Hello everyone, my name is Qiu. When I was alive, everyone called me Teacher Qiu. After

I died, I was just a lonely ghost, without consciousness and thoughts. Like most of my kind, I drifted in the corner of this world until one day I completely disappeared from this world.

I have forgotten how long I have been dead, what I looked like and what my name was when I was alive, and everything in my life. I only remember that I am dead, and when I was alive, someone called me Teacher Qiu.

But my fate has changed. When I was wandering aimlessly, I found a strong and ownerless incense stele.

I didn't know what it was. At that time, I didn't have any reason, so I just attached myself to it and instinctively absorbed the energy from it to survive.

After that, I gradually became stronger, had reason, and had thoughts. My body was much more solid, and I also recovered some common sense knowledge in life, but I still didn't remember anything before I died.

Slowly, I grew up, and the place where I was was only my soul, but the people in this place respected me as a"god".

Am I a god? No, I'm not.

Of course I am not. I know I am just a thief who steals incense, a wandering ghost.

But I have no other choice. Now I can no longer leave the incense tablet where I live.......

Every day I can see many people coming here, throwing things into the box in front and then bowing their heads to make a wish.

I didn't know what they were doing at first, but the mortals living here would take things out of the box every night and walk away with a smile.

Maybe they like it? What's so good about those shiny little things?

Every once in a long time, a very large group of people would come here, throwing shiny things into the box in groups, and making wishes in large numbers.

Until I slowly gained some memories and knowledge that definitely did not belong to me, I knew what I was now.

I really am a god, or a temporary acting god.

I have gained the ability to bless, and also have a certain degree of obligations. I can choose to help bless those who come to worship, and I also need to intimidate some of my former peers.......

Those shiny little things are money. Although the face value doesn't matter to me, I just like people to pay with larger denominations because I like to see them spend money. The more the better, it makes them feel bad. And when people make wishes to me, I will get incense.......The more incense I burn, the more blessings I can get, from the initial report of safety, to the later soothing of the soul, to the later miscellaneous blessings.......

I also know what those crowds are, and I understand the significance of New Year's shrine visits.......

I like New Year 's Day because I like the fireworks and the crowds of people.......For a long time, I watched this place gradually become better, the money boxes became bigger and bigger, my temple became more and more luxurious and beautiful, the houses of the shrine maidens living in the temple became better and better, and their lives became better and better.

The first shrine maiden I met when I came here has now become an old lady.

Time flies, and it is another New Year. I also know that I have reached the busiest time of the year.

But I am very happy because I can get a lot of incense every time, but this year seems to be different.......

In fact, I have always been a kind-hearted person, but my words are a little easily misunderstood. As for me, I really only gave her blessings, love blessings, really, believe me, I don’t have the ability to curse at all......


"This [silence] is your last words?"

"Big Brother!! Woohoo, Big Brother, please believe me!! I was really wrong!! I will change. Woohoo.......I really only gave my blessing!!! I am wronged!!!"

In a space filled with blood, the female ghost Qiu was tied to a pillar and cried bitterly, her face was covered with snot and tears, her body twisted constantly but she was tied up tightly and couldn't struggle. Fang Wuwei, who was standing by, held an ebony pistol against her forehead, with a little calmed anger on his face.

Let's move the time forward.

After Fang Wuwei said goodbye to Zhangye, he stretched out his hand to summon Cavaliere and rushed towards the shrine.

Although it was late at night, it was the New Year's Day and no one went to bed so early. Fireworks and firecrackers were still being set off on the streets, which also covered up Fang Wuwei's The sound of the engine roaring.

With his back to the brilliant fireworks, Fang Wuwei rushed all the way with his cavaliere, directly breaking through the"No Pedestrians" sign of the shrine and rushing directly into the temple.

He still had reason, and when he arrived in front of the temple, he quickly got out of the car, put away the cavaliere, dropped it on the ground, walked up the steps, stood in front of the money box, and rang the bell.

Who is it so late? No one has ever dared to disturb her at this time before!

The female ghost Qiu came out from the door of the temple, and inside was the incense stele she was storing now. It was not a good experience to be woken up in the middle of sleep.

"Huh? This isn't......Is that the unhygienic bastard this morning?"

The female ghost carefully identified who Fang Wuwei was. Because of the incident with the camphor leaf, she had a deep impression of the two.

"Yo, what's wrong? Are you here to fulfill your wish? Trash~ Just a little blessing and you're floating away, hehe~"

The female ghost Qiu was still floating in the sky, still looking arrogant and asking for a beating, but Fang Wuwei's face was filled with obvious anger, and his eyes kept moving with her movements.......What's going on? Can he see me?

Why is his red eye moving and the pattern closing?......Wow, this pattern is pretty good......

Hmm? Where is this?

The female ghost Qiu was still staring at Fang Wuwei's right eye with great interest, but she didn't expect that she would appear in a pure red space in the next second.......

When I looked up, I saw the red sky and moon. When I looked down, I saw a blood-red water surface as still as dead water.......

There was a sound of water in front of me, as if someone was walking on the water.���When she looked up, she saw the unhygienic scum walking towards her, clenching her hands and making a crisp sound.

At this moment, the female ghost teacher Qiu was not panicked at all, because in her limited memory, no one could hurt her, or even touch her, even a wandering ghost would be slapped away by her.......Even if this person had a bad misunderstanding of her, she was sure to crush her and then explain it properly.

Fang Wuwei was not panicked, because when he pulled this little female ghost god in, he felt......Although this guy's mental strength is much stronger than many people, it is still far from breaking through the Tsukuyomi.......In other words, she can be manipulated at will.

Teacher Qiu believes that even if she has some special abilities, it is too disrespectful to bring her in.

Fang Wuwei believes......I've been holding it in for a whole day, and it's finally time!

Both sides are very angry

"Hey! You unhygienic bastard!"

Teacher Qiu actually took the lead and walked towards Fang Wuwei, pointing at him with an unhappy look on his face.

"How can you treat a......"Puff!"

Before he finished speaking, Fang Wuwei walked in front of her, clenched his fist, swung his arm and hit Teacher Qiu in the stomach with an uppercut, knocking her flying. Fang

Wuwei was ruthless with this punch.

The sudden critical hit made Teacher Qiu's eyes bulge out, and she spit out a large mouthful of saliva.

She flew dozens of meters away and fell to the ground.


After all, she was a god of a great temple.

She didn't know what would happen after she was killed.

Moreover, she didn't think a god would be so weak.

There must be some mysteries.

Besides, she didn't do anything too outrageous.......

The most important thing is that Zhangye was indeed unlucky today, but not that unlucky.

He was always able to resolve the problem when he was around.

Although he was a naughty kid with a bad taste, he was not bad enough to kill her.......

However, she would definitely not be able to avoid a beating. Let

's just kill her a dozen times first!!!

Looking at the little female ghost who was full of doubts about life, Fang Wuwei smiled crookedly and rubbed his hands to go over again.

To deal with a naughty child, you have to use your fists to teach her a lesson and let her experience the pain of being bullied!!!

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