Fang Wuwei was much faster than the evil ghost. The moment he felt the presence of someone behind him, Fang Wuwei grabbed his neck and lifted him up in the air before he could even close his mouth. The sudden and huge change made the evil ghost completely confused. He was unable to exert any strength.......He couldn't even resist.

After coming to his senses for a moment, the evil ghost began to struggle violently, but he soon found that all his attacks were ineffective. Punching and kicking couldn't even scratch Fang Wuwei's skin.

Ignoring the evil ghost in his hand, Fang Wuwei looked back at the extremely embarrassed Ikeuchi Maki. At this moment, her mouth was slightly open, staring blankly at Fang Wuwei who was like a god at the moment. One of her forearms had been squeezed and deformed, and the bones inside were broken and twisted.

""Wuwuwuwu wahhhhhhhhhh Master wahhhhhhh!!!"

Ikeuchi Maki cried loudly, snot and tears streaming down her face. What she had experienced tonight was ten times more than what she had experienced in the previous sixteen years. Seeing Fang Wuwei was like seeing her backbone. The extremely severe pain in her arm made her mentality further shattered. She rushed forward and was about to hug Fang Wuwei's thigh, but he kicked her away unexpectedly.

"......Woo Wow Master......"

""Get lost."

Fang Wuwei responded to Ikeuchi Maki's request with a cold"Get lost".

Are you kidding? I took good care of her, and she ran away.......And judging from the situation, if he was two steps slower, she would really die here?!

If it weren't for the fact that Ikeuchi Maki had lost one of her hands, he would have slapped her twice.

Feeling the movement in his hand, Fang Wuwei looked back at the evil ghost with a face full of resentment and fear. Ripples appeared in his hand and were transmitted to the evil ghost through his body.

The energy of the sun is the most painful and cruel torture in the world for ghosts.

Unable to control the violent screams, the evil ghost quickly disintegrated and turned into a pool of ashes. The human-shaped evil ghost was not as large as the nightmare that could transmit the ripples. The ripples could be transmitted to the whole body in an instant, and there was no possibility of survival, not even a little bit.

He cleanly and neatly transcended the evil ghost in his hand, letting the ashes fall. Fang Wuwei clapped his hands to disperse the dirty smoke and dust in his hands, turned around again, bent down and looked at Ikeuchi Maki who was looking at him blankly.......

Then, he slowly stretched out his hand and gently grasped Ikeuchi Maki's severely injured forearm.

Just when Ikeuchi Maki thought that the master was going to help her heal, Fang Wuwei suddenly increased his grip, and even more terrible pain instantly swept through her body, almost freezing her brain. In pain, she had no choice but to use her other hand to grab Fang Wuwei's hand holding her forearm, but she couldn't shake it at all. Fang Wuwei's hand was like a super strong magnet, holding her forearm motionless, which made her even more painful.

"Ahhh Master, what are you doing?!"

"Does it hurt?"

"It hurts so much, Master......."

"It's normal to feel pain, you asked for it."

Faced with Maki Ikeuchi's painful struggle, Fang Wuwei felt a little bit reluctant, but still did not let go. This guy was too disobedient, so she had to teach him a lesson. Maki Ikeuchi was in so much pain that she couldn't speak for a while. She just gritted her teeth and leaned over. Her body unconsciously tended to curl up into a ball, which showed that her body could no longer bear it. She was trying to reduce the tension of her muscles by curling up to reduce the pain.

But the effect was minimal. Maki Ikeuchi still felt extremely painful. She didn't understand why her master would be so cruel to her.

But......There was no resentment in her heart, only confusion and fear

"Big sister!!"

No one expected that a childish voice would sound from behind her. She looked back with all her might, only to see a group of children rushing back in a mighty procession, holding thick sticks or stones in their hands, with expressions of fearlessness on their childish and immature faces.......This shouldn't have appeared on the children's faces.

When the children rushed over, they didn't see the evil ghost, but saw the older sister collapsed on the ground, with a man squatting on the ground in front of her holding the older sister's hand.

""That's the evil ghost! Charge!"

The strongest of the children, holding a stone in his hand, rushed towards Fang Wuwei, waving the stone in his hand, as if he wanted to smash Fang Wuwei to death.

Unfortunately, these children couldn't even touch the corner of Fang Wuwei's clothes. They were shocked by the mental power released by Fang Wuwei. They stood there in a daze, not daring to move. They didn't dare to move forward, but they didn't dare to retreat either. They could only stand there and shiver.

