I Work As a Crew Member on the Rocks Pirates

Chapter 271: The spear rides the horse to level the world!

Chapter 277 The long spear rides the horse to level the world!

Humans are creatures that like to kill themselves. Among the four seas, the North Sea and the South Sea are in chaos.

At present, the situation in the East China Sea and the West China Sea is relatively stable. Except for the South China Sea, which is the most chaotic, most of the remaining members are in the South China Sea.

These members have been hidden in thousands of households, and when the world government needed them, they did not hesitate to abandon their identities for several years or even decades.

The South China Sea is now the most important place in the Four Seas. As long as the South China Sea is resolved, there will be no such problems in the Four Seas.

Human beings will not learn anything from any lesson, but human beings who are not stupid will not make two mistakes in a short period of time, and the hope of victory in the world is in sight.

Moria joined the battle in the South China Sea, and Rovko was also in the South China Sea.

The Beihai is solved by the coalition forces dominated by the Eight Treasures Marines.

In this war, soldiers from all countries were killed and wounded countless.

But everyone can see the dawn of victory just before him.

Haiyuan calendar December 31st, 1480.

Sky Island supports most of the countries in the sea, and a large number of planes and spacecraft, as well as food that matures quickly through technology, is shipped to all parts of the world.

Well-trained personnel through education also went to the sea to help people how to settle down, how to build a new home, and how to survive without panic.

Natural disasters in various places have also been brought under control. The meteorologists on the sky island are not covered, so the losses can be minimized.

Viewing the development of human history can be described as tragic and vigorous. Diseases, beasts, natural disasters, etc. have claimed the lives of countless people, and human beings are born weak, ignorant and ignorant.

But mankind is growing step by step and has overcome all crises little by little, from ignorance to knowing, from weak to flying to the moon.

The man will conquer the sky, and the mere natural disasters will be overcome.

In the depths of Pangu City, the adult woke up.

"The line of fate is chaotic. What happened during this time?"

Im called the five old stars.

"What happened outside?"

Wu Lao Xing looked at each other and dared not answer.

"It seems that something interesting has happened, tell me to listen." Im lazily leaning on the Void Throne, she has been lonely for so long and really hopes that something different will happen.

The bald five-star: "Master Yim, you have to be the master for us! Now, except for the North Sea and the South China Sea, all other places on the sea have been rebelled!"

Eim: "!?"

Golden Retriever Five Old Star: "And Pluto was found out by them. It was in Alabastan, and the prison you made, Lord Yim, was smashed in one shot!"

Eim: "!!!?"

Curly Five Old Star said tremblingly: "Now the whole world knows the truth of that year. They all know that the Void Throne as a symbol has a master, and they also know the identity of your god."

Eim looked at the chirping ants kneeling down, feeling a little funny in his heart.

The gap between man and **** is unimaginable.

Especially when she knew an interesting thing and waved her hand, "I know about it. Just follow that plan and implement it."

After dismissing the five old stars, Yim turned over some of the extra memories in his mind and saw the young man who had made a bet with her.

"I can travel through the timeline and make a bet with the future me, want to overthrow the present me?" Yim's eyes became weird. "This is a power that is not in my destiny line. I don't know if this power can resist others. Of the gods"

"I have always maintained the chaos of the lowest order in this sea, in order to collect the source of life at the moment of human death to recover from the injury. When the harvest is time, the world will return to its original appearance. Now it seems that someone will do it for me. Done."

"Even if I recover from my injury, it will take a long time for me to recover my strength."

Yim’s eight-hundred-year layout in this world is to restore her injuries and strength. As for revenge for the moon people who believe in her, it is just that she needs a lot of life source to maintain her body from the seal. World needs.

It was for her own revenge, and the reason why these people were not exterminated is:

At that time, she saw the born empty island people and humans resembling gods, and she thought of raising Gu to recover from her injuries, and raised these humans in captivity.

This is the real truth back then.

The sacred tree was Yimu's body, and the fruit on her body was called the gift of God at first, and then it became the fruit of the devil.

Eim learned of the name change and commented: "Humans are really a bunch of funny little guys."

The stronger the Devil Fruit Ability, the more power Yim can recover.

"King level? It's really an interesting division of strength. It seems impossible that there will be any existence beyond this level in this sea."

Eim: "!!!?"

Curly Five Old Star said tremblingly: "Now the whole world knows the truth of that year. They all know that the Void Throne as a symbol has a master, and they also know the identity of your god."

Eim looked at the chirping ants kneeling down, feeling a little funny in his heart.

The gap between man and **** is unimaginable.

Especially when she knew an interesting thing and waved her hand, "I know about it. Just follow that plan and implement it."

After dismissing the five old stars, Yim turned over some of the extra memories in his mind and saw the young man who had made a bet with her.

"I can travel through the timeline and make a bet with the future me, want to overthrow the present me?" Yim's eyes became weird. "This is a power that is not in my destiny line. I don't know if this power can resist others. Of the gods"

"I have always maintained the chaos of the lowest order in this sea, in order to collect the source of life at the moment of human death to recover from the injury. When the harvest is time, the world will return to its original appearance. Now it seems that someone will do it for me. Done."

The Five Old Stars informed the division of strength circulating in the sea, dividing the top-level strength into several stages.

In fact, Yim's strength is not as good as a king-level. Only by relying on the power of the king can he be invincible in this world. The king is also in order to one day start from scratch and leave his cards to protect her safety.

"It was really the right decision to make a king when it was boring."

Eim, who was awakened at the beginning, was used by the victors to do various researches, cutting branches, testing, and electric shocks. Everyday life is better than death. Even if no one can kill her, the hellish life makes her a god. Unbearable, the divinity has fallen.

