After receiving the approval of the elves wandering in this world, Fang Wuwei quickly summoned the Chi Nei family. Although Maki had been here, her parents were not here.

"Mr. Fang, are you saying that you have found a way to use magic in this world?"

"Yes, so I hope to get some experimental results from you......Don't worry, there won't be any problem."

The couple looked at each other, full of surprise, they really hit the right note!!......

"Mr. Fang, our magic circuits are all destroyed. Can we still perform magic?"

The magic circuit is a channel for releasing magic that combines the magic power in the magician's body with the external magic power. It is the first prerequisite for every magician to perform magic. Only with the magic circuit can the magic power be released externally and combined with the external magic power to perform magic.

When Fang Wuwei learned about this thing from the book, he simply ignored it. He could easily release the magic power directly. As a cheater, he had no idea how important the magic circuit was to the magician. So he shook his head on the spot and asked them to chant the elf prayer. The second-year elf prayer reminded the couple of their glorious days, and they prayed to the elves in the air for strength with great sincerity.

Fang Wuwei, who had activated his magic perception, had been observing the activities of the elves in the air. The elves quickly rushed over after hearing the prayers of the Chi Nei couple and hovered around them.......But in the end, they suddenly dispersed, as if they had encountered something disgusting, and refused to get close. Fang Wuwei also did not sense the magic power they radiated.

Those who are not recognized by the elves are not worthy of using magic.

When the couple was informed of this situation, they were only disappointed for a moment and quickly returned to normal - ordinary life is the truth, even if they cannot recover their strength, they can still continue to live.

But the most important thing is his daughter.

"Maki, it's your turn, repeat after me......"

"Kind, lovely, beautiful spirits, I have washed away my sins and in my purest and most original form, I ask to hear your whispers......."

Before Fang Wuwei began to guide Ikeuchi Maki, she began to chant the prayer quickly. She had been waiting for a long time and knew the prayer by heart. As Ikeuchi Maki prayed, the spirits began to rush over quickly, but Fang Wuwei soon found that......Why does it feel a bit strange?......The spirits did not disperse quickly and not approach him like they did when they met the Ikenai couple, nor did they linger and whisper in his ears like they did when they met him.

The spirits were constantly hovering in the air, gathering around Ikenai Maki, then quickly dispersing, and then approaching again when they heard the constant prayers.......

It feels like......

Fang Wuwei thought of a very outrageous possibility.......Elves......Could they not sense Ikeuchi Maki's presence?!

The more I looked, the more it looked like the elves had acknowledged Ikeuchi Maki, but they couldn't sense where she was and couldn't favor her.

I'm super......This aura concealing talent is so powerful?!

"Maki, try to use magic, any magic will do."

After hearing Fang Wuwei's words, she didn't know whether she succeeded or not. She didn't hear anything whispering in her ear as her master said, but she still chose to believe her master and try.

"Burning fire, please bless me, burst them, burn them!"

Maki Ikeuchi was very excited when she cast magic for the first time. Although she chanted the low-level magic fireball, she raised her hands high and stretched them out like a bowl, waiting for the magic to be generated.

The spirits in the air were visibly dumbfounded, hesitating whether to release magic power to support her to cast magic.......Don't let him go, this person deserves recognition. Let him go, our favor has not been given yet.......

Finally, the spirits that had been lingering around Ikeuchi Maki only released a small amount of magic power and tried to combine with the personal magic power that was completely absent in the air.......Needless to say, failure is inevitable.

Fang Wuwei patted Ikeuchi Maki on the shoulder.......

"Just learn swordsmanship from me, you are not cut out to be a mage."

"How come?............(weep)"..........................................

Within a few days, after many attempts, Fang Wuwei found the key to the magic of this world - the operation mode of the elves and the formation of magic.

Individuals are like batteries, responsible for transmitting energy to create magic, while the elves are responsible for the formation of magic.

Without the transmission of individual magic, the elves cannot create magic by themselves, and without the magic assistance of the elves, simply releasing magic is useless.

Just like a battery, without something that uses electricity, the battery has no meaning of existence and cannot be used.

The stronger the battery, the stronger the electrical appliance will naturally be.

The more magic it transmits, the more powerful the magic will become.

And the total amount of Fang Wuwei's magic......

Haha, he tried to use all his strength to release a flash spell.

If Fang Wuwei hadn't pulled the curtains in place, his house would have been on the news tomorrow, and Ikeuchi Maki, who was right next to him,......

Now he is lying in the Stone Wings, his eyes are completely blind, and he just fell to the ground.......


This is a complex knowledge, and requires the use of various complex magic arrays and magic materials.......

There is no shortage of materials.

The system mall has a lot of them, and he even won a lot of them in the lottery.......

I still need to learn more about magic circles, no rush.

Fang Wuwei was lying in the club, reading a magic book in his hand. He had been obsessed with studying magic knowledge for a while, and he hadn't even taken out the Dark Holy Book many times, which naturally aroused the curiosity of Yuta and others.

As a result, when they saw it, they were shocked. The magic book! The setting is so detailed, and the pictures are so beautiful! At that time, this group of chuunibyou was deeply attracted to it, but they soon found out that......I don't understand. I don't understand at all.......What magic circuits, what magic generation, what various magic arrays......

But this did not stop them from being interested, and they all asked to borrow the book to read. But Fang Wuwei soon found out that they were just copying the settings in it, and he was speechless when he saw it, so he refused to lend it to them.

It was originally a very ordinary day. Fang Wuwei was lying on the ground in the club reading a book. Next to him were Nibutani and Touma, who were fighting as usual, watching Rikka staring blankly outside, senior sister Anise who was sleeping and Isshiki Makoto who was watching her sleep, and Yuta who was sitting next to Fang Wuwei. It was originally just an ordinary day, until.........


The door of the club was suddenly opened, and a crisp shout interrupted the actions of everyone present. They all looked over and saw a purple-haired energetic girl standing at the door with an excited face."

Master!"......Who are you calling?

"Classmate Kotori, are you the one you’re calling?"

"No, the Evil King's True Eye only has one servant,......"

"Come in and sit down." Just when Isshiki Cheng was suspicious, Fang Wuwei, who had been lying down, put down the book, sat up and spoke. Then everyone knew whose disciple this person was.......Unexpected, but not that surprising.

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