After the first operation failed, Nibutani began a second remedial operation for Rikka.

Looking at the men and women who began to kiss step by step in the book, Rikka imagined her and Yuta's......that......ah......

Rikka was forced to read the book by Nibutani. It was her first time to come into contact with such taboo knowledge. She was so excited that she started talking nonsense as she read the exciting contents in the book.

"Towards......Swear to the Evil King's True Eye......"

"No need to swear!!"

Rikka's head was full of smoke and she was staggering. Nibutani followed her quietly and walked slowly to where Yuta was at the moment. After hesitating for a long time outside the corridor, Rikka finally calmed down and started to walk towards Yuta who was posting posters inside the corridor.

At this moment, Yuta was controlled by the poster and couldn't move because one corner of the poster was missing the tape. Seeing Rikka coming was like seeing a savior.

Konghong, that little Deng, just ran away again. He said he was going to get some posters, but the problem was that he had all the posters in his hands. Damn it, wasn't he just finding an excuse to be lazy?!! Rikka is still reliable. Rikka is much better than Konghong. She is cute and obedient.......

No, no.......

Yuta shook his head and looked at Rikka who was walking over, asking for her help, hoping that she could help him get the tape that was so close to her.

But unlike what she expected, Rikka just stood there in a daze, not moving at all in the face of Yuta's request, with her head down blankly. Seeing this, Yuta could only helplessly complain, but he could only slowly move over and reach out to get it.

Since Rikka was standing on the path that Yuta had to take the tape, Yuta could only go around Rikka from the outside to get the tape, which resulted in Rikka being like in Yuta's arms, so close to her.......

Dan Shenggu and Fang Wuwei, who were hiding not far away, watched the two people getting closer and closer. Dan Shenggu was excited. The joy of a military advisor is to watch the people he assists step by step towards success! And now, she understands everything!

But Fang Wuwei still doesn't feel anything. He knows that these two people are destined to be together this time.......

Due to the posture, Rikka is now almost touching Yuta's chest. Now the two of them only need to put their arms forward to hug tightly. At such a close distance, Rikka can even smell the slightest odor of Yuta's body, some sweaty, and some......It smelled strangely good.

The tension brought by the close distance and her feelings for Yuta made her heart beat faster, especially with that smell.......Rikka was almost unable to think, but the desire to take things one step further with Yuta made her remember Nibutani's instruction at the end:

When his face got closer, he suddenly raised his head!

He raised his head! He raised his head!

Yuta, who was slowly approaching, suddenly found that something was wrong with Rikka in his arms. He was thinking about showing concern, but suddenly he found that her head began to raise.......

He is familiar with this move, because Kong Hong has a high combat power and often likes to quarrel with him, so now Yuta's combat power is better than before! It is certainly not difficult to dodge this rocket headbutt.

Taking a small step back, Yuta successfully dodged the attack.

And seeing that the first step was successful, Rikka immediately started the second step of Nibutani's secret strategy for Yuta: look directly into the eyes!

Yuta, who narrowly dodged the attack, was about to complain when he saw Rikka looking up, staring at him blankly.

Rikka's eyes, which were not blocked by the blindfold, were that beautiful and deep blue-green color like the ocean. At this moment, her eyes were full of surprise and shyness. Yuta even saw his own reflection in her eyes.......

Liuhua's face is also red, her mouth is slightly open, her hands are a little shy, and her face is full of uneasiness. She looks so small and cute.......

No, no.......What am I thinking about?!

Rikka on the other side raised her head and saw Yuta looking at him infatuatedly.

Yuta's eyes were dark green, somewhat similar to hers, which made her doubt that she and Yuta were born to be together.

Yuta's eyes were always full of tenderness, but at this moment Rikka read a hint of shyness in the depths of his eyes.

A little pink seemed to appear in the depths of his dark green eyes.

Yuta's face suddenly turned red, and his ears were red and hot.

Yuta's face was full of astonishment and a hint of shyness.

Even if Yuta was slow, he was about to react.......There is absolutely no way this situation would happen to me for no reason!!

"Yeah......That's it!! Next step, next step!!"

Tannigu, who was hiding in the corner, was holding the book in his hand, his face full of excitement, just one step away!!

Fang Wuwei, who was standing next to him, was also shocked. What's going on?! Didn't the original book directly knock Yuta down with a rocket headbutt?! Speed up!! Wuhu!! You've done a good job with world consciousness!!

Quick, quick, next step, let me see it all!

Fang Wuwei put his head close to Tannigu to read her unreliable love book. The next step is......Slowly approaching, and then kissing!!

But unfortunately, this side is extremely excited, and Rikka is......

Seeing Yuta so close and the pair of gentle eyes that made her unable to stop, Rikka stopped thinking completely. She felt like she was facing an ancient god and couldn't even look at him.

I'm going to fall - oyster! Kissing is still oysters after all!!!

So, with her brain smoking, Rikka finally turned around and ran away.......

Yuta looked at Rikka, whose face was flushed red and suddenly turned around and ran away. His heart was beating very fast as his face was still in shock and his blushing face had not yet cooled down.......No matter how stupid he is, he should realize that his youth seems to be about to begin......

However, he did not chase after her. For some reason, he was a little afraid.

In the corner, Nibutani watched Rika running away, anxious. It was just the last step, how could it go wrong here!

If she was not afraid of being discovered by Yuta, Nibutani would definitely call Rika loudly and call her over to scold her, but she couldn't do it, so she could only chase after her. Now she can only proceed with the next plan.......

Fang Wuwei looked at Liuhua and Nibutani who disappeared at the end of the corridor, pondered for a moment, slowly walked out of the corner and walked towards Yuta.

"call......"Kong Hong, where have you been?"

Although Yong Tai hadn't calmed down yet, he took a deep breath to calm down when he saw Fang Wuwei coming, trying to calm his uneasy heart.

He was still holding a corner of the poster, but now there was no poster in his mind, only Liuhua. He didn't react until Fang Wuwei walked to his face.

"! Kong Hong, you......"

Fang Wuwei put up the poster in a few seconds, so fast that Yongtai didn't even have time to react, and then he put his arm around Yongtai's shoulders and left.

Since the plot can be changed, he has to really put in the effort.

"Yuta, I have something to tell you......."


"About Rokka"

"Huh?! You said"

"Liuhua likes you"


"You like Liuhua too, understand?"

Fang Wuwei began his super invincible straight ball attack. Facing the blockhead, he wanted to use a straight punch to smash his teeth!!

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