I Work As a Crew Member on the Rocks Pirates

Chapter 272: Start the final battle! Airborne to the red earth continent!

Chapter 278 Start the final decisive battle! Airborne to the red earth continent!

While the Red Earth Continent was waiting for the arrival of Bai Yu, other places started operations.

The King of the Stone Kingdom was sure that the man would pass by, and relying on the prestige he fought during this period of time, he let the coalition forces attack the Holy Land Maria Gioia for a final battle.

Before Bai Yu set off for the Red Earth Continent, a meeting was held and Rovko, Wang Zhi and others agreed.

"Who can be responsible for losing the world?"

"The Four Seas are important? Or is the Red Earth Continent more important? As long as we win, even if the Four Seas are occupied, what will happen?"

"You make sense, but who will be the vanguard?"

"I come."

This evil-faced king put on his battle armor and led a large army to the Red Earth Continent.

The coalition troops were divided into three groups, going all the way to Huanglong, launching an offensive, and another flank penetration and raiding the rear.

The last way is also the most elite, climbing up from the cliffs, and directly breaking the back road to enter the Holy Land Mariagioa.

The Dawn sailed slowly over the sea.

"Captain, let me drive." Tom stopped him as he was driving. "I am a useless murloc. The most proud thing in my life is to build two boats and let me drive. Let's go with you on the Dawn."

"This will be the glory of my life!"

"Wow ha ha ha and me, I will go with you too!" Roger smirked while carrying a knife on the sea.

"You are really crazy, you will die." Bai Yu looked at the two people who refused to give up, a little helpless, "Tom, Roger, you should know that I am immortal, you don't."

A few days ago, the vaccination work of the new crown virus is being carried out in various countries around the world. As the human society has a deeper and deeper understanding of the new crown virus, the importance of the new crown vaccine has gradually become prominent. Therefore, it can also be found that the demand for the new crown vaccine is increasing. The major vaccine-producing countries even have a hard-to-find shot. At the same time, the possible side effects of the new crown vaccine have also become a topic of concern to many people.

In recent days, there have been many negative news about AstraZeneca vaccines, and even caused many deaths. Although the above-mentioned vaccine production companies continue to respond positively and say that the overall safety of their own vaccines is still trustworthy, it is clear that people in various countries Do not buy it.

The Chinese vaccine became the focus of attention at this time. With extremely high security and excellent protection capabilities, it has been more and more sought after in the international market. At this time, some Western countries began to be unable to sit still.

Tom nodded and smiled: "Captain, I know, you went for the crew, but I can save my life for my partner!"

"My pirate group is disbanded. Now my partners should be fighting all over the world." Roger jumped on the Dawn and sat next to Bai Yu, "Go together, the freedom of the sea belongs to everyone, I don't want to Let the so-called gods defile this sea"

"Huhahaha" Bai Yu burst into laughter, stood up, and pointed to the destination to give orders, "Little ones, come with me to get the crew back!"


Tom drove the Dawn with pride, and the three rushed to the red earth continent.

"Master Bai Yu! Master Bai Yu! Wait for me!" a big bird fell from the sky, flapping its flightless wings while shouting.

"Morgans, what are you doing?"

"Master Baiyu, how could Morgans miss such a big news? As a journalist, even if I die, I have to record this historical moment."


Morgans was very handsome when he said this, but he was really embarrassed when he fell on the board.

The army, the navy, 0, plus the guarding forces, the number exceeds one million, and you can't see it at a glance.

At this scale, so many powerful people gather to wait for one person.

Wu Lao Xing attaches great importance to this execution. Except for the four overseas countries, they have lost all power in the sea. The only chance that they can come back is to bet on whether Bai Yu will come to rescue his crew.

Once he comes, don't even think about leaving from the holy place of Mary Joa.

Wu Lao Xing understood that the biggest trouble was not Lockes and Ryder, nor these rebels, but Bai Yu, who had the supreme and unique position in the human coalition, was their biggest trouble.

The man who possesses advanced insights and outstanding thoughts, the man who twists the world into one strand, and makes the truth public, is God's greatest enemy.

