Fortunately, this terrifying momentum did not last too long.

Zhang Ye was closest to Fang Wuwei, so she was naturally the most affected. Even though it was not directed at her, she instantly felt dizzy, her body became weak, she felt nauseous and shuddered.

Fang Wuwei stopped immediately and his momentum was retracted.

But it seems......

Fang Wuwei suppressed his anger and frowned as he looked at the female ghost who was completely unaffected.

It has no effect on her.......Forget it, she must die today.

Zhang Ye felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that the money she had put in was not enough.......She took out another coin from her bag and threw it into the pot, then clapped her hands again.

Soon she felt much better.......God is really a bit......greedy?

"Hehe......Considering the sincerity of the little fish, I will show mercy and transfer your bad luck to the unhygienic fish.

The female ghost turned in the air and came to Fang Wuwei. She put her big head close to Fang Wuwei's mouth, wanting to hear his wish.

Then she heard four big words:

"You are dead"

"......What? It's a curse.~~"

The female ghost had no idea that this sentence was meant for her. She thought it was a curse on someone else. She floated in the air, put her hands behind her head and slowly floated away.

"The little fish is pretty good, but I have to make friends with such a petty, unhygienic, and stinky fish who likes to curse others.~~~"

Fang Wuwei's smile eased a little, and he felt better at the moment. He had already sentenced this female ghost to death in his heart, and there was no need to lose his temper with a dying soul.

Now she was just a talking corpse.

"Brother Kong Hong is gone......."Ouch."

Zhang Ye turned around and tried to leave. She was still a little dizzy and her steps were unsteady.

She missed a step when she went down the stairs and almost fell down. Although there were only three or four steps, it was not very elegant to make a fool of herself in public. It was also very painful to fall down. Fortunately, Fang Wuwei grabbed Zhang Ye in time.

But at this moment, Fang Wuwei's heart was rising with anger. He remembered the curse that the female ghost had just cast on Zhang Ye.......It seems that this bastard is really capable?

And didn't they agree to transfer it to me?

Fang Wuwei looked back and saw the female ghost floating in the air with butterfly strokes. He silently clenched his fists.

You'd better pray that the moon reading will work on you, then I will only do it to you. If it doesn't work......Then I will tear down your entire shrine and perform a physical exorcism.

The two gradually walked away. The female ghost looked at their backs and the hands they were holding. She raised her hand and looked at it, feeling a little overwhelmed.......

"Did the little guy really have bad luck just now? I was just kidding.......And when did I have the ability to curse others? I clearly gave her a blessing for love.......Well, forget it, never mind, next one, next one~ let me see what kind of trash the next one is.~"......................................................

After the first meeting, everyone followed Togashi, Tomomori and Ikeuchi's family out for dinner.

The first thing Ikeuchi Maki did when she woke up was to apologize to Kusanagi. Even though Kusanagi kept waving her hands to explain, she kept apologizing. She was relieved until Fang Wuwei, who was standing behind Kusanagi, nodded.

After that, everyone went to dinner together. After getting permission from their parents, Nibutani and Kaiseki came to Yuta's house for dinner, and then had fun all day. For a while, Togashi's small house was packed with people.

At the invitation of Yuta's mother, Rikka's mother also came down from upstairs and brought some snacks to the dinner. The adults gathered around a large table of food and wine in the restaurant, eating and chatting.

However, during this period, Tomomori and Ikeuchi knew not to say what they shouldn't say, and only talked about family matters.

After all, no one would believe it even if they said it. The children would be made fun of for saying it. They are all grown up, and they would only be regarded as idiots for saying it. Of course, they still have something to chat without it, and the atmosphere is naturally joyful.

The children gathered in the living room and played games around a kotatsu.

Since the kotatsu is too small, naturally someone has to be outside. Fang Wuwei was the one outside, or rather, he went out voluntarily.

Fang Wuwei sat on the sofa, holding the noisy Chimera and Meng Ye in his arms, with a smile on his face, watching the people playing board games in the kotatsu.

The TV was on, and Fang Wuwei was facing the TV, but he didn't want to watch it at all. Instead, he often looked out the window, looking at the still clear sky, feeling a little restless.

Zhangye came from the kitchen with a plate full of juice in his hand. Seeing this, Fang Wuwei immediately stood up and took the plate full of juice from Zhangye.

He was so scared. He was afraid that the unlucky day that the female ghost said would happen again.......

Regardless of Zhang Ye 's objection, Fang Wuwei took the plate and walked towards everyone, putting it down one by one.

""Hey, Brother Kong Hong, this is for you."

At this moment, Zhang Ye came over from the side, carefully holding a cup of steaming hot tea in her hand, and stuffed it into Fang Wuwei's hand, then took the cup of juice that belonged to her and sat down on the sofa.

She was not very familiar with everyone, and it was not easy to interrupt the game halfway, so watching TV was also good.

