Although, he has always wanted to come to Demon Slayer to rescue his elder brother, but when he really comes, it is not so easy to deal with.......

Here I need to explain the trajectory of the world.......

Just like he protected Yuta and the others in the main world, all the worlds revolve around their"protagonist", and the origin of the world is basically gathered on it. Only death can separate the origin of the world, and all the reincarnations will desperately want to kill them in order to destroy and occupy this world.

However, characters like the Flame Pillar who should have died also have the origin of the world in them, which must also be separated through death. It is almost impossible to save them, unless at the cost of the world.

"system......Is there really no way?"

【Akaza's coming was caused by the world consciousness. When he came, he also remembered Rengoku Kyojuro, who was supposed to die, and would cause trouble for him again in the future.】

"if......What if I really want to save him?......"

【Host, you have crossed the line. There are so many tragedies in the world, you alone cannot save them.

Fang Wuwei was silent. Of course, he also understood this truth, but he still wanted to struggle.......

【There is a way.】

"?! What is it?"

Fang Wuwei was overjoyed and asked hurriedly. The next moment, he felt something in his hand.

Looking carefully, it was an A-level item called a coat of arms that he had drawn before (Chapter 45). He still remembered the description of this thing: a useless coat of arms.

This was the first time Fang Wuwei carefully observed this thing: it seemed to be a mark, a vertical spear with the gun head facing upwards, a sword, and a straight knife, facing opposite directions and horizontally on the spear shaft. The three weapons formed an icon like a cross, which looked like a logo.

This might be the icon of a certain organization.

Fang Wuwei understood something, but he said nothing. He just handed the coat of arms to Yan Zhu silently.

"What is this?"

The Flame Pillar took it over without hesitation. The moment he touched the emblem, it instantly melted away and turned into a pile of golden particles that floated in the air and merged into Rengoku Kyojuro's body.

At that moment, Rengoku Kyojuro's vision was in chaos. When he recovered, he saw himself.........That self, however, was vomiting blood, and was pierced through the body by the punch of the Upper Rank Three. In the end, even if he tried his best, he could not stop him, and died at the moment of sunrise. Although he did not know why, he could understand that this was his original fate.

Then, his sight began to drift away, away from the terrible future of his own death. He left this land, left this planet, and even......After leaving this universe, his sight eventually came to an unknown place: there, there were tall buildings that he could not understand, floating buildings that he could not understand, and the golden color all over the ground and the unknown flocs floating in the air that always made him feel intimate and comfortable.

"Hey, are you new here?!"

A very familiar voice sounded from behind, it was his own voice. In great shock, Rengoku Kyojuro turned around suddenly. At that moment, he saw a face exactly like his, with the same blazing smile and the same enthusiasm. The only difference was that he was not wearing a haori, but a golden jacket with an icon on his chest that he didn't recognize at all.......

The next second, everything in front of his eyes was pitch black. A series of huge, unknown changes made it difficult for his brain to process. The next moment, he saw the back of a huge man appear in front of him.......

That back figure, just standing there, brought him an endless sense of oppression. He had a head of white hair as dazzling as the Milky Way.......

The figure seemed to notice the Flame Pillar's arrival, and only glanced sideways, turned half of his face, and then stopped paying attention. The next moment, the Flame Pillar felt some unfamiliar knowledge in his mind.......

In reality, it was only a moment that passed. The Flame Pillar's expression froze, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared. After a long time, he revealed a bitter smile of relief.

Is that so?......It turns out that I was supposed to die here. The man in front of me......also......

A large amount of golden flocs separated from the Flame Pillar, but it seemed that only Fang Wuwei could see it. The flocs gradually settled, fell into the ground and disappeared.......

"Mr. Fang Wuwei, I understand, I understand everything, thank you for your help......I will leave, but I hope I can say goodbye to my family before I leave.......Although I can come back, it will probably take some time."

The Flame Pillar smiled bitterly and thanked Fang Wuwei in front of him. Even though he was now a pillar, the knowledge in his mind that could not be questioned made him understand that he had to leave. He looked a little embarrassed and wanted to leave quickly.

The emblem could help the world extract the origin of the world that he could not extract and send them back to the world. After that, the world would no longer have his existence.......He left freely.

Since he had to leave, he decided to go and see the so-called headquarters. His mother had taught him that even if he gained power and became a strong man, he had to protect the weak. Now that organization had the same beliefs and values as himself, so why not?

"Before that, you can finish all the things you want to do, and then it’s not too late to leave."

"Understood......Young Kamado, come with me back to the Purgatory House in a couple of days."

"Really? Mr. Purgatory!"

Fang Wuwei vaguely sensed something. He seemed to understand what those emblems were. However, he still didn't know what the organization behind the emblems was.......

As for now?

Fang Wuwei walked towards the place where the train overturned in the distance. He wanted to dig out his cheap apprentice first.

The reincarnations were marked by the radar. The enemy is in the light and we are in the dark. There is no rush.

When they arrived at the train, Nightmare was dead, and more than 200 passengers naturally woke up. Although they were not killed thanks to the Flame Pillar, they still had some injuries.

After Fang Wuwei arrived, he was a little surprised to find that his little apprentice had a big cut on his right arm, but she just wrapped it with a bandage to stop the bleeding slightly, and then she was actively taking action, running around to help people. After pulling a person out from under the train, Ikeuchi Maki carried the person on his shoulders and wiped the tears from his eyes that fell unconsciously because of the pain.

"Need not......Don't worry, I, Brilliant Gale, will save you!"

Fang Wuwei had to admit that this cheap disciple seemed to have more than just a second-year syndrome.

Ikeuchi Maki put the wounded man aside, ignored the passers-by's attempts to stop him, and prepared to go back to save him again. However, when he turned around, he found that his master was standing there looking at him.

In an instant, Ikeuchi Maki couldn't hold it anymore. He rushed over and hugged Fang Wuwei's feet, and Ikeuchi Maki's tears fell wildly, crying loudly

"Master, Master......It's so scary here.......I want to go home woooooooooooo......"

"No, the mission is not yet completed~"

Fang Wuwei smiled and threw a low-quality treatment pack to Ikeuchi Maki, asking her to cover the wound.

His smile was genuine, and he felt a little relieved for his cheap apprentice.

(38.9°! My fever has reached 38.9!)

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