Rikka's heart has been completely won over by Nibutani. Originally, her mind was full of Yuta, not to mention that now Nibutani's manipulation has completely confirmed her feelings, and she has decided to trust Nibutani. So under

Nibutani's powerful attack and firepower, Rikka completely fell into the gentle land called love, and at Nibutani's request, she temporarily obeyed her and launched a love battle plan.

It is known in history as - Dan's mother saves her daughter.

There is one thing that Isshiki Makoto said is right, the school festival is indeed the peak period for singles, and it is also the best time to enhance feelings, so Nibutani decided decisively to take advantage of now, during the school festival, to bring the two of them together.

Start from now! But first of all, we have to arrange an opportunity, an opportunity for the two of them to be alone.......Oh, and there is also the club performance to deal with.

So Nibutani brought everyone to the office, and everyone gathered together. Although Isshiki Makoto was not invited by Nibutani to her house to participate in the discussion before,......Being a laborer is not bad.

The flash mob script has been arranged.��《Evil King True Eye VS"The Dark Flame Master" sounds very interesting!

However, Mr. Kujuku Nanase is a little embarrassed about this.......The work for the school festival hasn't been arranged yet.......if......

"As long as you don't cause trouble to others......This is probably......Should still......Is that ok?......"

"I understand, teacher. Just tell us. We will do our best to help you!"

Nibutani, who had completely heard the teacher's other words hidden in the seemingly embarrassed words, cooperated very well and took over the teacher's words. Seeing Nibutani's understanding, Kujuku Nanase immediately smiled and his tone was no longer embarrassed. Seeing this, Yuta, Isshiki, Makoto, and

Wuwei were all shocked.

"These two people......"

"It should be the same color......."


Nibutani received the task and began to distribute it, but she only received two tasks, and she had to stabilize Yuta, so she began to distribute the tasks.

"Isshiki and Kaede-senpai......"

Hearing this, Isshiki Makoto's eyes lit up, and she almost shouted"Long live Nibutani", but the next moment she called out another name......

"Go with Ikeuchi and the executive committee members to count the number of black curtains."

Looking at Kaleidoscope-senpai who agreed enthusiastically and Ikeuchi Maki who was already excited, Isshiki Makoto's eyes lost some of their luster.......

"Togashi-san, Kotori-san, and Higashikata-san, go and prepare for the closing party." Yuta and Touma were very unhappy. They were unhappy about why it was Nibutani who was in charge of arranging the tasks, and she didn't assign any tasks for herself, which was really hard to convince.

Unfortunately, Fang Wuwei and Nibutani were on the same side, and Fang Wuwei had already told Ikeuchi Maki not to disturb her, and Rikka had already been turned against the party. Yuta doted on Rikka almost infinitely and would not go against her, especially now.

Therefore, all resistance was in vain.

As soon as Touma rebelled against Nibutani, Rikka agreed and walked away, leaving Touma with a smile. Shou was so scared that his jaw dropped.

Seeing Rikka turn around and leave, Yuta immediately followed, and Fang Wuwei naturally followed closely behind.

Behind him, Nibutani grabbed the whip of Touma who wanted to follow him and pulled her back. He couldn't let her disrupt his carefully prepared plan.

He raised his head and saw Fang Wuwei, who was walking behind the two of them, turned around and met Nibutani's eyes.

Looking at the three people going away, Nibutani nodded to Fang Wuwei, and Fang Wuwei responded with a thumbs up on the spot, indicating that he understood.................................................

"How about it?"

"I'm here, what do you say?"

Just as Yuta and Rikka started to work, the so-called preparation for the closing ceremony was actually to pile up a pile of wood to form a high tower, which could burn brightly at the closing time, just like those in most animations.

And Yuta and Rikka's current job was to pile the firewood tower as high as possible. Without a doubt, this was a tough job, and what was even worse was that Dongfang, who was assigned to help them, had just said he was going to the toilet and hadn't come back yet.

Suspecting that he was lazy, Yuta wanted to go to him to seek justice, but for some reason, when he saw Rikka, he didn't want to leave like that, so he stayed in a daze.......Anyway, two people can do this job.

At this time, Fang Wuwei was actually behind a bush not far from the two of them, squatting under a tree and looking at the two people in the open space not far away. Next to him was Nibutani holding a book in his hand. The two of them were squatting there stealthily watching Yuta and Rika.

The military advisors of both sides met and ran around for their own kids, worrying about them.

But Fang Wuwei wanted to complain about the reference book called"How to Find a Good Boyfriend" in Nibutani's hand. The routines in it were too old-fashioned.......

Nibutani arranged a very specific battle plan for Rikka. The main task of Rikka now is to ask Yuta,"How do you see me?" When they are together, it is said that if the other person describes you very specifically, it means that he likes you.

Rikka also remembered this main task, helped Yuta put down a piece of firewood, and then spoke to Yuta stutteringly.


She hadn't had a serious conversation with Yuta for a long time, so it was natural for her to be nervous.

Rikka had been mentally prepared and had memorized her lines clearly, but when she saw Yuta's face and those gentle eyes, she was instantly at a loss again, and she completely forgot the lines in her mind.

She only remembered what she was going to say and how she viewed herself.......

Yes, that's it, say it out!

The excitement in Nibutani's eyes in the bushes was about to jump out, but Fang Wuwei knew that Liuhua would not say it out loud, and he was not excited at all. He was ready to go back to work.

Liuhua's mind was in a mess, and she could only see Yuta, but no, in order to conclude what Nibutani called the"love contract", she must work hard now.......

Yuta......Dark Flame......Evil King's True Eye......The Evil King's True Eyes!!

"Yuta you......What do you think of my evil king's true eyes?"

Lihua's brain was completely burned, but she couldn't resist the shame in the end. She asked a question that she didn't even know why she asked, with her voice completely trembling.



Yuta in front of him looked confused, and Nibutani in the bushes was speechless, and the book in his hand fell to the ground.

"The Evil King's True Eye is me, and in this case, I am, in other words, the Evil King's True Eye......."

"What are you talking about?"

Looking at Rikka who insisted on not saying her lines even though her voice was trembling, Nibutani was completely torn apart.......Can't carry it. Can't carry it at all.......

Fang Wuwei, on the other hand, didn't feel anything at all. He had known for a long time that the two of them were hesitant and it was impossible for them to achieve success so quickly - Nibutani and Toumori were progressing faster than them!

He quickly jumped out of the bushes, and walked towards Yuta and the other person while saying hello.

Fang Wuwei's appearance saved Liuhua from the siege. She was almost unable to hold on, but fortunately Fang Wuwei's timely appearance allowed her to slow down and temporarily let Yuta out of her sight to calm her restless heart.

Looking at the confused Yuta, Fang Wuwei walked over, lifted the firewood that required Yuta and Liuhua to lift with one hand, and put it on top. Then, with a look of 'Siguoyi' on Yuta's face, he kicked Yuta on the butt.

"!what are you doing!"

"Today, I will teach you a lesson on behalf of Sister Shihua! Don't run away!!!"


Nan Shenggu, who was not far away, was completely speechless when he saw Fang Wuwei going completely crazy.......

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