Yimu seduced some human men who were willing to die for her. With their help, she got close to the king and regained the control of the king.

This is the real history.

Yim used to be the most god-like existence among the gods, not living in groups, not in alliance, alone in strength and perfection, and as a result, the gods once beat her miserably.

After waking up, he encountered that kind of thing again, which made Emu's perfect divinity flawed and contaminated some of the human nature.

Those human men of those days received her gift, and now there are five people who have survived and are called the Five Old Stars.

Over the years, she has been able to maintain a human form. The most powerful fruit born of the sacred tree as her body is not the fruit related to time and space, but the fruit related to life.

The fruit was eaten by Bai Yu, and Bai Yu was the master of the fruit's development, and he also possessed the power of immortality.

Having seen that man's good abilities, this made Yim think she was waiting for someone who wanted to wait.

Yim suppressed Bai Yu's desire to devour Bai Yu, wanting to turn him into her own thing, so that when she seeks revenge from the gods, she can have a powerful helper, a male **** who can always accompany her.

She never cared about this world. The Five Old Stars were just dogs who thought they were loyal to Lord Yim. In fact, Yim didn't put them in his eyes at all. Using them just didn't want to find other more disgusting human beings.

"You will become a **** like me, and it's time to end it. Let the destruction of this world do you."

Yim is going to take this opportunity to recover the devil fruit so that he can recover a little bit of strength.

Yimu can only be invincible in Pangu City, and the purpose of capturing Begapunk is just to fill the vacancy in the core. Only a genius scientist like Begapunk is qualified to become the core of the Uranus and exert the true power of the Uranus.

"Vegapunk is a good puppet. When this incident is over, we will leave this ruined planet and go drifting in his world."

"You are such a lunatic, Eim, let's talk about terms."

Bai Yu heard these voices on the Dawn, which belonged to Yim, "Don't you want me? Let go of the people I want to let go, I can go with you and leave this planet."

"I'm afraid this won't work. As a god, I won't lie to you. You will become a **** like me. Those people are a burden. They can't stay in this world."

"After all, you were also a defeated, otherwise you wouldn't end up like this."

"It is true, so I need you. Our combination is the most perfect existence. I believe that one day we will be able to go back."

"Insane! It seems that I still have nothing to talk with you! Wash your neck and wait!"

"You will forget all of them. As a god, you don't need cumbersome feelings. I will wait for you."



Bai Yu and Yim were communicating with each other thousands of miles away.

The talk collapsed.

"It's tired." Bai Yu tossed over and over on the bed. He didn't expect that the real war would be so cruel. Under this kind of war, the king-level powerhouse could not do anything, instead it turned into a number.

He, who has not experienced a real war, can be regarded as experiencing the cruelty of World War I and World War II.

The battlefield is a meat grinder, which is true.

"Mountain piles of documents and wars in various places, as well as the group of humans who fish in troubled waters and want to make a fortune and remain neutral, want to fall on one side and the humans on the side of the world government, hahaha, destroy this world."

After Bai Yu finished grumbling, he patted his face and shouted, "Get up! For the sake of his wife and children in the future! Come on!!!"

Haiyuan calendar year, January 2nd.

The world government regards the four seas as the key point of the war. A large number of armies have been invested in the North Sea and the South China Sea. There are five army generals alone. One of them is a current army general and the other four are retired army troops. general.

The difference between the army and the navy is that the army seldom died in battle, so there are not a few army generals who have retired in more than 100 years, especially some army generals who are almost 100 years old.

Nearly a hundred army generals joined the battle with a large number of army troops, hoping to reverse the situation.

The four seas continue to invest in combat power, and the two sides are almost fighting to death.

The civilians in the Four Seas have basically been moved, and now the Four Seas are meat grinders on the battlefield, and they have no tendency to lose.


The Chinese vaccine became the focus of attention at this time. With extremely high security and excellent protection capabilities, it has been more and more sought after in the international market. At this time, some Western countries began to be unable to sit still.

This was the most critical turning point, and it was also the last fight made by the world government. The Five Old Stars sent the Field Marshal to issue a notice to the world.

They will be in front of

Why is Tianlongren a god?

Sky Island spread the idea of ​​freedom and equality ~www.readwn.com~ Even children are saying that there is something like the king and the king?

Countries all over the world have different ideas and ideas. Bai Yu agrees very much. The parliamentary system, constitutional monarchy system, republican system and other systems can let them choose and let these countries practice.

And he is responsible for preventing countries from taking some detours. Their common enemy is God.

Bai Yu didn't want to be a god, nor did he want to live alone, he wanted to make the final resistance.

Kill God!

In disasters and wars, human beings grow the fastest, and a single spark has started a prairie fire.

During this period of war, mankind helped each other, mankind learned unity and friendship, and mankind understood the idea of ​​equality.

People may be born with a different starting point, but each person is unique.

They want to kill the world government and slaughter the god.

The eyes of the whole world are now focused on Krokdal's execution. All forces and the king of the human coalition have sent people to inform Bai Yu that it is a trap, focusing on the overall situation of humanity.

These people are not ready for the final battle. In fact, these people are afraid that the dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon, and they are afraid that the fruits of victory will be taken away by others.

This is the root of inferiority that humans cannot change.

Bai Yu looked at the pile of letters, and a sneerful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "I have not yet won, thinking about dividing up the victory after victory. I am a little bit convinced by Yim's words now."

He picked up the letter from the king of the megalithic kingdom.

"You can do whatever you want. Don't be disturbed by those messy guys. I helped you at the time. It was your human selfishness that touched me. So for selfishness, after the victory of the war, I want the fertile land of the Red Earth Continent. ."


End of this chapter

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