I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 209 The big scale divides gold and silver

Bai Suocheng's death was quite sudden for the entire Guokang family, especially if the whole family died together, it would be even more sudden.

In the final analysis, he was too superstitious about his superpowers and thought that he was completely safe after paying the fine.

But he did not expect that the hatred in this world cannot be solved by fines.

After he met his end, the Dongfeng Corps finally completed a phased mission.

It took seven and a half months from the time when they first escaped from the Allied Forces to now when they rescued their families and completed their revenge. Finally, the heavy mountain that was weighing on the foursome's heads was lifted away.


Well, not moving to be exact, but smashing.

But of course, at this point, things are not completely over yet.

Killing Bai is easy, it's just a matter of fighting.

But after killing him, there are more problems to deal with.

In other words, the battle on the battlefield is over, but the political and economic battles must continue.

However, you can take your time.

Standing in front of the monastery, Chen Chen looked at the corpses on the ground, scratched his head in confusion, and said:

"We still have to take the bodies away. These cars are hard to load. Let's get a new car."

"Take it away for what?"

The jackal on the side asked in confusion.

"Of course it is to create the illusion that Bai Socheng is still alive. As long as he is still alive, not being able to get the money is not our problem, it is Myanmar's own problem."

"Bai Suocheng ran away and hid. Can we still be blamed for the incident?"

This time, Bao Qidu had already figured out the key to the problem without Shi Dakai opening his mouth.

After listening to his words, Jackal nodded thoughtfully and continued:

"This is a good idea, but it's not that easy to make things believable."

"Lao Mian is not stupid, how could they not know that we have killed Bai Suocheng?"

"Just because they are not stupid, they don't care whether Bai Zuocheng dies or not."

Chen Chen interrupted Jackal and explained:

"Bai Socheng's main profit lies in his property, not his deposits. If he can take over the property, he has actually obtained the majority of the benefits."

"As for the remaining savings and other hidden valuables, it would be nice for the Burmese army to have them, but if they don't have them, they don't care that much."

"So we have to give them a valid reason to deal with the real bosses higher up."

"Bai Suocheng ran away. This is a good reason."

"I understand, then take it away."

Jackal let out a long sigh of relief. He really "didn't understand" this twist and turn.

"Then let's go find a car - what kind of car did Bai Suocheng drive?"

As soon as Chen Chen finished speaking, some clever mercenaries in the Dongfeng Corps had already driven Bai Zuocheng's car over.

Their team drove a total of 4 cars, all of which were luxury cars. Three Lexus LX570s were conspicuous enough, and one was a Maybach 2009 Zeppelin that was definitely not common in northern Myanmar!

This thing is fundamentally different from the Rolls-Royce and Lexus that are common in northern Myanmar.

Because there is no possibility of smuggling and importing it after purchasing it for 0 yuan, and it is definitely purchased through formal channels.

If calculated according to Chen Chen's memory, this thing is worth at least tens of millions of RMB.

I have to say that Bai Socheng is really fucking rich.

But this also illustrates another point - Bai Suocheng really didn't consider the issue of being hunted at all.

Or is this actually part of the escape plan?

Carry all valuable things with you. If there are no problems on the road, the car can also be used as cash equivalent?

No matter what, this can be considered a windfall.

Not to mention whether Dongfeng Corps will use this kind of car in the future, even if they are sold at a discount, 4 cars will cost at least 1.5 million US dollars, right?

If you get it, you’ll earn it!

Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction and ordered his team to stuff all the bodies of the main members of the Bai family into a Lexus, and gave the car the top 6 soul ring bonus.

Subsequently, Dongfeng Corps assigned 4 people to drive, and the fleet size expanded to 11 vehicles.

Since the Maybach does not have much off-road performance, this time they could only move along the easy road as much as possible. It took them 8 hours to walk the 200 kilometers in a straight line.

They passed many checkpoints on the way. According to Bai Cheng's plan, he was supposed to leave a sum of money behind at each checkpoint.

However, with warriors opening the way, the defenders at the sentry point tacitly gave up their obstruction, and the drive went smoothly.

At around 9 o'clock in the evening, the Dongfeng Corps arrived at Mengka.

They came in a hurry and left in a hurry. Every retreat was extremely decisive and resolute. When they entered Mengka, the defenders of the 7th Brigade were even a little nervous about this unfamiliar convoy.

However, it only takes one sentence for Chen Chen to pass the test now, and he no longer needs 40 fire and smoke bombs.

After returning to the villa, Chen Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This is what it feels like to be at home.

The remaining personnel of the Dongfeng Corps have received the news to greet them. Apart from the family members of Bao Qi and Li Bang, the most excited one is Sang Ye.

His rhabdomyolysis has finally recovered, and although he still walks with a slight limp, it can be seen that there are no sequelae.

"Captain, you are finally back, but you miss me so much!"

Sang Ye's expression was extremely sincere. If it weren't for the fear of using too much force, he would have made a "teary" scene.

Chen Chen rolled his eyes and replied:

"Don't talk nonsense, get to work and count the loot."

"Yes! Following your orders!"

