"Really?! We are a family of magicians?!"

This news was a huge surprise to Maki Ikeuchi. She immediately climbed out of her mother's arms, her face full of excitement.

"Yes......But now, we are no longer a magic family."


Hearing Ikeuchi Maki's anxious question, the old couple looked at each other, their faces full of helplessness and sadness.

"Maki......The world of magic is extremely cruel. The Ikenai family was once just a small family, but just because they were weak, they were excluded by countless families in other worlds.......In the end, our family was broken up and we could only reluctantly pass through the singularity and come to this world.

However, the price was......Completely lost the ability to use magic."

The old couple recalled the past, some painful memories lingering in their hearts. They finally managed to escape from the deep vortex of magic. Now they just want to live a peaceful and simple life, and it would be best if they never have anything to do with magic again. But now.........My own child has once again entered the realm of magic......

Although the world she followed the master to was not theirs, and the level of technology in their world was similar to this one, they were still worried that Maki would be in danger.

"Maki......Promise me! Don't go to your so-called master again!"


"Maki! It's very dangerous. The world of magic is too deep. You can't grasp it!"

Hearing his father's hoarse shout, Maki Ikeuchi fell silent. What he had been following for so long was actually.........

"The child's father......"

Maki Ikeuchi's mother pulled the agitated father and said something in a scolding tone, which calmed Mr. Ikeuchi down.

"sorry......Mom and Dad, I still want to go"

"Maki you......!"

Before Chi Nei's father could get angry again, Mrs. Chi Nei covered his mouth with a sad face.

"Maki, can you tell us why?"

"......Master once told me that what we do is meaningful.......We fight for this world, for the countless lives in this world, and to protect the beauty of this world......."

Silently clenching her fists, Ikeuchi Maki recalled what her master had said to her before. At that time, under the moon, she had asked Fang Wuwei why he had traveled through time and space.

This was his answer.......

"......Really......Maki, I respect your decision."

"! The mother of the child!!"

"Her father! The child has grown up! He can have this awareness......I am also pleased......"

Looking at the three people hugging each other and crying together, Fang Wuwei, who was leaning on the railing on a balcony not far away, rubbed his eyes silently...........................................

The next day was the last day of summer vacation.

Thanks to Ikeuchi Maki's selfless dedication, he didn't need to do homework at all and was relaxed.

It was still early, so Ikeuchi Maki came to Fang Wuwei's home again, but this time, she was no longer alone.

Fang Wuwei opened the door and saw a familiar place and a familiar person.......There are two unfamiliar people.

Mr. and Mrs. Ikeuchi, visiting

"Master......I can't stop......"

Ikeuchi Maki looked at Fang Wuwei with a somewhat aggrieved expression, but Fang Wuwei did not think there was anything wrong with it. Instead, he was happy about it. He thought, he still had a lot of questions to ask, and now they were delivered to him.

"Dongfang Konghong......Right, we are Maki Ikeuchi's parents, and we have something to ask you......."

"Please come in, Mr. and Mrs. Ikeuchi. I know the problem. And, I prefer to be called Fang Wuwei......."..........................................

"Please take a seat.

Fang Wuwei led the group to the living room and motioned them to come to the table. He waved his hand and a cup of tea appeared on the empty tea table, which made Ikeuchi Maki's eyes widen.

I have been making tea for you for more than a month, and you told me that you can make it by yourself?!! I showed off my skills, and the Ikeuchi couple naturally fell for it. Then they fell silent.......

Although they came to this world where magic cannot be used, no matter how stupid they are, they know that this person has real skills.......No matter what, it is not okay to take Maki away when she knows nothing before!

"Oriental Brother......No, Mr. Dongfang, I just want to know why you took my daughter Maki away without permission."

He was not surprised at all that the other party's parents came to make trouble. If he had a daughter who disappeared for three days with a boy of the same age for no reason, he would be even more anxious.

Silently taking a sip of the tea on the table, Fang Wuwei slowly spoke:

"First of all, I prefer to be called Fang Wuwei rather than this name.......Secondly, it happened suddenly and it was her own choice."

"Brother, no matter what you say, you shouldn't bring an inexperienced child to a dangerous place!"

"I am the same age as her. Besides, she is indeed a good seedling. She was the one who pestered me to become her disciple."

Rationally using the advantages of this body, Fang Wuwei put down the teacup in his hand. Although he knew that this was like a yellow-haired boy,......Apart from anything else, he did recognize Ikeuchi Maki and planned to teach her abilities and make her his assistant.

"perhaps......"Parents, you should listen to your children's opinions. I'm not doing anything dirty." The

Ikeuchi couple looked at each other. They were under a lot of pressure. Not to mention that this was the opponent's home court, according to magicians' common sense, if the opponent was hostile, then entering the opponent's territory was almost like committing suicide. They had made enough psychological preparations before daring to come in.

But what this person said seemed to be right. The child had grown up, and it was time to listen to the child's opinions.

So the three of them turned their eyes to Ikeuchi Maki, who had been silent.

"......I hope to continue following you, Master!"

"oh......Even if I die?"

"If it is for the sake of countless lives and souls, why should we fear death!"


Hearing their child say this, the Ikeuchi couple could not stand it and interrupted her immediately, but they were soon stunned by the expression on Maki's face.

That expression was something they had seen before.......They had seen it on the faces of the elders who stayed behind in the Chinei family when they were fleeing to that world.

They would never forget it.

Both of them fell silent. They knew they couldn't persuade their daughter to come back. Instead, Fang Wuwei looked at Zhenji with a new respect.

"good......So from now on, I will train you, I will teach you step by step until you become a strong man.

But remember, unless the enemy is right in front of you, you must not expose it, and you must not use it without authorization, understand?"


Chi Nei's parents knew they couldn't get a word in, and they were willing to respect their child's opinion, so they set their sights on Fang Wuwei.

This young man, at such a young age, was able to master magic in this isolated world. If he could learn this trick, then......There is hope for the revitalization of the Ikeuchi family!

Mr. Ikeuchi decided not to bear a grudge for bringing his daughter to another world, and took out several old cowhide books of different sizes from his bag.

"East......No, Mr. Fang Wuwei, this is a magic book passed down from generation to generation in the Chi Nei family. Can you take a look and see if there is any room for improvement?......"

"Well, I'm really excited when you say that......."

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