I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 133 Classmate Relationship

Wu Wenxuan also took a smoke, smiled and said to Shen Lin: "Then I will ask the Dean of Tian, ​​I heard that the Fairoi is also studying your movies and scripts."

Lei Jiaying, who did not dare to go, listened to the seven-awaled, who heard that the delegation student's movie? Studying students' scripts?

Even if you have a good fortune, you can't get the movie and the pyramid of the script.

To be honest, Shen Lin's movie has seen itself, it is indeed a cattle, TV drama also seen, but also a cow, as for poetry, he does not understand, but at least the words of the online swearing, he understands that he also thinks that Shen Lin cattle.

But as a college student, the era pride, the vice chairman of the Student Union, killing, can not admit that you are more than yourself!

This is not your own mentality, this is the mentality of all schools?

But he didn't expect that in the students who deliberately excluded this test for three years, it is said that it is said that the first old candidate in the whole school, actually Wu Wenxuan and the President of Wenxuan, in the study of his movie, and he is holding him.

Wu Wenxuan's idea, Shenlin did not have opinion, if they really studied the essence of Li An director, no matter who is a good thing.

Wu Wenxuan thought again, a smile angle showed a shallow wine nest disapper person: "Do you think I will continue to engage in research, or take the way of actors?"

Shen Lin didn't want to look at his eyes: "Of course do actors, and don't conflict! Key I also have a movie to invite you."

Wu Wenxuan did not expect that Shen Lin also had a movie plan, and the heart was an excitement. He really felt that Shen Lin was talented, it was used to shoot TV series, it is really grievance.

Although he also knows that Shen Lin's TV makes money.

"Then I listen to you, I will participate, I must participate." Wu Wenxuan said this, where is the tone of the student, clearly like a group of appearance, charming the director!

Lei Jiaying is full of black lines, this is the school student recognizes the most talented, the most handsome Wu teacher, just like the students, really good?

"Teacher Wu, next time you can not call me to Director, you will call me Shen Lin, I think it is very good." Shen Lin said.

Lei Jiaying wants to be your child's eyesight.

But Wu Wenxuan said: "Delivery, this is not called! You teach me to play, you will take me into the hall!"

I special! This should I do this? Is Lin to you?

Lei Jiaying feels that he is smashed, you are so cow, what are you doing?

"In fact, I feel that it is very good to name Shenlin. It means that the two have a good relationship." Say this, Shen Lin touched his eyebrows and said, "Then your class must give me a pass!"

Lei Jiaying has to vomit blood, you are very special, just for this? Don't you face! How far is it, how far you are giving me.

Lei Jiaying put wrinkled eyebrows, and suddenly said: "Teacher Wu, last year, my achievement?"

Wu Wenxuan did not take care of Lei Jiaying at all, but said to Shen Lin: "My class, you don't try!"

Then I said to Leijiaying: "You have to continue working hard!"

Lei Jiaying did not expect to be such a result, a bitter gourd, is it so thick so thick?

At this time, Professor Lu's call came over, Shen Lin gave Wu Wenxuan, and then took the phone.

"Shen Lin, you are here to come, I have something to talk to you." Professor Lu.

Shenlin promised: "I will come right away."

Then I told Wu Wenxuan: "Teacher Wu, let's talk about it next time."

Wu Wenxuan quickly said: "You are busy with you."

From Wu Wenxuan's attitude towards Shenlin, it can be seen that he is how Shen Lin.

Lei Jiaying also said something, and Wu Wenxuan turned down his own file package, and it seems that I remembered what, then hurried, I didn't care about him.

Lei Jiacheng sighed, he felt that this world has changed, and he did not eat in this way.

Being popular with talented!

This is a thousand knives!

Shen Lin went to the executive building without finding Professor Lu, then stopped the school girl.

"Excuse me, do you know that Professor Lu is generally to work?" Shen Lin and kindly.

Originally, the school girl was still very enthusiastic, but it was found that after the Shenlin, who was out of the limelight last night, obviously a little love.

But it still refers to the east of the graduate building, "that."

Shen Lin smiled and gratitude, but the school girl did not have a feeling, and a face of proudly.

Shen Lin thought about this? I am so recruited, do you see it?

Dider I used to be a teacher's thing to find them?

Looking at the office of Professor Lu, Shen Lincai sent something, his own teacher's office is a slum.

There is no bookshelf with a homework.

Don't mention the guests enjoying the guests such as the sofa coffee machine.

However, it may be too bad for my last life, these, the principal is there.

But Professor Lu's office is everything.

The gap between people is a bit big.

Professor Lu saw Shen Lin came and put down the information on his hand.

"All class group teaching, two to three people, you have no one wants you and Qu yain, I see you, there is a group, and there is a good performance last night, this is your thoughts? Of course, your poem is too appropriate, poetic songs are beautiful. "

Professor Lu obviously be very satisfied with the performance last night, but the Shenlin is full of blood, but it is not to say.

"Professor Lu, can I change it? I want to try a group with other students!" Shen Lin said that there is a collection with the song, this time I still don't know what it will be?

Professor Lu said that the words of Shenlin did not feel surprised, but smiled and said: "As long as you can find new partners, I will change it, even if you are directly adding someone else to prepare the group."

Shen Lin was relieved, smiled and said: "I have trouble to the teacher, and I will not be like this next time."

Professor Lu waved: "Don't thank me, but time is deadline tomorrow afternoon, because of the afternoon, it is necessary to officially start the grouping task."

"Good!" Shen Lin quickly agreed, then asked again, "Professor Lu, what are you looking for me?"

Professor Lu picked up the information on his hand: "Nothing! Busy you go."

Made of the foggy water.

But I think that as long as I am not a group, I am still very happy.

Not looking for a person, this is something?

Shen Lin returned to his own class, seeing classmates basically, thinking about it properly.

Join someone else's group, who has a reason to refuse? I am very talented, they should know. The reason why the group did not find me, it is sure to be embarrassed!

Now I have taken the initiative, you don't have to pretend to be held.

Shenlin glanced at the classroom, there were two boys on the "" chatted with the mother, and I saw that this is a cheerful touch.

So Shen Lin passed, smiled and said: "Classmates, my name is Shen Lin, what are you two? I don't join this?"

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