This time the Curl Five Old Star is ready. If Bai Yu dares to come, it will be difficult to get the support of other human coalition forces. After all, this is a private matter, not to mention that Bai Yu's status is a bit too high.

If all the forces in the human coalition are not stupid, they will worry that Bai Yu will become the next god?

Will the former Locks crew become the next five-star and the world government?

Human beings were like this eight hundred years ago, and there will still be no changes after eight hundred years.

Therefore, the five old stars are very confident to broadcast the execution scene to the whole world. If Bai Yu comes, he will be planted here. The dragons will die without a leader. If Bai Yu does not come, his prestige in the human coalition will be greatly reduced. By then Everything will be better than it is now.

We must know that there is a very evil side of human nature. They will not let anyone go. As long as God has a problem, they will hold on to the problem. This is why God is always high above the world and does not fall into the world.

The evil of human beings can be swallowed by even gods.

"You said that big pirate still dare to come over?"

"Of course I didn't dare to come over. The big pirate appointed to abandon his crew. The current holy place, Mariagioa, is so solid that no one dares to come here to die."

These armies did not regard the great pirate Bai Yu as the same thing.

They were thinking about becoming gods in the future and gaining eternal life to follow that Lord Yim forever.

Karp curiously asked: "Are you ready to counterattack?"

Pointing to the sea of ​​people in front of him, the Warring States period explained: "The number of navies that have shrunk has exceeded one million, not to mention the huge army, the forces that live on the red soil continent all the year round, and the all-pervasive organizations, how could it be possible to just be there? There are less than two million people on board."

Karp was taken aback, and said to his heart: "Where did those people go? Don't you join the war?"

Is there any task?

"Warring States, where did they go?"

"Carp, why are you still so brainless, bastard?"

Karp didn't get an answer from the Warring States period, so he didn't care about these things. He even wanted to know if Bai Yu would come over?

Would he dare to come over in this situation?

"Oh, hello, I'm really looking forward to it, Bai Yu, I hope you come here as soon as possible, and I will tear you apart in front of the others."

Kaido carried his mace and went crazy with anger.

Is he easy?

After staying in the Rocks Pirates for so long, I saw the opportunity to leave. He could have killed Rocks, but Bai Yu was forced to intervene and Rocks survived.

Kaido, who was already good at calculating, calculated his chances of surviving in Locks' hands.

He persuaded.

All the grievances can only be vented on Bai Yu.

Kaido appreciates the strong and cherishes talents, but he is afraid of killing his own existence, and he is alert to threaten his existence.

On that day, Kaido felt a little angry on the cadres, and went to take the unarmed civilians to vent, and take those who are weaker than himself to vent the anger in his heart.

Then, this scene was seen by Bai Yu.

"You are obviously afraid of those who are stronger than yourself, and you have to show an indifferent appearance. It's really funny."

"What is it to deal with some people who dare not resist? It's really rubbish!"

Those words still hurt Kaido's heart until now. If Bai Yu is not killed, he will live in the shadows forever.


Kaido looked up to the sky and roared: "Bai Yu, I really hate you!"

"What is this Qiwuhai going crazy?"

"He is sick."

The two army generals dismissed Kaido, who was a pirate, and laughed wantonly, but they didn't know they were hated by the pirate.

Kaido was the only one who survived in the Qiwuhai. The other Qiwuhai either died or defected. The remaining three Qiwuhai also survived him alone, because he was a very important experimental mouse.

Being able to live shows his ability, and a person who can climb to the throne of the four emperors in later generations has an extraordinary character even if he is a villain.

With the arrival of Field Marshal Madman Endreu and Marshal Gundam, the atmosphere on the court reached a peak, and even the audience watching the live broadcast became nervous.

This scale is unprecedented.

The commander of the armed forces, Yamadaji, and the five old stars played at the same time and sat on the highest stage. They knew that the ants were watching them, chatting and laughing on the high stage, showing an indifferent appearance.

