
Maki Ikeuchi was so frightened that she couldn't speak clearly. She was sweating profusely and her whole body was instantly stiff. She wanted to shout, but the sound was stuck in her throat. Her whole face was purple. Maki Ikeuchi could only raise her stiff hand and slowly point to the treetops. The scary ghost......


""Big sister, what are you talking about?"

The innocent and puzzled voices of the children awakened the little remaining rationality of Ikeuchi Maki, but she had only one thought at the moment.


""Ghost! Run!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Ikeuchi Maki took the lead and ran as fast as she could. She knew better than anyone else how scary ghosts were, but this was just a small ghost, not even as scary as Nightmare's half finger.

"Jiejiejiejie......It would be better if you run faster......."

Just as the Akita grandmother and the children were startled and thought it was just a prank by Ikeuchi Maki, a strange, scary, cold and uncomfortable voice came from above their heads - there were only trees in that place.

Panic made several people look up, but they could only see a somewhat deformed figure staring at them with a pair of blood-red eyes.


There was a short silence, and several people were a little scared, but looking at Ikeuchi Maki going away, their bodies also burst out with strength beyond the past, and quickly moved away from the ghost.

The ghost didn't care that they were going away, and laughed wildly towards the sky. He could get close to them in a short moment, so he might as well have some fun!

However, the panicked shouting of several people woke up the sleeping elderly people. Curious and frightened, they opened the door to look, but they could only see the children running away frantically and the unknown figure on the tree in the distance.

"Akita! What happened?"

"Koji! Come back soon!!"

"Mu Lu! Who told you to run out in the middle of the night?"

Some brave old people, seeing the chaos outside or their own children running for their lives while crying, anxiously walked out of the house to see what was going on.......

"Don't come out!!"

Ikeuchi Maki, whose starting time and speed were much faster than others, reacted immediately and yelled at the old man who was leaving the house, but he could only see a figure flash by and a headless corpse falling down with blood.......

"Jiejiejiejie......Run! Keep running! Prey that is running is more interesting!"

Seeing a fresh life die in front of him, Ikeuchi Maki's mind went blank instantly. This old man remembered that he had given her a lot of things after entering this village.......She still remembered that the old man seemed to be the grandfather of a child behind her and stuffed her with a lot of delicious food.......

Just like that, died in front of my eyes......

"......Ghost! It's a ghost!"

"My God, the old man down the mountain is here......Xiaokui, go back!! Go hide in the warehouse!!"

"What our ancestors said is true......"

A group of old people, seeing the ghosts in the words left by their ancestors, were shocked.......

But soon, the old men took out weapons such as pitchforks and axes from their own storehouses, and the old women took their sleeping children and climbed out from the back of their houses to escape.......

Children are the future. Since I have been abandoned by my own sons and daughters, I must sacrifice my life to save my grandchildren!

"Run! Run!"

The old men stepped forward with their weapons, protecting the old ladies and children who were running away behind them, and looked at the ghost standing still in front of them. It was the first time they saw a ghost, with gray-black skin, those scary red vertical pupils, and those hands that were much longer than normal people's, almost hanging down to the knees, staring at them with a ferocious face.......

How terrible......

I don't know why this ghost is standing still, but this is a good thing, isn't it? Let the children run away.......They can hold out as long as their old bodies can.

"Evil ghosts!!!!"

An old man who was still relatively young looked at the children running away in the distance, then looked at the evil ghost in front of him that was becoming more and more ferocious, picked up the pitchfork in his hand, roared - to cover up his fear, and rushed towards the ghost.

"Jiejiejiejie......OK......"Great! The prey will resist! This is awesome!"

The evil ghost's face was full of ferocious joy. He looked at the old man rushing towards him, stretched out his hand to grab the tip of the pitchfork, bent it with his bare hands, and then faced the astonished and terrified eyes of the temporary coalition of old men in front of him, and punched the first person who dared to charge in front of him through the chest......

The old man vomited blood, his fist was pulled out by the evil ghost, and he fell to the ground. Blood gradually covered the dead land.......

Silence, stillness, and fear permeated the air, but mixed with a hint of reluctance and anger.......


"Evil ghost!!!!!!!!!"

The old men were so shocked by the scene that they were silent for a moment, and then they let out a deafening roar, even though their voices were trembling and their bodies were shaking.......They can't retreat

"Hehehehe! This is fun!!! Killing the weak is so satisfying!!!"

The evil ghost looked at the old people rushing over, laughed horribly and fiercely, and rushed into the crowd. In an instant, blood rushed into the sky.......A terrible massacre is brewing..................

In the distance, Ikeuchi Maki had slowed down. She had regained some consciousness and was gradually slowing down, leading the crying, terrified children to run.......

Countless screams and pleas for mercy were heard from the village, and the sky was filled with blood, as if the moon was dyed red.......

"Mother-in-law......Grandma, run!"

Seeing that the old people began to lose strength and gradually slowed down, Ikeuchi Maki was very anxious. She couldn't let those old men who stood up and died bravely die in vain!

"child......You are a good kid......My mother-in-law is dying, we......We'll stay and delay for a while......."

The Akita grandmother who had run the longest, the one who had come out for a walk with Ikeuchi Maki at the beginning, was now slumped on the ground, breathing heavily, choking with sobs, and tears streaming down her face.

"Those old men were there to make the children run away. Now that the old men are gone, it is time for us old ladies to take over......."

Another grandmother panted, came from behind Ikeuchi Maki, patted Ikeuchi Maki on the shoulder, and sat on the ground with Akita grandmother

"Walk......Children, go!......Let Ah Hua and the others live on......"


"Hurry up!!"

A large group of elderly people, who were already physically disabled, could no longer run after running for so long.......

Ikeuchi Maki, who couldn't hold back her tears any longer, tried to reach out to pull the old man, but was slapped away by a hand.......They know that no one wants them anymore, and they don't know why they are alive.......Creating value? Or......Check out the view......No......

They took one last look at the children and disappeared into the woods with sobs. They still turned back and called out to the crying children, and they all shed tears.

It was for the children, for the future.

Their own lives were in vain.......It's fine if you just hook up with it......

The evil ghost in front of him had already come to kill him. Looking at the generous old women sitting on the ground, he showed a trace of boredom on his face.

Another prey that would not struggle.......It's boring, but......Killing is so fun!!!

The blood in the distance has not yet dried and solidified, and the blood here has once again soaked the earth......

Maki Ikeuchi is running with the children......Along the way, there were children struggling to go back, but she held them tightly and dragged them to run.......

She absolutely could not let the elderly in that village die in vain! At least, at least she had to protect the children!!

At this moment, she hated herself so much that she had no power.......

Master......Where on earth are you!!!..................

At this time, Fang Wuwei was still on his way on horseback.......

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