"Master......where are we going?"

"Go and complete the mission, and then hurry back home."

Ikeuchi Maki waved her right hand. Even now, she was still extremely shocked - such a big wound on her right arm was healed without leaving any scars. Master is really amazing. I will definitely become very powerful if I follow Master.

This is what I thought. Ever since Master lifted a fallen train with his bare hands and pulled everyone out, this idea has become more deeply rooted.

But after getting the power, what should I do?......In fact, Ikeuchi Maki had not really thought about it.

She was just excited at the time and came to become a disciple because she saw the real mysterious side. But now......

She wanted to know what she wanted.

Fang Wuwei looked at the red dot on the radar that was gradually moving away but was slowly coming to a stop. He knew that the reincarnationists had taken a short break. If it were normal, he would have driven past them with a quick brake, but now.........It's inconvenient to have a burden around him.

Never mind, it doesn't matter, I chose the idol myself.

Fang Wuwei sighed, and decided to take Ikeuchi Maki to find a place to rest first, and let Maki wait for him there.

As for other purposes......

Fang Wuwei looked down at the ground beneath his feet and hurried on his way.......

"Master......I've been missing for a whole day, my family......"

"What are you afraid of? I disappeared for a month last time."

"Master......Do you have a family?......"

"............I'll leave you behind later."

Ikeuchi Maki had been away from home for a whole day and didn't know when she would be able to return, not to mention that it was still so cold here.......Dangerous, I'm already homesick, but since Fang Wuwei said that I can't go back until I complete the mission, I can only sulk. After being threatened and thrown away, I dare not say a word.

Humph! Tyranny! When I learn the true teachings, I will......I will......Disrespecting the teacher and destroying the ancestors!

Maki Ikeuchi puffed her mouth, facing the gradually rising sun, and yawned. She was not awake yet, and she had to follow her master to an unknown distance.......

————This is a weird dividing line.————

The surroundings were silent, and the rising sun was the only companion for the two. In order to take care of Zhenji, Fang Wuwei had to stop and go along the way. Finally, when the sun was setting and it was gradually getting dark, the two finally found a prosperous village and rested for a while.......

Maki Ikeuchi supported herself on her knees, half bent over. She had been walking with her master for a whole day.......Along the way, the master complained that she was walking too slowly and insisted that she speed up.......

Feeling the pain on the soles of her feet, Ikeuchi Maki felt aggrieved. She was just a mortal, and she had to ask for such harshness.......

"What's wrong, Brilliant Wind, you can't do it anymore?"

Maki Ikeuchi, who was resting with her head down, heard a teasing voice in front of her, which made her angry. The master had used this sentence to stimulate her many times along the way, so don't think of letting me take the bait again!

"No way! Brilliant Wind is the strongest, how can it be impossible?!"

I thought so in my heart, but my body didn't do it.......Ikeuchi Maki was still very impressed by this. She stood up on the spot, endured the pain in her feet and prepared to continue.......

""Okay, you can stay here."

But this time, Fang Wuwei stopped her and pointed to the village in front of him. According to the Flame Pillar, there are some people from the Demon Slayer Corps stationed in this place. Compared with other places, it is safer. He plans to place Ikeuchi Maki here and wait for him to kill the reincarnations and come back to pick her up.

He used some points to exchange some local coins for Ikeuchi Maki and pointed in the direction in front of him.

"I will handle it myself next, you just stay here and wait for me to come back, understand?"

"Eh?! Master, I am alone in this unfamiliar environment?"

"What's wrong? Living in an unfamiliar environment is also a necessary part of learning."

"......There is no"no" in the dictionary of Brilliant Gale!"

Maki Ikeuchi walked away with a handful of money, her feet aching a little bit. Fang

Wuwei smiled, jumped high, turned on the quick brake and left. This is the good thing about this era. There are no high-rise buildings, so it is safe to fly.

He doesn't have to worry about Maki Ikeuchi's safety. With the two major guarantees of World Awareness and the Demon Slayer Corps, the safety of his cheap little apprentice is guaranteed. He can't come here alone to help and let his assistant send it.

It should be......No way......

Fang Wuwei rushed towards the red dot on the radar with an expressionless face.......

Although he thought so, he still felt a little uneasy. The group of reincarnations were just a bunch of minions. He should get rid of them and go home.

Looking at Fang Wuwei who was quickly moving away and soon turned into a black dot, Ikeuchi Maki's eyes widened.

It was amazing.......Can I learn this in the future?

But when Fang Wuwei disappeared into the horizon, Chi Nei Zhenji looked around. He didn't know anyone here, and he was not familiar with any of the buildings here.......

Strange environment, strange people, strange world......Maki Ikeuchi's heart, which had been surging all day because of her Chuunibyou syndrome, suddenly calmed down. After all, she was just a Chuunibyou syndrome. Until a few days ago, she was just a mortal living in a boring reality.

Being alone in a foreign land, living alone in this completely unfamiliar society, Maki Ikeuchi's heart, which had calmed down, suddenly began to feel fear for some reason.......

She regretted it a little......

Wow......Mom, I want to go home.......I don't know if my parents will worry about me.......

Wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, Ikeuchi Maki cheered up. She couldn't let her master down. This must be a test from her master!

Just treat it as a trip!

So, Ikeuchi Maki took the huge amount of money left by Fang Wuwei and started to spend it recklessly.

Buy clothes first......Mm, the kimono looks nice. Let's eat something.......Mm, Daifuku is delicious~ Let's go shopping......Well, the scenery is beautiful~

Driven by the dual power of money and novelty, Ikeuchi Maki temporarily forgot her worries and fears and began to indulge in this different trip, this past world full of unknowns, dangers but with fatal attraction.

Ikeuchi Maki stayed there for several days. From the first day she thought her master would be back soon, to the second day she was worried, to the third day she was anxious.......

Until now, on the eighth day, she was left with only fear and anxiety.......Did you really lose yourself? It's been a few days?!

No, no......My master has promised to teach me magic skills and fight against evil with me (Fang Wuwei:?), why would he just leave me here? Calculating the time, school has already started! I have to go back to school.

No, if I have mastered magic skills, why would I go to school?......

No , no, take care of the master first!......Could it be that Master is in some danger? Then I have to go save Master. I, Brilliant Wind, can't bear to see others get hurt. No, that's not right.......If even Master can't beat me, then I'll go up......

No, no, no, what if I'm the only one missing? What if a little bit of strength is all that's needed? Besides, how can I go back without my master?

Mom and Dad, woo......I am unfilial and cannot go back to take care of you in your old age.......

Ikeuchi Maki was lost in thought and was ready to go find Fang Wuwei.

At this time, Fang Wuwei was on his way on horseback.......

Don't get me wrong, it's just that these guys are too fast. It took several days to get there, but when they really started fighting, they couldn't even last three minutes.

(My mind is a bit confused, and I can't write about the battle scenes. Anyway, it's a massacre, so I won't write about it, so you won't say I'm a loser)

Go back quickly, otherwise I don't know what trouble my cheap little apprentice's impatient temper will cause.......

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