapped and made a wish at the same time. Zhang Ye was very pious and closed his eyes and prayed silently.

Fang Wuwei also closed his eyes, and suddenly realized that the female ghost had stopped moving. He thought she had left, and was secretly relieved when he heard the female ghost laugh loudly again.

"Haha! This little bastard actually wished this unhygienic bastard good luck! Hahaha~~~"

Fang Wuwei opened his eyes instantly and turned his head sharply, and saw the female ghost floating in the air in front of Zhangye, pointing at Zhangye with one hand and holding her stomach with the other hand, laughing happily, with an arrogant and extremely annoying laugh on her face.

Fang Wuwei's mental power began to unconsciously release......

As if she had laughed enough, the female ghost slowly stopped, licked her lips with her tongue, then rubbed her palms and made a wave motion towards the camphor leaf.

"In that case, I will answer your prayer and make everything go wrong for you today!"

I [mute] you [mute]

Fang Wuwei's murderous aura could no longer be held back. His right Sharingan changed into a kaleidoscope, staring intently at the female ghost floating in the air. His terrifying aura gushed out along with his mental power.

The people around him felt that the temperature suddenly dropped by several degrees. They shuddered and subconsciously took two steps back.......

【Telegram 180s]

You are dead today! I will come to kill you tonight! Even Jesus can't stop you! I said so!

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