Fang Wuwei won this Asakusa in a lottery from the system, but because it has not been unlocked, it is only a B-level item. However, according to the system, this Asakusa will gradually evolve with him as he progresses, and eventually become a Zanpakutō that can use Bankai.

Therefore, Fang Wuwei made a prompt decision to put the Fuchendao aside. For him, Asakusa is better than Fuchendao in terms of sharpness and feel. In order to make Asakusa evolve as soon as possible, he decided to use it as his main weapon from now on. It is normal to eliminate old weapons, isn't it?

On the other side, Maki Ikeuchi gently stroked the Fuchendao in her hand, and she couldn't let it go. This was her first time touching a real sword, not to mention such a good sword. The light red blade was simply.........

Thai pants are hot!!!

Attaching the ripples to the Fuchen Knife, Ikeuchi Maki rushed towards Fang Wuwei with the knife in hand and excitement on her face......

On the other side, watching the two people fighting with knives, Yuta and others poked their heads out from behind the cover, their eyes full of excitement.

Damn, what a cool swordsmanship! Oh my god, what a neat slash! Wow, what a fast block!

Kong Hong actually has this skill?! No wonder he is called Master!

Fang Wuwei didn't even move, relying only on his physical fitness and solid basic swordsmanship to suppress the constantly attacking Ikeuchi Maki, making him unable to resist.

But Ikeuchi Maki became even more excited, is this what I want to learn? Is this the swordsmanship I will master!

But in fact, it is just an ordinary swordsmanship.......

With one blow, Fang Wuwei chopped Ikeuchi Maki away, and sheathed his sword. After seeing Ikeuchi Maki's random attacks and swings of the sword, he roughly understood Ikeuchi Maki's talent and level.......Probably genius level.......

Wow, I found a treasure.......World awareness, have some vision

"alright......Next, I will continue to teach you the basic sword techniques. Once you have mastered them, I will gradually teach you to understand the meaning of the gale.......During this period, you will suffer a lot. The practice of the Gale Sword Technique is particularly difficult, and those without great perseverance cannot master it."


"Start with the basics. The knife is good at cutting, stabbing, intercepting, blocking, breaking, chopping, and wiping. Learn it well......."

So, time passed slowly, and Yongtai and others who were squatting outside Fang Wuwei's house watched until it got dark, only then they realized that this guy really came to learn. Besides teaching, fighting, or practicing, they only saw Ikeuchi Maki practicing sword all day long.......

Finally, I saw Maki Ikeuchi, covered in scars, holding a square object of unknown origin, and walked out of the house with a sad face.......

My master didn't let me use the Stone Wings, saying that someone was watching and I didn't want to arouse suspicion. He gave me a healing pack and told me to get out.......Don't let me know who has been peeping, or I will make him pay with blood! It feels so good to enter the Stone Wing! Damn it!

In the end, seeing Ikeuchi Maki walking away and Fang Wuwei who didn't come out to see him off at home and closed the door as soon as he drove people away, Yuta and others were all numb. Good boy, I thought he was a love saint, but it turned out to be just a teacher. Or did we overestimate him and stay here for so long in vain?......Well, it wasn't in vain, I got to know a little secret of the East.

By the way, can I also learn his swordsmanship?......

With this thought in mind, Yuta and his group began to go their separate ways and go home.

But even if they went home together, Rikka was unwilling to go with Yuta, and ran away from Yuta. Yuta was also depressed, but did not chase after her.

In this way, the days passed one by one.............

In the blink of an eye, half a semester has passed.

During this half semester, all Fang Wuwei has done is to teach his apprentices, learn magic, exercise and draw lots non-stop.

According to the principle that a hundred consecutive draws will fail, ten consecutive draws are a guarantee, and a single draw will produce a miracle, Fang Wuwei has been gradually splitting his accumulated hundred consecutive draws into ten times of ten consecutive draws. However, when he drew [10 unused garbage*10] on the spot in the first ten consecutive draws, he decided to do ninety single draws and take it slow.

So far, he has drawn countless source essences and four emblems, as well as a wide variety of skills and techniques.

The days began to pass slowly, and Nibutani and Fang Wuwei have been trying to push the progress of Yuta and Rikka, but they were all ignored by Rikka.......She is good at isolating herself. If she doesn't want to do something, Nibutani and the others can't do anything about it. Before she wants to solve the problem on her own, we can't rush it.......

Even if Yuta took the initiative to talk to Rikka and cause trouble, Rikka would try her best to avoid him. If she couldn't avoid him, she would directly ask someone to come over to stop Yuta.

Whenever she faced him, Rikka would feel an inexplicable throbbing in her heart. This unknown situation made her uneasy and uncomfortable.

Soon, as Nibutani left the cheerleading club, her focus began to focus on the performance of the school festival.

"The school celebration! This is the best chance for this club to climb up! Now we are just wasting time in this unknown activity room every day!

If this continues, what is the difference between club activities and non-existence?! Absolutely nothing! Can you bear it?!"

In the club, everyone sat in a semicircle, watching Nibutani who was giving a loud speech in front of them. She quit the cheerleading club and vowed to do something big here, so she began to take charge of everything the club should do at the school celebration.

"Sounds interesting~"

"I listen to Master! I will do whatever Master does!"

Ikenai Maki and Senior Sister Anise agreed. They both thought it was interesting and wanted to play along and participate. Anyway, according to Ikenai Maki's understanding, their Master would definitely agree.

"What right do you have to pretend to be Death? The leader of this organization is Master Death!"

" I am also against catering to the actions of other organizations. Besides, this is an organization that cannot be made public."

On the contrary, Touma and Rikka, who were experienced in chuunibyou, rejected this proposal. Touma was just upset with Nibutani and choked her, while Rikka just thought it was troublesome and gave an excuse that made Nibutani speechless.

"They've already openly recruited people, what else can't they do?"

Pointing to the vertical flag of the Far East Magic Nap Society in the corner that had been recruiting people, Nibutani was speechless. He didn't intend to let them run away again. He had to do something big anyway!

"However, the classrooms and lecture halls have been taken away by other clubs."

"Even the open-air stalls were occupied."

"Let's forget it."

On the contrary, the three boys in the club, Yuta, Isshiki, and Makoto, all raised objections, but Nibutani thought of a way to refute it and spoke to the three in a graceful tone.

"It's because you give up so easily that no girl likes you~"

Fang Wuwei raised his hand silently.

"......You don't count, yours is an external condition."

So Fang Wuwei grabbed Yongtai's hand and raised it up

"......Are you trying to pick a fight on purpose?"

"What does it have to do with me?!"

Yuta let out a wail of injustice.

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