After dinner, Yongtai immediately drove Fang Wuwei away without even giving him a chance to stay, which made Fang Wuwei complain.

After taking a shower and lying on the bed, Yongtai looked at the ceiling, as if he wanted to see through this ceiling and through Liuhua's heart to see what she was thinking.......

Yuta has always been concerned about Rikka's problems, but Rikka always evades them, making it impossible for him to intervene, let alone solve them.

He was recalling the time when he took Rikka to the former residence of Kotori Yu, and thinking about the invisible boundary line that Rikka mentioned.......

But soon, he heard a rustling sound. He looked out the window at the source of the sound and saw a swaying rope that looked very familiar. Yuta, who originally thought it was just Rikka's daily night outing, was happy that Rikka had returned to normal, but he heard a movement under his bed. Is something moving under his bed?

Puzzled, Yuta slowly poked his head out, but his eyes met with Touka, who was also slowly poking her head out from under Yuta's bed.

Yuta was almost scared to death by the sudden appearance of a person under the bed, especially when Touka came out from under the bed and rolled backwards, and stood up in this terrifying posture that Yuta had never seen before.

Yuta screamed like a little girl and almost screamed.

But after seeing clearly that it was Touka, Yuta's beating heart calmed down and he took a deep breath.

"Why are you here? You're so lucky to have come here......."

Standing up and shaking her long, soft hair, Juhua held Yuta's Youth Training Manual in her hand and spoke slowly.

"I was an artistic gymnast in high school, and my body is very flexible.......I found something interesting under the bed."

Shihua said as she took out the Youth Training Manual she had searched under Yuta's bed and showed it to Yuta. Yuta was almost scared to death. Why did the sisters Kotori Yu like to look at the Little Liu Bei in her collection so much?! He rushed over and tried to snatch his rare treasure from Shihua, but Shihua easily dodged him, just like he had tried to snatch the recorder full of his black history from Shihua. The ending was naturally doomed.

It was only in front of Shihua that Yuta did not dare to resist. If Fang Wuwei did this and showed off, Yuta would have to punch him twice.

In the end, Yuta was naturally unsuccessful. He sat on the bed panting, watching Shihua open his Youth Training Manual.

Shihua discovered that the book in Yuta's collection actually contained a mature older sister with a big [mute]. Looking at the photos in the book with extremely revealing clothes, Shihua silently compared herself......

"Do you like this?......I'll be careful"

"You don't have to!!"

Yuta, who was already so anxious that he wanted to cry but had no tears, and whose face was as red as the tomato that Rikka hated the most, took his youth training manual from Shihua with a vicissitudes of life on his face and hid it hurriedly.

Shihua sat down at Yuta's desk very familiarly. She had only one purpose for this trip.......

"What about Liuhua? What happened to Liuhua recently?"


"Liuhua, it's okay that she doesn't talk to me much, I can't do anything about it......But recently I always leave my lunch box unfinished, and I barely eat dinner......."

Juhua is a typical tsundere sister. Although she won't admit it, she cares a lot about Rikka.

Like Yuta, she is also worried about Rikka's problem. This situation has been going on for a while. She is afraid that if it continues like this, Rikka will have some health problems. The purpose of coming here this time is to find out if Yuta has any solution, or if Rikka has said anything to him.......

After a long conversation, she found that Yuta had no news and no thoughts. She got angry and took out a large pot and spoon and smashed it, hitting Yuta's head accurately.

"Togashi, you are so useless. I am a little annoyed with you. You are always with Rikka, but you are still so useless."Implication: I have already recognized you as my brother-in-law, and you actually told me that you have no way? You don't know anything?!

Touka has already recognized Yuta. After all, Yuta is currently Rikka's closest male friend, the kind who has been through thick and thin together, but it is a pity that Yuta didn't hear it at all.

"Don't get angry so calmly, what can I do? She ignored me when I talked to her. Since you are so worried, why don't you go and ask her yourself!"

Hearing Yuta's question, Touka had never considered this option. She was naturally worried about Rikka and had wanted to ask her in person, but something prevented her from taking action.......

"Don't I have any dignity? I have always maintained the image of a big sister, but I can't let it fall apart like this."

"I don't understand what you are saying......."

Seeing Juhua ready to leave and jump out of the window to the balcony, Yuta asked......

"......Anyway, it's embarrassing."


Watching Juhua grabbing the rope hanging outside and quickly climbing up the stairs with movements several times faster than Rikka and extremely flexible skills, Yuta sighed.

It seems......We need to increase our attack on Rokka.......

But he didn't know that Liuhua, who couldn't stand the constant throbbing in her heart, was also ready to find someone to solve this problem. At least, she wanted to stabilize her heart. She didn't want to avoid Yuta anymore, nor did she want to run away when she saw Yuta.

This will be a two-way love, a love that is destined to succeed.................................................

The school festival was being prepared in full swing. It was lunchtime, and Nibutani and Fang Wuwei were revising the script for the flash mob.

For the sake of the two children's love, they planned to add more physical contact to the script, preferably a hug or something, but it couldn't be too abrupt, otherwise, let alone Yuta, Rikka would be the first to refuse, and they had to be more tactful.......

On the other side, Yuta packed up his lunch box, looked at Rikka who was sitting alone in front of the classroom, encouraged herself, and started her attack.......

He spoke before he even reached Rikka. He was actually nervous and couldn't wait to say the lines he had prepared in his mind.

Although he didn't know why, when he saw Rikka now, he no longer looked at her like a child with a second-year syndrome like before. This situation seemed to have come from......It had been there since that stay.

He just subconsciously ignored it. While eating, Rika heard Yuta's stiff voice behind her, her body tensed up, and she immediately tried to calm down, but she turned away unconsciously and didn't want to look at Yuta

's eyes, which showed that she was not at peace at all.......Be brave, you are the evil king.......

Rikka was silently encouraging herself. She wanted to talk to Yuta, but before she could prepare herself mentally, Yuta's next move scared her into holding back all her actions. Yuta knew that Rikka hated tomatoes, and usually, when tomatoes appeared in the lunch box prepared by Juhua, it was Yuta who dealt with them. He also planned to start from here, and stretched out his hand to take away and eat the tomatoes that Rikka had placed on the lid and was going to throw away later.

Needless to say, this action almost scared Rikka to death, and she hurriedly moved the plate away to prevent Yuta from eating her tomatoes.

Seeing Rikka's abnormal behavior, Yuta also took his hand back. Of course, he knew that Rikka hated tomatoes very much, but......

"Do you want to eat it?"

As if to prove herself, Rikka picked up a piece of tomato and stuffed it into her mouth.

It tasted terrible!! The red fruit was as evil as ever!!

Rikka couldn't stand the tomato and wanted to spit it out immediately, but she didn't want to show her ugliness in front of Yuta, so she ignored Yuta who was still talking, quickly cleaned up the remains of the bento, stuffed it into a ball and left.......

Yuta, who was still talking, looked at Rikka who ran away without paying any attention to him. He sighed deeply, feeling depressed and a little uneasy.......Is she hating me? No way.......

In the end, watching Liuhua running away, Yuta finally returned to his seat and sat down silently.......

"Damn it! Why don't you catch up with her!"

"Togashi!! Do you understand the heart of a girl?!"

He had never expected that as soon as he sat down, Fang Wuwei and Nibutani, who had been whispering with the script beside him, came over immediately, and each of them said something as if they were going to tear Yuta apart.

Are you kidding? They had been staring at Yuta and Rikka the whole time, and now they were chasing Rikka away, and Yuta, a coward, didn't even chase after her?!

"you......Why are you so excited?......"

"......What do you think?

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