"This is really......This hunting ground is really......Great! Sbarasi!"

In the darkness of the distant woods, a figure squatted on a tree, his eyes glowing with blood, staring at the silent village. He could smell someone inside.......

The old people and children. Although he hated the flesh and blood of the old people, he hated the children.......


He loved these lambs the most!

As a ghost, how could he not do something?!

So, taking advantage of the night, the figure jumped high, ran between the trees, and attacked the quiet village.......

At this time, Fang Wuwei had already arrived at the prosperous village and was ready to take Ikeuchi Maki back home first to see her reaction and character when she returned home to see if she was worthy of his teaching. However, he soon discovered......

Damn it, where did that girl go?! Why does the radar show she's somewhere else??

Damn it, don't let me catch you......What's the point of leaving a safe place and running to the jungle?!

Helplessly, Fang Wuwei could only continue on his way with a gloomy face.......

————This is a scary dividing line.————

It was late at night, and silence should be the main theme of the night.

But, in Ikeuchi Maki's opinion, it was too quiet.......She was scared.

Ever since she heard rumors from her mother-in-law that there were ghosts nearby, she really couldn't sleep now - she was not like these children who thought it was just a lie to coax the children to sleep. She had seen it with her own eyes and almost died at the hands of ghosts, so how could she not be afraid?

Moreover, her master's life and death were unknown.......Woo......

I regret running out like this.......

Maki Ikeuchi is currently staying at her mother-in-law's house. The hospitable mother-in-law gave Maki Ikeuchi the bed that she usually used for her daughter when she came back, but the thick bed could not warm her cold and frightened heart, nor could it give her any sense of security.

Now she can only shrink in a corner, shivering with a quilt over her head, which at least gives her a little sense of security.......

"child......What's wrong? Are you afraid of the dark?"

Just then, she heard an old and familiar voice. It was her mother-in-law.

"Mother-in-law......Why aren't you asleep yet? Go back quickly, or......"

Ikeuchi Maki was so surprised that she didn't care about being afraid. She lifted the quilt and stood up, wanting to take her mother-in-law back to her bed to rest. It was already very late, but her mother-in-law was still walking outside. She was really afraid of being discovered by ghosts.......

"Good child, grandma is not afraid."

The grandma interrupted Ikeuchi Maki with a smile, patted Ikeuchi Maki's lowered head, slowly pushed her back to the bed, wrapped her in a quilt, and let her sleep peacefully.......

"child......Thank you for coming. No one comes here except during the New Year.......Even during the New Year, some of our children did not come back.

My daughter took my grandson away from me the year before last, and she did not come back last year either, so I was always alone.......Thank you for coming to accompany me, good child."

The mother-in-law touched Ikeuchi Maki's hair, her face full of melancholy and longing. When her own daughter took her grandson away a few years ago, she was completely......I had no intention of taking myself away.......It is better to say that the old people in the village are all the same, abandoned by their own children.......

This village will eventually come to an end, maybe in five years, maybe in ten years, maybe in twenty years.......One day, this small village will no longer have people living here.

The land where my ancestors have lived for generations will also return to nature and disappear.......

The old man sighed heavily, took away the hand that was caressing Ikeuchi Maki, and left behind an extinguished oil lamp and a fire starter.

"Kids, don't be shy, just treat this place as your own home......If you are afraid of the dark, then light a lamp. We have plenty of oil here."

"I know, mother-in-law......You should go to bed as well. It's so late now."

"Older people sleep less......I slept too long this morning, and now I'm a little more awake. I'm going to go outside for a walk and get some fresh air."

Hearing this, Ikeuchi Maki couldn't sit still anymore. She got up and held the old lady's hand to stop her from going out. Are you kidding? What if she really encountered a ghost?

"Child, I know what you are afraid of. The ghost is actually fake. When I was a child, my parents always told me that there were ghosts and would not let us go out.......But I have lived here for most of my life, and now I have one foot in the ground, and I have never seen any so-called ghosts. They are just used to deceive children."

Feeling the worry and anxiety contained in Maki Ikeuchi's actions and emotions, the grandmother smiled sincerely. Although this child is a little naive, he is still a good child who cares about others.

It is the"master" she mentioned. I don't know who he is. How could he let such an innocent child come out alone?

The old man put on an old coat and was about to go out. Maki behind him gritted his teeth and decided......

"Mother-in-law......The night is so beautiful tonight, I also need to go out to replenish the energy of the night......I just need someone to lead the way in this unfamiliar area......."

Although Ikeuchi Maki's face turned green when she said this, and the words she used were all words she didn't understand, her mother-in-law understood the hidden meaning - she was worried about her being alone and wanted to go out with her.

What a good child!

The mother-in-law's smile instantly filled her old face. With someone to accompany her, why not?

"Child, it's cold outside, put on more clothes"

"No, no, no......It's okay, grandma.......Mother-in-law, wait a minute, I will"

"Hahaha, kid, you are shivering with cold, go put on more clothes."

Am I cold?! I am scared!

Ikeuchi Maki completely regretted going out even though she knew it was dangerous. She was really looking for death.

But......But I can't......I can't let my mother-in-law go out alone.

Although she was scared, Ikeuchi Maki was more afraid that if danger came, she would not be able to protect others.

Gradually, Ikeuchi Maki stopped shivering, and she seemed to have some determination.

What is the purpose of getting strength?

Walking out of the house, she was blown by the cold wind. Ikeuchi Maki shivered and looked at the moon hanging high in the sky. For the first time, she thought about this question so deeply.

If I really become a strong person, what should I do?

"Big sister!"

Just when Ikeuchi Maki was lost in thought, several childish voices came from behind her. She turned around and saw that it was those children, coming out of the bushes.

Children are full of energy. They sneak out to play every night. It was an agreement, and tonight was no exception.

When they saw that the big sister had also slipped out in the morning, they were overjoyed! The big sister came late, and the grandparents called them home, so they couldn't play any more. Now, let the big sister tell us the terrible story of immortal despair! But when they got out of the bushes, they saw the grandmother not far from Ikeuchi Maki. In an instant, their faces turned pale with fear and they turned around and ran away.

It's bait! Run!

"Come back here!!"

The mother-in-law behind him suddenly burst into a roar that was different from her age.

"Akita Granny......"

"Why aren't you sleeping so late at night? Didn't they say that ghosts would come out at night?"

Mother Akita was very angry about the children running around in the middle of the night, and judging from the situation, this wasn't the first time!

"Come out now!"

As the Akita grandmother roared, several children came out from the bushes behind her, some big, some small, some boys, some girls, all of them looked listless.

"Didn’t I tell you not to go out at night? What if you get eaten by ghosts? Why don’t you obey me?"

"......Mother-in-law, you and your elder sister clearly went out late at night......."

The children dared not talk back, and could only complain quietly. Grandma Akita was hard of hearing and did not hear it, but Ikeuchi Maki heard it, but she could not open her mouth to scold.

She was actually quite angry. Others might not know, but she knew that there were ghosts in this world, and she was a little angry about the children running around in the middle of the night.

What? She was running around too?......That's different.

Ikeuchi Maki sighed, looked at Grandma Akita who was scolding the children, and looked up at the sky.......

But they saw that on the treetops above their heads, there was a strange figure and a pair of blood-red eyes staring at them. Deep in the eyes was a desire for food and killing.

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