The next day, Shen Lin got very early, hit two big bags to the film college.

Then give the classmates into the classmates in the classroom, hey, each person is wrapped in a package, the boys still have a smoke, the girl is a cosmetics, enough big hand?

Shen Lin wants, this is good, even if you are not the most popular person, it's almost?

He looked at the delicious full code of the regulations on the table, and he hadn't moved his classmates.

The first two yesterday refused her own boys, the earliest arrived at the classroom.

Seeing Shen Lin sitting at the position, he looked at them to laugh, and felt that the back is cold.

I look at what the code is put on the desk, it seems to understand what.

The two looked at each other and then took out the stunned pork stuffing in the bag. I still took a mustard, you pinch a mustard, he pinch, this picture is a bit beautiful.

They didn't take care of Shen Lin, but also a gift on the table.

Even for them, things on the table are a bit out of the way!

Shen Lin is hungry.

How do you forget to prepare yourself?

The classmates in the class have come to talk about laughing, almost everywhere, look at Shen Lin, a gift on the table, and the scene of the high-happiness is instantly cold, they seem to be more despised Lin has.

I don't know who is the head that is brought, putting the things prepared by Shenlin to the podium, and the shot of the hand and read the Shenlin, and she returned to the seat.

Then, it is like a lot of money, all effectively, and the things prepared by Shen Lin are sent to the podium. Pile up a smaller mountain.

Shenlin is very eye-catching, these people actually be so unhappy? It's so recruiting hate it yourself?

I am a student now, it is not a teacher, why do you hate me?

Shenlin's mood fell to the bottom of the valley.

When the ringtone was ringing, Professor Lu took the cup with a cup to walk into the classroom.

See the gift on the podium is a black pressure, first, then laugh.

"I didn't expect it, taught for so many years, or your respect for teachers." After he didn't have the number of gifts, ? There are twenty-one, and the whole class is also coming, that is, one person is not sent!

"This, some other classmates who have class and class are not a heart, the teacher is not your gift, you don't send it, but you are crowded by others! Hey, this is also Chinese smoke?" Professor Lu has drank water, think Let me say, "This classmate stood up and let me see who is it?"

Everyone didn't speak, so, that is, Shen Lin didn't take things on the podium!

How do you forget yourself, the first week of school is the Teacher's Day! The world is killed, I still blame the leadership can't remember the Teacher's Day, now I have forgotten it.

Shenlin stood slowly, and I thought about this!

Professor Lu seems to know that it is Shenlin, and said attention to the long stand: "Do a good job in classmates is necessary, otherwise it is you."

Shen Lin wants, this also uses you, I am eating dumb loss now.

"Thank you classmates! The gift teacher will accept it." Professor Lu pointed at the Shenlin, "Then trouble you, send the gift to my office."

Shen Lin wanted to cry, and if he didn't want to go to the classmate, it would be, even the teacher did not be able to please, this money is really awkward!

Sending the "gift" to the office of the office, the head is already pulling down.

Professor Lu, who took Shenlin, "Script Creation" this year, Shen Lin returned, Professor Lu has begun to lecture, completely waiting for him.

Professor Lu first talked about the basic knowledge of the script creation, and then talked about the contradiction point in the script.

This is a big lesson, one is four, one morning.

The first class lectures theory, the second section to the third quarter, the students began to create a short script or a small product.

It is not kind to the director of the film college, and there are two squats, especially in the script.

Many people have started to have a sigh of relief, they must reveal two times in front of the class teacher, but also to reveal two times in front of Shenlin, let him know that your Shen Lin is so hot, with your talent relationship, our talents Not weaker than you.

Of course, Of course, I also knew that she was crowded. Now she can do it, it is to put her own creation level, let the students put themselves at their feet, so, they will accept themselves.

In this way, Shenlin is not very angry with the creation of the script, but it can't write, then write it.

But just written things, Shen Lin is really not good at, then you will click on the world!

Shen Lin thought, let's write this! They should not accept it.

For the first time, Professor Lu is to check the basic skills of the students, and all the scriptures have to be completed in two classes, the fourth lesson comment.

The classroom is the sound of Shasha.

Professor Lu is on the podium, starting to prepare less.

At the time of the two lessons, some people had already written the script and handed over Professor Lu.

Professor Lu will receive his own preparation, run to the door and point a smoke, and take it in and start to change the script.

Professor Lu is very fast, and a few minutes have read a class of classmates. However, they can't stand in the student, and Professor Lu has never lifted.

Professor Lu's face is not bad, nodded from time to time, the following students began to whispering whispering, all of which are discussing this is the job, and I hope that you have a direction of Shenlin, I want you this speed, level is not awkward Drop?

Is it also the wave of a virtual name?

It is said that your "St. Pearl" is the first side of the way. It's not that you are in the office, soon I have written the five episodes of script?

What happened this time?

Shenlin is not anxious, because he is more written, the more you can't write it, the more you think about yourself, the more you are happy.

For the happiness of classmates, write it slowly!

When Professor Lu was changed, he also looked up several times of Shenlin. He was also curious, what examples have been written at this time?

Actually used so much time.

I have read the "Sunshine Day" written by Tang Dynasty, too amazing.

However, this time there is time limit, it will definitely not write such long movie scripts, but still expect.

On Professor Lu suddenly remembered, this kid would put water, I hope to make a piece with my classmates, then trouble.

So Professor Lu is sitting on the podium. It seems to be said to the whole class. In fact, it is true to Shen Lin: "If you can't get credits, you can't make it, you should pay me. Don't forget, there are still many people doubt that you are doubtful. Script of others. There are still many people who are staring at you, looking for your vulnerability! "

As soon as I said, I still want to get the Hall of the past, Sudden sweat, my heart wants to give me the way.

Let me be an ordinary graduate student?

Shen Lin sighed, wrote the world-word monument box office, the first is the movie script of the double-shaped street, throw it on the table, and then think about it, should you write?

Now I have no time to write a movie script, only write a small product.

However, this idea is wrong, how can the small product script can be compared to the masterpiece of other students? It's just a good writing, it should I have a high level?

So Shen Lin began to embed his head and write the script.

Professor Lu said that he was used, and his heart was very comfortable.

Then give him a time.

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