Although Rikka is still avoiding Yuta, she has actually been restless for a long time. Unable to bear this inexplicable palpitation, Rikka decided to solve this problem once and for all.

First of all, if you can't solve something by yourself, you need the help of others.

Rikka, who was walking on the campus looking for a solution, saw senior Fennel taking a nap on the school lawn as if no one was around.

Holding the lunch box that she had just packed, Rikka walked up to wake up Fennel who was taking a nap, and started with Fennel to help herself break through this unknown paradox.

Senior Fennel has always liked to play with Rikka and the others, and she didn't care about being interrupted in her nap. She smiled and started her discussion with Rikka, so she went to the atrium with Rikka to find a place to sit and slowly discuss Yuta's problem.

Rikka, who has always been a middle school student, naturally attributed her abnormality to a middle school setting, which she called"space paradox". She thought that she felt so strange because the so-called"space paradox" caused Yuta and herself to be affected by the"evil cookie singularity". As for why she was affected, she also attributed it to the fact that she took him to the"administration agency's sphere of influence" and was cast under a curse.

The translation means that ever since she and Yuta went to her hometown together, she has been feeling strange and her heart is throbbing.

But senior sister Fennel, who has always been slow and naive, didn't feel that there was anything different about Yuta, she just felt that he has always been normal. But

Rikka has her own explanation.......

"Most people can't sense it, but my Evil King's True Eye has a clear reaction......."

Covering her right eye with the eye patch on, Rikka's mind reappeared Yuta's face, and her face suddenly turned red.......

"I can only control it now, and it has not caused any greater impact, but I feel that if I am not careful, blood will gush out of every pore in my body.......

Especially when I get close to Yuta, my heartbeat speeds up.......I just can't stand it"

"Is that why you've been staying away from him all this time?"

"Um......Especially now Yuta, his eyes are too dangerous, just looking into his eyes makes me feel like something is going to rush into my body and turn the world upside down......

It's all the influence of the singularity. It's really scary......."

Recalling what Yuta has done during this period, he seems to be actively dealing with the impact of the singularity and finding his true self, but the progress seems not optimistic, so she decides to......She must help Yuta solve the singularity!

So she took Fennel with her and went to the junior high school, ready to find another helper, and found her follower Touma Sanae to help.......

After the two of them left, two heads popped out from behind a wall not far behind them.

"Did you hear that, East?"

"It's confirmed, I took the photo."

"......Where did you get this camera? It looks so high-end."

"System production, you don't have to worry about it. Now Liuhua is also actively looking for countermeasures. It seems that we need to work harder. You are responsible for Liuhua, I will do some ideological work for Yuta, and the script needs to be revised. Let's just have a kissing scene. I tell you that the show effect will be absolutely explosive......."

"You're a bit too extreme.......And just in case......Togashi-san doesn't like Kotori?"

"rest assured......He has no choice but to refuse this unless his head is harder than my fist......."................................................

Rikka found Touma to discuss the matter. The result of the discussion was that Yuta really had a problem and Yuta couldn't solve it alone, so he needed their help.

Even though it was such a big deal, Rikka still decided to solve it in a chuuni way, so they agreed to completely solve the curse cast by the Black Flame User on the next full moon night.

In fact, it was tomorrow.

After the discussion, Rikka didn't dare to go back to the classroom.......Because of the words that Juhua said to Yuta at that time about caring for Rikka, and the push (qiang) wave (re) help (yao) and Lan (qiu) from Nibutani and Fang Wuwei, Yuta's offensive has been severely intensified during this period, and her little heart can't bear it.......

Fortunately, she found Nibutani who was in the courtyard for some reason, and accompanied her back to the classroom. After returning, she found that Yuta didn't care about her too much. He just glanced at her when she came back, and then quickly looked away. As for the reason,......

"Come on, Yuta, let's have a good chat......."

"Empty Macro......You are so special......"

Time passed in the blink of an eye. The next day, Nibutani invited everyone in the club to her home to discuss the program of the school festival. She planned to use this discussion to finalize the flash script and then distribute it properly.

But on that day, the most important people, Yuta and Rikka, did not come. When asked why, Fennel just said,"Today is the night of the full moon."

On the contrary, Fang Wuwei felt something was wrong the first time he walked into Nibutani's room.......The concentration of magic here is higher than that in the normal atmosphere.

He walked over to look at the plants that Danshenggu had placed on the windowsill, but was warned by Danshenggu not to move them, as it would affect the feng shui. So Fang Wuwei understood.......

Morisummer indeed............

On the other side, Yuta had actually already changed his clothes and was ready to go to Nibutani's house as invited, but he suddenly received a text message from Rikka:

""When the moon is full, let's meet at the shrine."

Just two lines of words directly dispelled Yuta's plan. In his heart, Rikka's status was obviously higher. He immediately stood up Nibutani and came to the shrine to keep the appointment.

The shrine was a little far from home, and he still had to climb a short mountain road. Although he was a little tired, Yuta had no resentment in his heart. On the contrary,���I was a little happy: Rikka was willing to take the initiative to communicate, which was a good thing no matter what.

It was already late, and it was summer, so there were several mosquito bites on my arms, and there were some mountain birds and wild dogs barking in the forest. Although it was a little creepy, Yuta still came.

""Rikka? Are you there?"

Passing through the tattered huge torii, this shrine was exactly where Rikka had come to pray in order to pass the final exams. As soon as he arrived here, Yuta couldn't wait to call out to find Rikka. He could see that Rikka was wearing clothes that matched her temperament and style. She was standing in front of the shrine, her face slightly red as she looked at Yuta, and she looked a little unnatural.

"It’s so late, what are you doing?"

"Sorry, Yuta......."

Rikka didn't know what she was going to do. She only knew that when she went out today, she felt very complicated and nervous. She even kept matching clothes to suit her in a state of anxiety, just to see Yuta, just for some unknown singularity.......

She just wanted to resolve the throbbing in her heart, but she didn't know what that inexplicable throbbing was, so she could only choose the most primitive method. When

Yuta heard Rikka's sudden apology, he felt relieved instantly. Rikka seemed to have come out of her awkwardness, and he didn't have to worry about whether she hated him. Although she called him out so far in the middle of the night just to say sorry, it was very Rikka's style, so he didn't think too much about it. As long as Rikka was happy, it was worth it.

But soon, the fantasy was shattered.

"I'm going to defeat you!"


I saw Rikka suddenly took a fighting stance, her face still slightly red, and declared war on Yuta.

As Rikka's voice fell, Tuo Shou, who had been squatting on the side, suddenly appeared and hit Yuta's head hard with the sandbag at the end of his hair, causing Yuta to scream in pain.

"I did see death! It was a singularity!"

"What on earth is going on?"

Looking at Toumori swinging his long hair behind him, Yuta asked a soul-searching question to Rikka in front of him, but his tone was more relaxed. Maybe he was already happy in his heart.

Oh~ sweet and delicious dog food~

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