In the world government, except for the 0 who can't see the light and some hidden powerhouses, or the powerhouses with other tasks are not there, it can be said that most of the powerhouses are present.

"The world government will win!"

"Justice will prevail!"

The navy and the army around the execution platform drew their swords and let out a sky-shaking roar. The momentum was unstoppable.

With such a momentum, such a sonorous and powerful speech, if it had been before, the unknowing civilians might be so excited that they would give out support and solidarity.

At this time, the eyes of the civilians watching were complicated, and many civilians spit at the big screen.


"What **** justice!"

"I think it's a bunch of shit! Fortunately, I used to think that the navy is very good, but now it seems to be a facade to hide the ugliness, I am!"

"A bunch of shit! Go to death!" Two army admirals, three admirals, and a large number of navy and army densely surrounded the execution platform on the execution ground.

There are still a large number of zeros hidden among these people. No one knows how many zeros are hidden in the navy and army. I am afraid that even the five old stars do not know how many strong ones are among the zeros.

The army, the navy, 0, plus the guarding forces, the number exceeds one million, and you can't see it at a glance.

At this scale, so many powerful people gather to wait for one person.

Wu Lao Xing attaches great importance to this execution. Except for the four overseas countries, they have lost all power in the sea. The only chance that they can come back is to bet on whether Bai Yu will come to rescue his crew.

Once he comes, don't even think about leaving from the holy place of Mary Joa.

Wu Lao Xing understood that the biggest trouble was not Lockes and Ryder, nor these rebels, but Bai Yu, who had the supreme and unique position in the human coalition, was their biggest trouble.

The man who possesses advanced insights and outstanding thoughts, the man who twists the world into one strand, and makes the truth public, is God's greatest enemy.

This time the Curl Five Old Star is ready. If Bai Yu dares to come, it will be difficult to get the support of other human coalition forces. After all, this is a private matter, not to mention that Bai Yu's status is a bit too high.

If all the forces in the human coalition are not stupid, they will worry that Bai Yu will become the next god?

Will the former Locks crew become the next five-star and the world government?

Human beings were like this eight hundred years ago, and there will still be no changes after eight hundred years.

Therefore, the five old stars are very confident to broadcast the execution scene to the whole world. If Bai Yu comes, he will be planted here. The dragons will die without a leader. If Bai Yu does not come, his prestige in the human coalition will be greatly reduced. By then Everything will be better than it is now.

We must know that there is a very evil side of human nature. They will not let anyone go. As long as God has a problem, they will hold on to the problem. This is why God is always high above. The reason for falling into the world.

The evil of human beings can be swallowed by even gods.

"You said that big pirate still dare to come over?"

"Of course I didn't dare to come over. The big pirate appointed to abandon his crew. The current holy place, Mariagioa, is so solid that no one dares to come here to die."

These armies did not regard the great pirate Bai Yu as the same thing.

They were thinking about becoming gods in the future and gaining eternal life to follow that Lord Yim forever.

"Warring States, this is really a big action." Karp said with a smile while eating senbei: "Puff ha ha ha just for that kid alone, at least dozens of monsters gathered on the field."

Warring States with his arms intact frowned, "If he comes, it will be impossible to leave. In this operation, whether he comes or not, we will have to counterattack."

Karp curiously asked: "Are you ready to counterattack?"

Pointing to the sea of ​​people in front of him, the Warring States period explained: "The number of naval forces that have shrunk has exceeded one million, not to mention the huge army, the forces that live on the red soil continent all the year round, and the all-pervasive organizations, how could it be possible to just be there? There are less than two million people on board."

Karp was taken aback, and said, "Where did those people go? Don't you want to join the war?"

Immediately, Karp used his brain to think about it. This kind of formation on the field is already an overkill to deal with a white feather. Then the other powers must be sent to other places by the five old stars.

Is there any task?

"Warring States, where did they go?"

"Carp, why are you still such a brainless bastard?"

Karp didn't get an answer from the Warring States period, so he didn't care about these things. He even wanted to know if Bai Yu would come over?

Would he dare to come over in this situation?

End of this chapter

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