I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 134 Campus Cold Violence

The two looked at Shen Lin. It seems that it seems to be very good, and the two very cheerful two times have a gloomy face.

Shenlin saw this, looking at the place, thinking about how you say how to change your face?

Are you so uncomfortable?

Hey, I don't believe it, as I have a ten-year teaching experience, can you reject it by you?

"Two students, this more people ..."

I haven't waited for Shen Lin, one said: "You ask someone to ask, we have already set it."

Shen Lin also looked at another one, this is not so cool, but smiled and said, "You are looking for someone else, we have already set it."

Lying in the trough!

It's just that the tone is different, the lines are the same, have you discuss it early?

Shen Lin also said something, but the two people directly took them directly.

This is ruthless!

No way, these two people must have something.

So Shen Lin glanced over a circle of classrooms.

Twenty-three digits of the whole class, one group, in addition to ourselves and songs, then one is left.

Can't you find it?

But this is not an Olympics, I have a good idea.

Shen Lin only walked on the podium, standing above: "Which classmate did not have a team? Let's join?"

Finally, Shenlin also exposed a sincere smile. That look, there is a bit of sadness.

Because there is no one to take the Shenlin this, I actually looked up at him.

Shen Lin is really cool.

This is a special thing that everyone is not willing to team up, and people have to agree with themselves! Then let yourself refuse!

It is also too generous!

impossible! Don't bring this bully.

Shen Lin finally glanced at the classroom and left the eye on another girl.

It is said that the girl is so weak, I hope this is a typical girl.

Shen Lin also exposed a smile, trying to install clean, hardworking, love, good explanation, to win the feelings of girls, is not right, sympathy.

However, Shen Lin has not went to Yan Dan, and Yan Dan suddenly packed up his desk and ran up.

How can Shenlin stops a girl who doesn't want to look back? Only look at Yan Dan.

Many boys looked at the loss of Shenlin, secretly laughed.

You are not a cow! You are not a director, the poet is a script, a big red man in cooperation with the song!

We will ignore you, see what you do!

Shen Lin felt that he was too difficult.

Don't try again, the result is already very clear.

How did Shenlin did not expect that he would have been crowded by students and actually felt the campus cold violence.

I haven't thought that I will go out to the school gate in the school's bicycle.

The babysitter car of Xiangzi has stopped in the parking lot not far from the campus, see the Shenlin cart. Xiangzi waved in the car on the car.

Shenlin wanted to have not seen it, I want to let Bizi taste the taste of being cold, but I will think about it, still count. At least people, bright ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Shen Lin took a car, there is Liang Bo.

These two are now at least two-line singer. Performance and various activities continue.

"How is interesting?" Liang Bo saw that Shenlin seems to have a heart.

Shen Lin saw a friend, there is a violation of the impulse.

"You think, do I like it?"

Xiangzi and Liang Bo "" laughed, is this starting a campus love? Have you been?

Seeing the grizzle of Shenlin's face, knowing the longness of the Shenlin time, cautiously thinking about saying: "I can't do it before, all the thorn, except Li Hong, who is looking for you, don't hide? I ... I am still better. "

That is that Shenlin, and now there is no relationship.

"now what?"

Liang Bo was afraid that the bright sons said, and he took the first to say: "Don't say people to see people love, it is almost ..."

At the time of Liang Bo's other comfort, Shen Lin sat at the position, holding a hand in the chest, said: "I think so."

Xiangzi and Liang Bo: "..."

"OK, don't say these, these I can solve." The second part of "Guide" is ready? "Shen Lin asked.

Liang Bo and Xiangzi face each other, tell the truth, the song is written, but both are not satisfied.

I feel that I am impatting the two songs of the previous song. I have no new ideas.

Today is to find this business.

If the whole drama is maintained such a situation without progress, they are afraid that they will drag the novelty of the new drama.

After all, Zhu Yu is in front, can't be unhearthed!

"You first write, mainly written by Li Hong and Xinling's temperament, it is good, because I think this time I use songs and TV series, I will push them forward again, after all, this is the last one. The department "also Pearl" is. "Shen Lin Road.

Liang Bo and Xiangzi did not expect that this will be the last part. Since there is a second part, you can write another one, so anxious?

But the more this, the more they feel the pressure.

Even if they have helped many people to make songs, but they will write songs for Shenlin. They feel unsatisfactory, and have a feeling of feelings.

Because, regardless of how they write, it is better to write well as Shen Lin.

But they still nod promised.

"How is Lu Bo?" Shen Lin asked again.

Liang Bo is embarrassed to say, Lu Bo's song, the grade is really too bleak!

Actually, even a water is not seen, it's so a big sea.

"Come all!"

"I still let him change!" He Yizi attached.

The two people have a bit awkward, I feel that I am very powerless.

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Is it so good?"

Liang Bo and Xiangzi once again face each other, I don't know how I mean this? Will not talk?

"I have to think about it to make a performance at the Film Academy." Shenlin said with her hand.

Liang Bo and Xiangzi really want to persuade Shen Lin, this matter, make it!

In fact, Shen Lin still wants to talk about the things of Qu, but this is not to say it?

There is only tears that can only flow in his stomach. After all, I said to be shameful, I actually didn't dare to team up with a little girl! What is more shameful is that all classes are crowded!


During the matter, Shen Lin got off and rode his own bicycle.

He is not a movie TV now, nor a song, not Lu Bo, he thinks how to attack.

How to attract your classmates, or you are not your own, you are abused by classmates!

This is a three years!

After so many years of education, education, psychology, no less, (unfortunately, the education, psychology is based on the education and psychology of the compulsory education.) He is very clear, between the students, the first point To attack, attack the first meter, it is to buy it.

When I wanted this, Shen Linma went to the mall without stopping, and various snacks bought a small shopping cart full of Dangdang.

This is not letting you fall in my county, see you, can you refuse me?

Hahaha ...

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