Time is moving forward, and the school festival has officially begun preparations. The school festival, known as the"Ginkgo Festival," is the happiest day of the year. Every year after the school festival, there will be countless couples in the school.

This time is probably no exception.

After the announcement of the start of the school festival, everyone in the class began to get restless. Isshiki Makoto, who has been single for many years, was even more excited. He shook Yuta's shoulders in front of him and began to shake excitedly.

Nibutani, who was sitting in the front, heard the movement of Yuta and Isshiki Makoto behind him, turned around to look at Yuta who was still heartless, and then looked at Rikka who was sitting at the table in front of him, silently packing up and leaving, and sighed deeply in his heart. Togashi, ah......Can you do it?......The East......Can you do the work?......

Togashi is still so heartless, and Rikka is still the same as always. It is still reliable to do it yourself.

Looking back, I happened to find Fang Wuwei looking at me. Nibutani frowned, stretched out his finger and pointed at Fang Wuwei in the air, as if accusing him of incompetence.

In this regard, Fang Wuwei could only shrug his shoulders. This pair's progress is not even as fast as you and Touma. What can I do if I urge them? Rikka didn't realize her own feelings. It was useless to go to Yuta to ask him to speed up. It might even affect the original progress and make it more delayed.

Yuta is a blockhead, and Rikka is a serious middle school student. Rikka must first understand, and then break that blockhead step by step. Wow!

Looking at Yuta who was being dragged by Isshiki Makoto to dance ballroom dance, attracting the attention of half of the class and wanting to cry, Fang Wuwei decided to wait a little longer. He should not rush, but he could give Yuta some small help.......

On the other side, Nibutani followed Rikka and saw that Rikka was going to leave like this. Since Dongfang had not made any progress, he could only start with Rikka! According to Dongfang and Fennel's information, the two of them had a secret meeting at night a few days ago.......

Then, let's just fight her!

Nibutani decided to attack Rikka's high ground directly.......I can only pray that Togashi will be smoother.

Rikka was sitting in front of the sink, feeling sad. She and Yuta still failed to find the singularity to eliminate the influence. She was a little upset that she couldn't get closer to the Black Flame, but she heard Nibutani's voice behind her.

But she didn't feel like talking too much. She was exhausted and was ready to go home, but she heard Nibutani's next words:......

"I have something to talk to you about.......It's about Togashi-san"


Her face instantly turned red. Ever since the last gathering at the shrine, Rikka has been more seriously affected by the singularity. She used to go crazy when she looked directly into Yuta's eyes, but now she starts to steam just by hearing Yuta's name from other people's mouths. She's even cuter.

So Rikka, who was a little stressed, got some water in front of the sink in front of her in order to calm her brain and fight back against Nibutani. The cold water rushed over her hands, making her a little calmer, so that she could splash the water on Nibutani.

Rikka's meaningless attack was quickly stopped. Nibutani grabbed Rikka's hand and went outside. The strange thing was that Rikka didn't resist. She let Nibutani drag her out with a red face. Maybe she was also very curious about Yuta.......

Girls are always interested in talking about love, just like now.

Considering Rikka's feelings, Nibutani took Rikka to the school alley and told her directly that she actually liked Yuta, which shocked Rikka for two hundred years. After hearing this, she thought about her abnormal behavior during this period.......Rikka's face instantly turned red, even beyond her head's capacity, and steam blew out from her head to dissipate heat, turning her into a steam princess on the spot.

"Wow, this is so easy to understand."

But she didn't expect that in such a disadvantageous situation, Rikka also wanted to try to turn the tables, but her brain hadn't reacted to how to operate, so in order to delay time, Rikka immediately looked up and laughed awkwardly, which made Nibutani on the opposite side a little worried.

This child......You won't be stupid, will you?......

Rikka looked up and laughed out loud to buy time to think of a solution. She looked at the blue sky and the white clouds passing by, feeling a moment of tranquility. But her brain started to work frantically. However, the time gained by laughing was not enough for her empty little head to come up with a solution. So.........She could only stand there, staring blankly at the white clouds slowly drifting across the sky.......

In the end, she chose to avoid the topic.

"The evil king's true eye is the strongest, and he has already signed the highest level of contract with Yuta, so there is no need for a so-called love relationship."

Resisting the discomfort brought by the drama, Rikka tried to restore her usual expressionless feeling, trying to get away with it.

Unfortunately, Nibutani, who had been watching them for a long time, attacked so strongly that Rikka had no power to fight back.

"But Rikka, when you are with Togashi-san, your heartbeat speeds up, right?"

Hearing this, Rikka's body instantly tensed up, and she was as hard as a rock and dared not move.

"When you get home, you'll fantasize about it, right? Imagine the two of you holding hands......."

Rikka, who was as stiff as a stone, tried to reach out to stop Nibutani from continuing his attack, but she stopped where she was. When she heard Nibutani's words, her mind unconsciously began to follow Nibutani's words, imagining going home hand in hand under the sunset.......

"Imagine the two of you kissing......"

Rikka subconsciously began to imagine this scene, and her brain suddenly crashed, even causing Rikka's second-year syndrome setting to start to crumble.

"but......But, but the power of the evil king's true eye, I......"

This question was beyond the scope of the teacher Nibutani.

Looking at Rikka, whose brain was already smoking and whose speech was slurred while she covered her head, Nibutani was helpless and had no other choice but to wait for Rikka to recover.

But unexpectedly, Rikka suddenly slid and attacked. Rikka, whose head was already confused, decided to use the fighting method that the Evil King's True Eye was best at to solve the problem.

It was a pity that Nibutani had been able to react due to the long-term sliding attack of Toumo, and dodged the shovel in a somewhat embarrassed manner, but he could not avoid the subsequent umbrella stab from the embarrassed Rikka.

Fortunately, after enduring Rikka's attack for a while, Rikka immediately started a defensive posture, squatted on the ground as soon as she opened the umbrella, and used the umbrella to protect herself.

The whole person curled up under the umbrella and pointed the umbrella at Nibutani.

This is the strongest defensive technique of the Evil King's True Eye! The Shield of Darkness! It can invalidate all mental attacks!

She was quite confident in this move, and she believed that the Shield of Darkness would make Nibutani retreat.

Unfortunately, this will be a crushing game......The second-year setting is invalid in reality!

Looking at Rikka who was hiding under the umbrella and determined to escape, Nibutani knew that ordinary moves would not work on Rikka, so she decided to use a strong medicine.

With a slight smile, Nibutani began her performance, imitating Yuta's voice with a deep voice, and spoke with emotion.

"Rokka......I, I, when I see you, for some reason, my heart beats faster......"

Liuhua, under the umbrella, is already sweating profusely.......If the Black Shield doesn't work, then only......

Abandon the umbrella and run away!

Seeing Rikka running away and disappearing around the corner, Nibutani shouted at her back.

"Running away won't solve the problem!"

Then, Rikka poked her head out from behind the wall.......

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