After careful consideration, Nibutani finally came up with the most suitable activity for the club.......

"Flash mob?"

"I've seen it on TV. Is it the kind where you pretend to be an ordinary passerby and then suddenly sing along in a busy neighborhood?"

"That's right, that's it~ We're going to travel around the most lively places in the school festival and perform unexpected performances!"

Since the school was closed, the group came to the park to relax and discuss countermeasures. It must be said that the flash mob operation is indeed quite suitable for people with chuunibyou. Anyway, they are already acting stupid in public every day, so it doesn't matter what kind of stupid they are.

But Yuta and others who took over Nibutani's handwritten plan just took a look and frowned.......

"What is this?"

Yuta raised the thick plan with a speechless face. It clearly said"Flash: Evil King True Eye User vs. Black Flame User!"

Nibutani had already prepared a countermeasure for this, and he had even thought of a reason.

"I've thought about what to play.......In the end, I think fighting is the best and most eye-catching~"

Fang Wuwei looked at the flash script that tied Rikka and Yuta together in the plan, and stood behind Yuta and silently raised a thumbs up. Nibutani also blinked in response.

You did a good job! You did a good job!

Yuta resisted strongly. He had already graduated and he definitely didn't want to become a chuunibyou again, nor did he want to play such a shameful trick again.

"What does it matter? Aren’t you guys playing all the time?"

"I'm not playing! If that's what you said, can't you go on stage yourself? How about playing the role of Morisummer!"

Yuta's strong retort made Nibutani upset. Who do you think I wrote this script for? If it wasn't for helping you catch Rikka, I would have let Dongfang and Ikeuchi fight. A real sword fight is much more interesting than your playing second-rate games!

Ever since Fang Wuwei began to formally teach Ikeuchi Maki swordsmanship, Ikeuchi Maki has certainly not been idle. She has shown off everywhere, and everyone naturally knows about it. There is no need to hide the fact that she followed Dongfang and knew that he could play with a knife.......Although Fang Wuwei asked her to hide any supernatural powers, practicing swordsmanship is normal.~

"Be careful or I’ll curse you. I’ve graduated from my chuunibyou!"

"I've already graduated!"

Seeing Yuta's resolute attitude, Nibutani decided to start with another person.......

"Hey, Kotori, you also want to see the Black Flame User restored to his true form, right?"

Rikka, who did not participate in the discussion, was originally playing synchronization training with Touma on the swing at the back. When she heard what Nibutani said, especially when she heard the word Yuta, she immediately stopped. After standing up, she looked at Yuta, who had always cared about her, and felt an uncontrollable throbbing in her heart on the spot. This feeling of confusion and uneasiness drove her to leave quickly.

Every time she stayed by Yuta's side, every time she saw Yuta's face, every time she looked into Yuta's eyes, and even every time she heard Yuta's gentle voice, her heart beat uncontrollably. The unprecedented throbbing and uncontrollable emotions made her uneasy.......

She is a person who avoids others by nature, so she will naturally avoid others emotionally. She doesn't really understand what love is. She only knows that she will become different when Yuta is around, so she has been trying to avoid him.......At night, for the same reason, Yuta's face and voice kept echoing in her mind, making it difficult for her to fall asleep. But at least when she was awake, she would try her best to avoid Yuta, try not to be so weird, and try to calm her uneasy heart.

Finally, after a long period of thinking, Liuhua came up with an"optimal solution""——Ignoring Yuta, as long as Yuta is not around, then her heart will not be uneasy!


So she has continued this method until today, just like now.

Jumping down from the swing, she saw Yuta's gentle and somewhat worried eyes, her face slightly blushed, and she simply said"no need" and left quickly. Even Touma couldn't stop her. The

Evil King's True Eyes vs. the Black Flame Master or something......I feel uneasy just by listening to it. If it is true, my little heart may not be able to bear it.......

Seeing Liuhua leaving early, everyone except Nibutani and Fang Wuwei was confused.......

"What's up with her?"

"By the way, you two haven't been home together recently. You're obviously on the upper and lower floors. Even Dongfang said that he went to your house for dinner and went home with you more often than Xiao Niaoyou classmate."

"Did he go to my house for dinner?! Was he?............"

Hearing Isshiki Makoto's doubts, Yuta was immediately furious when he thought about this question. He was more excited than knowing that he was going to be arranged by Nibutani to play a flash mob. Unfortunately, before he could finish his words, a hand covered his mouth, and behind him was Fang Wuwei with a deathly smile on his face. Yuta was scared on the spot. He still remembered how high Fang Wuwei's fighting power was.

"cough cough......I don't know what's going on. It's been like this since we went to the beach last time......."

After being released by Fang Wuwei, Yongtai decided not to bring up the topic on the spot. He cleared his throat and started talking about Liuhua again.

Although they were a little curious about why Fang Wuwei went to Yongtai's house, everyone still focused on the current matter. If it was not handled well, the flash mob might be blown.......So, after hearing what Yuta said, everyone began to recall the trip to the beach during the summer vacation.......

In the end, the most frivolous Isshiki Makoto was the first to come over. He remembered exactly what Yuta had said to him on the phone. He and Kotori were alone at his house for the whole night!! They even went out for a date in the middle of the night!!

"You kid! As expected!"

Yuta, who was accused by Isshiki Makoto, of course quickly realized what Isshiki Makoto was saying. He was anxious and denied it on the spot. He was innocent!!

"No! Nothing! Nothing happened, really! Although it is true that she stayed at my house for one night, nothing happened!"

"Did nothing? A teenage boy and girl were alone together for a whole night, you must have done something secretly, right?"

Touma said nothing, but he was waving his sandbag whip behind Yuta to warm up, ready to give Yuta, the yellow-haired man who took his master away, a blow at any time.

Facing everyone's questioning, Yuta just confessed that Rikka had always said that she wanted to find the so-called invisible boundary line, and he had been accompanying her all the time.

Although Isshiki Makoto and Nibutani were full of disbelief and disdain, Yuta didn't say much.

He didn't say anything else. He wanted to respect Rikka's privacy and didn't want to hurt Rikka. He didn't say anything about what he experienced and knew in Rikka's hometown.

For example, things about Rikka's hometown, her former residence, Rikka's father, and the quarrel between Rikka and Touka......

Yuta, who was always thinking about the past, was still concerned about Rikka's current strange situation even when he was cooking, but he didn't know what to do.

Yuta was so concerned that he forgot that he was cooking.......

Looking at the burnt food in the pot, Master Yong, who had been busy for half a day, picked up his phone and ordered takeout....... only......

"Why are you here? So naturally?"

"What are you doing? It's not your first time to eat here. I even brought it to you."

When he opened the door and found that the delivery man was Fang Wuwei, Yongtai was speechless. He wanted to shut him out, but he didn't expect him to come in with the takeaway so naturally, greet him, change his shoes, wash his hands, and start eating in one go.

"Come here to eat, where is your apprentice?"

"I tripled her training, she must be too busy and too tired to come to me tonight."

"Just for this meal?!!"

"That's right."

Yongtai looked at Fang Wuwei who was eating next to Zhangye with disdain on his face.

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