Fang Wuwei also breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately nothing went wrong, and came to the sofa with hot tea, sat down next to Zhang Ye, and watched TV with her.

Chimera naturally ran to his legs and squatted, letting him touch her, Meng Ye also ran over and hugged Zhang Ye's legs


"Dream Leaf~~"

Zhang Ye handed the juice in her hand to Fang Wuwei, bent down to pick up her sister, and put her on the sofa with some effort, and watched TV together.

The three of them sat together, watching TV and laughing together.

"Mrs. Togashi"


Xiao Niaoyou's mother looked at the three people sitting on the sofa with a smile on her face.

"You have to keep an eye on your children."

"oops......We have watched Kong Hong grow up since he was a child, so we feel relieved to leave Zhangye to him......."

The adults started to tease them, and in their eyes, the two children were a good match.

Fang Wuwei turned a deaf ear to them and just drank his tea in silence, occasionally looking up at the horizon, hoping that time would pass quickly. He could no longer hold back.

"Kong Hong"


"You look strange today."

Zhang Ye turned around and looked at Fang Wuwei, with some pain in his eyes.

"Me? What's wrong with me?"

"Brother Kong Hong, I told you a long time ago that you are not good at hiding your thoughts (Chapter 3)......"

Fang Wuwei fell silent, turned his head to watch TV, and stopped talking.

Seeing this, Zhangye didn't say anything more.

The sky gradually darkened, and the sun sank deeply. After dinner, everyone stayed at Yuta's house and continued to play for a while. It was not until late at night that everyone left one after another. People came and went quickly. They helped to clean up the house, carried several bags of garbage, and the guests left one after another. Only

Fang Wuwei and the Togashi family were left at Yuta's house, and even Rikka had gone back.

"Kong Hong, please stay here today, and wear Yuta's clothes first."

Yongta's father, Mr. Togashi, spoke up and invited Fang Wuwei. It was New Year's Day, and he didn't want Fang Wuwei to go back to that house without human touch.

"Yes, it's the New Year, you are not a big deal."

Yong Tai himself also agreed, nodded to Fang Wuwei, but his face was inexplicably sympathetic and pleading.

Fang Wuwei couldn't hide something, and small things might not be discovered, but when there was a big thing, it was almost written on his face, and their whole family saw it.

Yes.......Since his parents passed away, he has been alone in this world. During the Chinese New Year, perhaps he would have listened to the fireworks and laughter outside, alone at home.

The so-called festival means that happy people are happier and lonely people are lonelier.

With them this year, their family does not want Fang Wuwei to live such a lonely and helpless life, nor does they want him to sink into loneliness and solitude. They want to save him and give him warmth.

This is a perfect misunderstanding, because Fang Wuwei did not understand the meaning of the Togashi family's words at all. Instead, his voice was trembling with excitement and anger.

It's finally time.......I've been patient for a day, and the more I think about it, the angrier I get.......

"ah......It's okay, let's forget about it today, I have some things to deal with......Well, I'll go first. Thank you for your hospitality.

Fang Wuwei put on his shoes, gestured to the people in the room, and turned to leave. After going downstairs and coming outside, Fang Wuwei looked up at the moon. The wind blew on him, but he felt a burst of heat.

The heat came from the bottom of his heart.

It was time to work.......

"Brother Kong Hong!"

Fang Wuwei was about to beckon to summon Cavaliere when he heard Zhang Ye's voice coming from behind him. He immediately stopped and turned around. Although he didn't show it on his face, he was a little surprised in his heart.

"It's so cold, what are you doing out here?"

Zhang Ye ran down and came to him. Before she could say anything, Fang Wuwei took off his coat and covered her. He was not afraid of the cold, but that didn't mean Zhang Ye was not afraid.

"Do you still want to go back?"

"Hmm? Ah, yeah......I might have some trouble......."


Zhang Ye looked at Fang Wuwei who was somewhat puzzled, opened his mouth, and hesitated to speak. In the end, he just smiled and spoke to Fang Wuwei.

"Remember to come back, there will always be a place for you here.

Fang Wuwei was stunned for three seconds by these inexplicable words, and then he suddenly realized why the Togashi family had such a strange attitude towards him just now.......

He was somewhat touched.......

"Um......I will be back soon."

Fang Wuwei raised his hand and rubbed it on Zhangye's head as usual.

Then he suddenly pulled her close and held her in his arms.


"Thank you."

After a short hug, Fang Wuwei quickly let go, with a sincere and happy smile on his face, turned around and left, disappearing into the night.

Zhang Ye was left standing there alone, even though Fang Wuwei had disappeared, she still opened her mouth slightly and looked at the dark night.

After a long time, her face suddenly turned red, she took two steps back, and then slowly put her hands in front of her, feeling the residual warmth that was still on them.

"......You're welcome."

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