Under the moonlight and the light from the street lamps, Rikka took out her exclusive weapon, a black lace folding umbrella, and raised it high above her head to declare war on Yuta.

"Yuta! The Administration has done something to you, causing evil singularities to appear in your body. In order to remove them, we have to defeat you now!"

After saying this, she kept suppressing the inexplicable throbbing in her heart, and Rika looked into Yuta's eyes, stammering out the prayer before the battle began.

"burst......Explode, reality! Break, nerves! Exile this world!"

Rikka stuttered during the prayer this time. As she was staring at Yuta the whole time, her heart kept beating non-stop. She had no way of calming down and acting silly. She even took off her blindfold hastily. Her movements were no longer as graceful and agile as before in battles, and her voice was even trembling.

However, neither Yuta nor Touma noticed this abnormality. Only Rikka discovered that after she took off her blindfold and recited the prayer loudly, the familiar scene around her was still there. She did not enter the so-called"battle mode" at all.

This is not normal, very abnormal. If Fang Wuwei was here, he would find that the vague magic circle that appeared every time Rikka prayed did not appear at all. This time she was really just being silly.

Looking at the familiar but unfamiliar scene around her, Rikka fell into a daze.......

Where is my battle field? Where is my Queen of the Night? Where is my Evil King's True Eye?

Why is the one in front of me still Yuta!

"Master! Now that things have come to this, we can only use that death!"

Seeing Rikka's confused face, Touma, who thought that his master's attack on the Black Flame User had failed, immediately said the lines he had prepared in advance, and successfully brought Rikka back to her senses.



After calling each other's names, the two began to disperse quickly, circling around Yuta with a speed that was not even fast.......

As if to confuse Yuta, Touma and Rikka were running and talking loudly, but in fact, the speed was clearly visible.

"How? Can you tell us from death?!"

"This is a phantom maze for the two of us, I’m Rikka!"

"The convex guard is the convex guard death!"

"Which one is me?!"

"Which one is Master Death?!"

Yuta, who was in the center, looked at the two people circling around him at a speed that was too slow for him, with a speechless face, but perhaps there was a hint of happiness in his heart.......He made a prompt decision, stretched out his traditional hand knife, and cut Liuhua with a horizontal knife, knocking her down.

Liuhua, who was hit by Yuta, made a very cute"ah" sound, and the folding umbrella in her hand fell, and the whole person fell to the ground.

"It would be strange if I didn't recognize him."

On the other hand, Touma, who asked Yuta to find Rikka, saw that he was not beaten, and began to feel complacent, saying the words that Yuta would say if he recognized the wrong person.

"Idiot! The one over there is the real Death!"

Tomomori was so focused on reciting the lines that he completely forgot that Yuta had found the right person. His words left Rikka and Yuta speechless.

"Are you happy that your stand-in didn’t get caught?"

""Wow! It seems like this is death!"

Yuta said back, not wanting to waste any more time on Touma, he walked over and looked at Rikka, who was squatting on the ground with her head covered.

It is undeniable that although he was a little dissatisfied and confused about being called out in the middle of the night, he was very happy. He was happy that Rikka could return to normal and that Rikka could talk to him again. He seemed to be glad that he was not hated by Rikka as he had imagined.

"Really, what do you want to do?"

Although he complained as if he was bothered by the trouble, the smile on Yuta's face was about to overflow, and the corners of his mouth couldn't go down at all.

"I was worried about you for nothing.......Are you okay?"

Hearing Yuta's gentle voice, Liuhua looked up and saw......Her heart almost exploded.

Under the moonlight, Yuta, with a gentle smile on his face, was so handsome in Rikka's eyes? Especially looking at the beautiful white full moon in the sky, it reminded her of the wonderful walk under the moonlight she and Yuta had taken during the previous summer vacation.

It seemed that from that day on, she became so strange that she couldn't look Yuta in the face.......

Yuta stretched out his hand, trying to pull Rikka up, but Rikka looked at Yuta's outstretched hand and hesitated to hold it.

In the past, she didn't feel anything even if she held Yuta's hand, let alone holding his. But now, she felt her heart was about to jump out of her chest just by looking at Yuta's gentle hand. Her face was hot, and she knew her face must be very red.

But she didn't understand why.

"What's wrong?"

Finally, under Yuta's urging again, Liuhua timidly grabbed Yuta's hand, feeling the power of the hand that was much bigger than hers, gentle and warm, pulling her up. Liuhua stood up and stared at Yuta's face blankly.

Since that summer vacation, she has never looked at Yuta directly, not to mention that the distance is so close, she can even see the tenderness in Yuta's eyes.

Liuhua, who looked directly into Yuta's eyes at such a close distance, felt more uncomfortable than looking directly into the so-called invisible god. Her heart was pounding, and an inexplicable emotion swept over her body. At this moment, Yuta's figure seemed to exist in her mind, and her heart was deeply engraved with Yuta's eyes.

Those eyes that made her heart beat and were so gentle.

According to her response measures, she should run away now, run to a place where she can't see Yuta, run to a place where she can't hear Yuta's voice, so that her restless heart can be calmed down.

But......For some reason, she didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay by Yuta's side, just like Yuta had always been with her. She wanted to stand with Yuta forever and ever....... wrong......No!

Rikka was frightened by her own weird idea, but she managed to find some rationality in her love. Feeling the suffocating chest and the heart beating too fast, Rikka finally ran away for her own life. Just like she had escaped from reality countless times, this time, she was escaping from Yuta and the feelings in her heart.

Looking at Rikka who ran in a hurry and panic, and even didn't pick up the dropped umbrella, Touma was quite shocked that the combination of him and the master was easily defeated, but Yuta was just worried at this time. Rikka was too abnormal.......

And Liuhua just thought that as long as she left Yuta, everything would be the same as before. At most, she would feel uncomfortable when sleeping, but she would be fine soon. But unfortunately, she would toss and turn tonight, and her mind would be full of Yuta, Yuta, Yuta, and so on.......

Tonight, a young girl is destined to have a sleepless night.

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