Reluctance, sadness, fear, despair......Ikeuchi Maki was brewing in her heart. She didn't even dare to get angry. She could only let these terrible emotions push her to collapse.......

But she didn't dare to stop, because the sound of flesh breaking behind her and the thick, almost suffocating smell of blood in the air forced her body to keep moving forward....... if......If I really had the power......

I am now! I can't do anything!!

I don't know how long it took, but the threat of death seemed to gradually disappear, and the blood in the air was gradually dissipating as Ikeuchi Maki left.......There was no longer the horrible sound of flesh breaking behind me, nor could I hear that horrible, evil grin.......

Is it safe?

A moment of relaxation slowed down Ikeuchi Maki's pace. The air in her lungs seemed to be squeezed out, and there was no part of her body that was not sore. She was just a weak woman on weekdays, but she burst out with such potential that she couldn't believe it. She felt like she was going to die.......

It's safe......Ikeuchi

Maki asked herself this question again. She couldn't run any longer and the children were also panting.......It's the limit

"Jiejiejiejie......Not running away? Then I'll enjoy it!"

Unfortunately, a nightmare-like voice sounded from above everyone's head. Ikeuchi Maki looked up and saw the evil ghost. Despair and fear completely devoured her.

He had been following them, playing with them like a cat playing with a mouse.......Of course, it was impossible to let them go.

The children who had collapsed on the ground and were crying saw the evil ghost coming again. The children who still had the strength got up and ran again. Those who couldn't run could only cry and watch the evil ghost jump down from above their heads. They looked at the pair of hungry and violent eyes, which were shining with terrible blood, staring at them as if they were staring at a full table of feast.

Maki Ikeuchi, who had to hold the children and run non-stop to try to get all the children to run away, was the most tired one at the scene. She had collapsed on the ground and had no strength to resist.......She could only watch helplessly as the evil spirits devoured the children, ripped her open, and feasted on her.......

Despair in the face of death......The reluctance of the elderly to sacrifice in vain......Sadness for my own weakness......Regret for running away without permission......Finally, it gathered into a ball, swallowing up Ikeuchi Maki like a dark shadow, wrapping her insides and suffocating her.......

But in the end, I was surrounded by countless negative emotions, despair, fear, unwillingness,......Finally, it condensed into anger - the extreme anger towards the evil spirits.

""Evil ghost!!!"

The strong rage made Ikeuchi Maki full of strength again - she could die, but even if she died, she must not die in vain!!

Looking at the evil ghost jumping down from high, Ikeuchi Maki rolled over to avoid the evil ghost's falling attack. The sudden change surprised the evil ghost, and in surprise, his movements slowed down a little.......

Then, he watched helplessly as Maki Ikeuchi, with a ferocious face, punched him in the face.......


Ikeuchi Maki was just a mortal, and she was already exhausted, how could she shake a demon? Her fists couldn't even make the demon feel the slightest pain, not even a little bit.

However, Ikeuchi Maki's resistance at the moment of death gave him great pleasure.......

"Hehehehe! That's it! That's it!"

Looking at the crazy evil spirit in front of her, Ikeuchi Maki felt a chill in her spine.......But seeing the children who had not yet run away, she knew that she might have to spend the rest of her life here.......

But she wasn't going to sit around and die like those old ladies.......She wanted to resist, even if she knew she could never win, she still wanted to fight, this was her last dignity as the Brilliant Wind......

I won't surrender, and I won't wait to die.

Roaring, Ikeuchi Maki punched again, and his limp fists went straight to the evil ghost. His ferocious face was filled with despair, and the evil ghost laughed.

That's right! The prey that resists is the best!!


On the other side, Fang Wuwei followed the radar and came to the village where Ikeuchi Maki stayed.

Ikeuchi Maki was a green dot on the radar like him, which meant that he was not an enemy, nor the protagonist of this world. He was very conspicuous. When passing by, he found that there seemed to be a village, so he originally planned to rest for a night and let Ikeuchi Maki learn a lesson. What would happen if he ran around everywhere?......

Since entering the woods, quick braking has not been very useful, so he could only run on the ground. Without the one-touch acceleration of quick braking, he certainly couldn't be stupid enough to run at full speed. After hurrying, he finally passed through the layers of dense forest and arrived at the dead silent and deserted village.

But Fang Wuwei, who leaned out of the woods, had an extremely gloomy face at this moment. He could smell the strong smell of blood clearly when he was still in the woods. After smelling the blood in the air, he rushed over at full speed.

But now, he could only see blood all over the ground and horribly mutilated corpses.

After taking two steps, he stepped directly into a pool of solidified blood. There was a large group of old people, some of whom had their hearts dug out and knelt on the ground with painful and desperate faces. Some of them had no heads on their necks, and some were simply torn apart, their bodies fell to the ground, and their buttocks hung on the trees.......

The only thing they have in common is that they all have weapons in their hands.......They are all broken.

It is impossible for them to fight with broken weapons. The only possibility is that the people fighting with them broke all the weapons and then brutally killed them all.......This is just a joke.

The person who can do this is probably no one other than a devil who is full of bad taste, evil, damned and dirty.......

No, sometimes the reincarnations would do this, but I have already killed all the reincarnations in this world, so the only possibility left is the evil spirit. I carefully identified the distance, and the green dot representing Ikeuchi Maki was some distance away from here, but not too far.......It seemed that the worst had already happened.

Fang Wuwei sighed deeply. He was afraid that he could not keep such a disobedient disciple who was so reckless.......The rest plan was ruined, let's go fight.

Following the radar all the way at full speed, he saw another pile of corpses - a group of old women, none of them were intact, their limbs, blood, and internal organs almost covered the ground within a radius of 300 meters. What a beast!......

The anger gradually grew, and Fang Wuwei rushed to the distance at a faster speed.

Ikeuchi Maki, you better hold on!................................................

After being hit four or five times by Ikeuchi Maki's limp fists, the evil ghost lost interest - she was too weak, and couldn't break his defense like those old men. Although her unwilling and desperate face made him extremely excited, that was it. He was tired of seeing such an expression.

The evil ghost didn't even try to dodge, but grabbed Ikeuchi Maki's forearm with one hand, and crushed her forearm with one force.

The sound of broken bones rang in her ears, and the intense and terrible pain swept through Ikeuchi Maki's body, making her scream in pain, and her body curled up unconsciously. The scream passed through the dense forest and fell into the ears of Fang Wuwei who was rushing over not far away.

She regretted it, but not that much.......The kids ran away, that's enough......

"You don't think that if you stay, the lambs will be safe, do you?"

The sharp evil voice of the evil ghost interrupted Ikeuchi Maki's thoughts. He was putting his mouth close to Ikeuchi Maki's ear, and his dirty breath made her feel nauseous.

"I can reach this distance with just one leap.......Hehehe, even if you delay for another ten minutes, they won't be able to survive.......I will find them all, gut them all and eat them, starting with you as an appetizer, my little beauty~"

Ikeuchi Maki was completely desperate, with only numbness in her eyes.......

The evil ghost opened his mouth and was about to bite Ikeuchi Maki's neck, starting with her. His breath mixed with saliva fell on her neck, and Ikeuchi Maki no longer wavered.......

Mom and Dad, I'm sorry......And Master............Master?

Ikeuchi Maki's distracted eyes saw Fang Wuwei leaping high into the air, with his back to the moon, rushing towards him at an incredible speed.

Damn it, I found you, you bastard!

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