Of course, in the end, Fang Wuwei was unable to use heavy hands. He simply beat the little female ghost to death seven or eight times and then tied the little female ghost, who was beaten black and blue by him, to a pillar for interrogation.

In this Yue Du space, he didn't kill the little female ghost three hundred times. Three hundred times was considered kind.

Teacher Qiu cried loudly on the pillar, but the injuries on her body gradually disappeared.

When she was punched by Fang Wuwei, she found that she could touch the ground, had a sense of touch and pain, and had a physical body.......This was obviously the work of Fang Wuwei.

At that moment, she knew that she was doomed. She kept trying to explain while being beaten by Fang Wuwei, but Fang Wuwei didn't listen at all. He kept punching her with excitement.

He was crazy, but at least he didn't kill her.

Fang Wuwei condensed a pistol in the void and pointed it at Teacher Qiu's head.

"Give me five minutes to explain it to me."

"Woohoo! Woohoo!......"

Fang Wuwei took out an alarm clock and floated it over Teacher Qiu's face. The sound of gears rang out.

"Cry? Crying also counts as time!"

Teacher Qiu stopped crying instantly, her big eyes were full of tears, she gritted her teeth, and choked up as she spoke everything, the same words at the beginning of the previous chapter.

Of course, the time had exceeded five minutes, but the alarm didn't ring, and it was obvious that Fang Wuwei also wanted to listen, anyway, there was plenty of time......

It was not until Teacher Qiu finished her story that Fang Wuwei could no longer hold back his tears. He blinked his eyes, his eyes hiding a huge confusion.

His mental power and Moon Reading Space were telling him that this little ghost was not lying.

She was indeed just a little bit mean and playful, but she had a good heart. She would give blessings when she should, and would not do things that she shouldn't do....... this......

Fang Wuwei's gun was still on Teacher Qiu's forehead. He touched his chin with his other hand and began to think frantically about countermeasures. He started brainstorming.......

Finally, he came to the conclusion:

I've already been beaten, so forget it. At worst, I can come back tomorrow to invest some money and pray for a wish.


Fang Wuwei coughed awkwardly and decided to just let it go.......Taking it back now would only make it more awkward.

So he snapped his fingers, and all the injuries on Teacher Qiu's body disappeared, even the pain disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

But she was still tied up, indicating that all this was real.

"Is this [Silencer] your last words?"

Teacher Qiu was so frightened by this sentence that she begged for mercy frantically, shaking her body repeatedly, with snot and tears all pouring out, sobbing non-stop.

I have already told the truth! What else do you want? Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

Feeling that the pistol against her forehead was loaded, she knew that this thing was called a"gun" because she had been shot in the head twice by this thing not long ago, and it hurt so much. Are you going to continue to torture me?! Ahhhhh, let me go, ah wow wow wow wow wow wow.......

"I've said everything I should say.......Big brother, please let me go.......I won't be rude anymore......."

"......I am somewhat interested in what you just said.

Fang Wuwei looked down at Teacher Qiu with a guilty conscience, giving him a sense of oppression.

"Okay, stop crying. I have a few questions for you. If you can answer them, I will spare your life."

After hearing this, Teacher Qiu took a deep breath and stopped sobbing.

"You say, you say......I will tell you everything I know!......"

Fang Wuwei suddenly felt a surge of guilt

"cough......You just said that you have other people like you?"

"Yes, woo......"

Teacher Qiu lowered his head and answered honestly with two tears in his eyes.

"There are many, many lonely ghosts here like me before......I was just like me before, without reason, living on instinct. After I regain reason, I will also observe them.......Woo"

"The results of it?"

"Ghosts can only survive in the world for seven days. Some with strong obsessions can live a few more days, but they will soon disappear......."

This is strange. Liuhua's father has been wandering in the world for two or three years.

"What about earthbound spirits?"

"Earthbound spirits? What is that?"

Okay, next topic

"You said you found an ownerless incense tablet......That's the shrine you're in now, right?"

"Yes, woo......"

"Why is it ownerless?"

"How would I know!!!"

That's true.

Fang Wuwei cleared his throat with a dry cough and put away the gun in his hand.

As soon as the gun left her head, Teacher Qiu felt a lot more relaxed. The fatal threat was slightly reduced, which made her feel much better and let her breathe a sigh of relief.

"Then I change the question......When did you discover this incense stele?"

"when......I can't remember exactly, but if I count the number of New Year visits,......I participated in about twenty......Five, no, twenty-six New Year's visits......"

Twenty-six New Year visits, that is twenty-six years.

Twenty-six years?!

Fang Wuwei raised his eyebrows fiercely.......Twenty-six years, it was twenty-six years ago. This extremely sensitive time point repeatedly irritated his nerves. That was the time when the Ikeuchi family escaped from the other world, and it was also the time when the Toumori couple picked up the body and touched the magic.......What does it mean?

Touching his chin, Fang Wuwei fell into deep thought.......It seems that we must go in and take a look as soon as possible, the earlier the better. This is the other world here, and there is a guy who looks like a time traveler. If we are not careful, that guy may come over, and then everything will be in chaos, and it will be easy for someone to steal our house.......There is still some time before school starts, right? I wonder if it is enough time.......Next question

"What are incense and the proxy gods mentioned by others?"

"I have no idea......Incense is what is produced when mortals pray to me.......Make me stronger......"

But not that strong......You can knock me down with one punch.

Teacher Qiu said to herself, but she didn't dare to say it out loud.

"Acting God......I don't know either. It's just that I have more incense, and somehow I have more knowledge and abilities in my head.......I really don't know anything ah......"

Looking at Teacher Qiu who was crying again, Fang Wuwei was silent.......

I touched my conscience and felt a little uneasy.......Should I invest more money?


"Woo woo woo woo woo......"



Fang Wuwei slapped his head and snapped his fingers. In an instant, everything around him became as illusory as bubbles and as fragile as glass.

The next moment, the moon reading was lifted. Teacher Qiu felt her consciousness go blank, her eyes lit up, and she reappeared in the environment she was very familiar with.

She came out.

She floated in the air blankly, lowered her head and looked at Fang Wuwei who was looking at her, and quickly went into the incense tablet behind the money box as if she saw a ghost, and there was no movement anymore.......

Fang Wuwei was silent for a moment, then quietly took out his wallet, took out seven or eight 500 yen coins, threw them all into the cash box, clapped his hands and left.......I feel sorry for this little female ghost.......

After leaving the shrine, Fang Wuwei looked back at the temple again, then summoned Cavaliere, which disappeared into the night with two red taillights.

Taking out his cell phone from his pocket, Fang Wuwei made a call.

"Hello, Mr. Ikeuchi? Are you busy?......No, no, I just need your help with something.......Yeah, yeah.......Magic crystals, the more the better, the sooner the better, I will give you some necessary help......Yep......I am going to another world, your hometown."

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