"Master! They are still children......."

"............Are you just trying to protect these children?"

Maki Ikeuchi heard her master's irrelevant answer. Although the pain allowed her to regain some rationality to stop her master, she couldn't think too much and just nodded subconsciously.

Seeing her nod silently, Fang Wuwei fell into deep thought. He loosened Maki Ikeuchi's arm with his tightly clenched hands. The pain was instantly relieved, giving Maki Ikeuchi some breathing space.

Before she could take a breath, something was thrown at her. When she looked closely, she still remembered this thing. It was this thing that healed her wound on the train. Fang Wuwei was in a complicated mood at the moment. He thought Maki Ikeuchi was just being chased by evil spirits and had to fight with the evil spirits. He didn't expect that it was to protect the children's evacuation?......Although they didn't retreat at all, perhaps they knew they couldn't escape at all.

Fang Wuwei withdrew his mental power, and as soon as the children were able to move, they rushed to Ikeuchi Maki and protected her inside, alerting Fang Wuwei.

"children......This is my master. The evil ghost has been dealt with by him......."

Weakly pressing the treatment bag on her arm, Ikeuchi Maki spoke in a low voice. She was too tired to speak too loudly, and it was enough for the children to hear it.

The children did hear these words, and their eyes lit up one by one. The tears and pain, sadness, and fear that they had been holding back all night were released at once, and they cried loudly.

A large group of children crying together was really spectacular.

"Big Brother Master! Big Brother Master! Save my grandma!!"

"My grandfather......My grandpa!!"

"Big brother, Master! Please!"

Although Fang Wuwei didn't like children very much, he couldn't bear to see a group of innocent children kneeling on the ground crying.......He couldn't do it. He couldn't even tell everyone that all the old people in the village were dead.......He had no idea what to do with the children, so he could only look at Ikeuchi Maki.

But Ikeuchi Maki was in no mood to take care of the children. She felt a little drowsy due to the pain and fatigue, as well as the relaxation brought by the tension that had been tense all night.

Fang Wuwei looked at the drowsy Ikeuchi Maki with mixed feelings.......Although this cheap apprentice of mine is disobedient, he is kind, helpful, strong, and even willing to sacrifice his life for others.......

Maybe she still has some sparkle.......Fang

Wuwei didn't dare to look at the crying children, for he was afraid that he would also be sad.......He could only walk over silently, walked to Ikeuchi Maki's side, pulled her up roughly, and woke her up at the same time.


"......Master, where are you going?......?"

"go home"

"......Go home? Then these kids......"

""It's none of your business."

Cold and ruthless, this is the most profound impression Ikeuchi Maki has of Fang Wuwei.

""Master! What about the children?!"

Ikeuchi Maki couldn't help it. She absolutely couldn't leave behind a group of poor children who had lost their loved ones and walk away.

But Fang Wuwei just turned around and glanced at her. The scarlet right eye frightened Ikeuchi Maki, and she subconsciously shrank back a step.

"Do you want to leave?"


"You also know that I am your master?! Then why didn't you listen to me!!"

Ikeuchi Maki understood instantly that the master was angry, angry that she had come out on her own, angry that she had taken risks.......Lowering her head and not daring to look at him, Ikeuchi Maki only felt full of regret.......No, if she hadn't come, I'm afraid the children would have......


Before she could think it through, Fang Wuwei's command came again. She subconsciously looked at the children gathered at her feet. She wanted to resist, but......

She thought of her parents and her family....... finally......She stepped out, sobbing and shaking off the children at her feet, and ran towards the ruthless Fang Wuwei, tears dripping down her cheeks.......

The children were forced to not chase after Fang Wuwei due to his terrifying aura. They could only watch the two disappear into the dark forest and cry.

Is Fang Wuwei really that ruthless?

Bullshit, the nearest Demon Slayer was only 200 meters away, and was rushing over after hearing the children's cries. Otherwise, how could he leave so freely?

"what happened?!"


"There is a village in the distance!! It is full of......"

Seeing four or five members of the Demon Slayer team suddenly appear and hurriedly take the crying children away, the sound of two people talking came from the bushes not far away.......

"Are you satisfied?"

"......I knew that the master couldn't be so ruthless."

With a sound like breaking glass, Fang Wuwei and Ikeuchi Maki completely disappeared from this world.

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