After the summer vacation, it is autumn. The green trees on campus begin to turn yellow, fall, and slowly wither.

Just like the mental state of all students who start school, they are listless.

It has been a week since the start of school. Fang Wuwei has adapted to it, but other students are not as adaptable as him. So far, they are still weak and listless, as if they have kidney deficiency. It has been a week since Maki Ikeuchi's family came to visit. During this week, Professor Fang Wuwei gave Maki Ikeuchi Ripples and formulated a series of body-building plans for her, so that she could improve her physical fitness first.

As for the Gale Swordsmanship that Maki Ikeuchi has always wanted to learn, Fang Wuwei can only say that Ripples are the weakest and easiest to quickly master extraordinary power he has now.

And Fang Wuwei has been constantly studying several magic books that are secretly passed down by the Ikeuchi family, and then he found that this thing is simply a treasure.

The knowledge recorded in these somewhat worn-out magic books includes but is not limited to various basic magics of attack and defense, various types of daily magic, item enchantment techniques, a series of magic circle knowledge, and the most precious basic knowledge of magic.

A lot of wonderful knowledge drilled into his mind, mysterious and extraordinary knowledge, not to mention that there were no more inexplicable subjective and self-boasting middle school sentences in the"Dark Scripture" when he first read them.

They were all full of dry goods, and it was the first time he learned so happily.

Maki Ikeuchi worked very hard and never slacked off in his daily training.

He mastered the knowledge very quickly and was able to endure hardships.

Fang Wuwei has not yet digested the knowledge he got from those magic books.

He has tried to use the magic recorded in them before, but failed without exception.

He needs to find out what is going on.

At the same time, Maki Ikeuchi's parents have begun to handle the transfer procedures, preparing to transfer Maki Ikeuchi to Ginkgo Private High School where Fang Wuwei is currently studying.

Everything seems to be getting better, except......

"Hey, Yuta, what's going on between you and Rikka recently?"

Looking at Yuta, who was lying on the desk with a depressed look on his face, Fang Wuwei put down the magic book in his hand and looked at Yuta with an unhappy face.

From the beginning of the school to now, he has not even seen the two of them talking to each other. Even in the club, the two of them would never be alone. As long as the two of them were together, Rikka would definitely run away immediately, as if she didn't want to be with Yuta for even a second.

"I remember you said before that Liuhua stayed at your house for one night.......Masaka!"

"Bastard! I didn't do anything!"

Yongtai stood up on the spot. He was always concerned about his reputation. He got up and punched Fang Wuwei.

But soon he became depressed again. He also cared about this issue.......I didn't do anything, why did Rikka ignore me?......

Even when they were back at the club and sitting together, Rikka would never look at Yuta, and even tried to avoid Yuta from appearing in her field of vision.......It's a bit unnatural, and the blush on my face never goes away

"Hello......Dongfang, did you notice?"

"Um......Very problematic......"

Nibutani and Fang Wuwei sat aside, staring at Rikka and Yuta, thinking about their current problems.

One is a gossip king who loves to eat gossip about love, and the other is a hard-core couple, wishing Yuta and Rikka would go to bed and make a baby right now, so at this moment Nibutani and Fang Wuwei reached an absolute consensus, and history calls it the first cooperation of the Yuta and Rikka CP alliance.

They shook hands tacitly to show their friendship, and began to observe how to break the impasse.

Yuta is a dull wooden man, and Rikka is a dull-witted middle school student who doesn't understand love.

An external force is needed to break through the current relationship between the two.......

"I said......Dongfang, now the two of them are in a stalemate, and an external force is needed to break this stalemate.......Are you listening to me?"

"Um......I am thinking positively now......"

Fang Wuwei had been looking at his phone perfunctorily. Inside was an email from Ikeuchi Maki. At this moment, she had already arrived at Fang Wuwei's house and started her daily practice. She just wanted to report to him.

"external force......Does a love rival count?"

"Love rival?! Whose love rival?!"

"Besides Rikka, is there anyone who likes Yuta?"

"Eh?! Who is that? Tell me now!"

"Okay, I have to go. I have things to do."

"Hey, wait a minute!"

Ignoring the cool-looking Nibutani on the side, Fang Wuwei stood up, grabbed his schoolbag and left. Not only did he have to teach his apprentices, he also had to study magic books. He was very busy every day, but it was more fulfilling than ever before.

This was just a part of their daily life. As time slowly moved forward, Fang Wuwei's research on magic began to mature.

First of all, almost all the magic in the magic book was useless.

The principle of these magics was"borrowing the violent magic power in the air and integrating it with the magician's soul energy and rituals to release the magic". This way of mobilizing atmospheric magic power was very different from the skills he usually used. His skills It is released using one's own magic power, which makes the magic of the Chinei family completely unusable in places without magic power.

But this world does have magic power, and in connection with the term"violent magic power" in the book, Fang Wuwei thought of the singularity in the past. How violent was the magic power that erupted from that singularity?

So, he came to the small open space where the singularity was located, and performed magic experiments on time, but ended in failure.

He was a little distressed, because he found a lot of magic he liked in this magic book, as well as enchantment techniques and magic circles, which were so useful!

But he was unwilling to give up, so he chose to look for other information.

What information?...... The Dark Codex, written by a great magician who is over 500 years old.

What's even more outrageous is that he actually found a solution.

According to the Dark Codex, since the total amount and level of magic in this world is lower than that in the other world, the magic in the atmosphere is controlled by the elves in the air who use magic as the source of life. Therefore, only a great elf magician like me can hear the whispers of the elves and thus............

This paragraph is useless.......To use magic in this world, you need to be favored by the elves. Morisummer wrote these two sentences for more than ten lines.

To be favored by the elves, you need to embrace everything in the world with love, accept everything in the world with your heart, and wash away your sins. After completing the above conditions, only those who are favored by heaven and earth can hear the whispers of the elves.

This condition is too harsh.

But Fang Wuwei decided to give it a try and combine the knowledge in the Dark Holy Scripture with the magic book.......

"Kind, lovely, beautiful spirits, I have washed away my sins and in my purest and most original form, I ask to hear your whispers......."

Fang Wuwei opened up his magic perception and chanted the spell from the Dark Scripture to ask for the elves' favor. Soon he felt that the unusually active magic in the atmosphere that he had sensed before began to gather around him and linger around him.

He seemed to hear a giggle in his ear.......I'm afraid these are elves.

Next, he opened the Ikenai family's secret magic book and began to chant the magic spells inside.

"Clear water, please favor me, turn into sharp spikes, and pierce my enemies!"

This is a low-level magic water spike. As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately felt that the elves lingering around him began to emit more magic power. His body also began to unconsciously emit mental power. His mental power merged with the magic power emitted by those elves, inexplicably forming some extremely clear water, which turned into water spikes and floated beside Fang Wuwei.

Looking at the water spikes floating beside him, Fang Wuwei silently closed the Dark Scripture in his hand. morisummer......You are so strong. It's really unfair to say you have a chuunibyou.......

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