Everyone immediately took action. The bodies of the Bai family were taken out first, stripped of their clothes and thrown directly into the Mekong River.


Burial is definitely impossible, and there is no need to crush the bones and scatter the ashes. Just like Weng Miao, he can simply feed the fish.

Subsequently, all the equipment was unloaded and the four luxury cars were rummaged through and inspected.

And during this inspection, the Dongfeng Corps once again discovered a surprise.

Scattered across 4 vehicles, there was a total of over 110 kilograms of gold!

Moreover, it looks like high-purity gold.

Calculated according to the current gold price, this batch of gold alone is worth about 5 million US dollars!


This is the real money to buy the road.

Let’s just say that it’s impossible for Bai Suicheng not to bring any valuables with him.

Chen Chen grinned. After this battle, Xiaoyu had 1 million and seized 5 million here. Even if the car was not sold, he still had 6 million dollars in profit.

After the commission is divided, the operating cost will be 3 million more. Compared with the initial operating cost of 1 million US dollars for ammunition supply and equipment preparation, the profit margin is as high as 200%.

Now, the cash flow of the entire operating expenses has reached an astonishing US$11 million. Even if the Z-9 is not discounted, this amount of money is enough after excluding the complex weapons and equipment that it will definitely not be equipped with.

After all, when Ni Ge in Mali, Africa bought a Z-9, one unit cost about US$1,200. This price included weapons systems, pilots and ground crew training.

What I want is just the Beggar’s Edition. Even if it comes with training services, the price shouldn’t exceed US$9 million, right?

Well, if I really want to exceed it, I will have to have a good fight with Xiaoyu.

What? Are you telling her to give it away for free?

This is a bit ridiculous. Everything the two parties had communicated before was actually not about the helicopter itself, but about the "helicopter export license."

The guy from the north is generous, but he’s not the one being taken advantage of.

This thing is different from the Warriors. The Warriors generation is inherently cheap and insensitive, so just give it away.

As for helicopters, you should take it easy.

After calculating the money in his hands carefully, Chen Chen was in a good mood.

What made him feel more comfortable was a series of "accounting documents" in the Maybach glove box.

It contains all of Bai Suocheng's detailed business data - it must have been faked, and the core materials will not remain on paper.

But as long as it exists, it is a fortune for those who are willing to do so.

Handing this thing to Lao Mian can be regarded as an explanation to them.

There is no xx postal service in northern Myanmar, so Chen Chen simply handed over the express delivery job to Sang Ye. It was not dangerous anyway, so it would be good to let him and another left-behind person do something.

After all the loot was collected, Chen Chen realized that although this battle could not be said to be fruitful, it was definitely not a loss.

An 87, an M120, and four HK416s, these are all things that have a price but no market.

Coupled with the backup left by Peng Deren, high-quality equipment will definitely come in in the future.

This alone is very satisfying.

As for the weapons and ammunition that were consumed?

Just add it slowly. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to fight again.

After everything was dealt with, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening.

The Dongfeng Corps gathered together again, and even the two wounded who had been withdrawn early were also present.

Chen Chen was too lazy to spend more time and directly checked the day's gold price online. Without wasting any time, he set up a scale and paid on the spot.

The scene was so lively that it almost exploded.

What does it mean to weigh gold and silver on a large scale?

This is a literal weighing scale for dividing gold and silver!

One by one, the finance staff made roll calls, and calculated on the spot according to the rules that had been announced long ago and the formulas written long ago in Excel. The calculation process was displayed on the big screen in the command room. Each person's amount was exactly how much it should be, without any moisture. , and there is no room for behind-the-scenes operations.

The principle of "salary confidentiality" does not exist. If you feel dissatisfied, you can question it on the spot.


But of course, no one would question it.

Because although the "salary system" of the Dongfeng Corps looks complicated, it is essentially not divorced from the traditional commission system of the mercenary regiment. It just adds some simple bonus conditions. In most numbers, everyone is still relatively even.

The mercenaries who were already accustomed to this situation adapted quickly. After receiving the heavy gold, everyone smiled happily, and many of them made fun of each other, but of course the atmosphere was still very harmonious.

After this wave, everyone finally gained weight.

The 20 peripheral team members, excluding disability pensions, each receive a bonus of more than 50,000 US dollars, and some outstanding performers can even receive 70,000 US dollars - mainly those who drive fire trucks.

Coupled with the basic attendance bonus that everyone has, they can get a lot of money from one mission that they could only get in two or three years before!

Who wouldn't be happy if I left it alone?

ah? You said that the group leader and several captains got more?

You go, you go, you lead the team, you go get the fire truck, you go take the lead in attacking Lao Burma’s military camp!

No one is that stupid, even mercenaries. Although they are simple-minded, they know very well how much money they can make by following someone.

In a warm atmosphere, the money-sharing ceremony didn't end until 1 a.m. Chen Chen told the mercenaries to collect the gold and take action slowly, so as not to lower the price of gold in Mengka, and everyone agreed.

After everyone left reluctantly, Jackal silently walked to Chen Chen and said:

"Wreck, I realize you're like a complete human being sometimes."


Chen Chen asked doubtfully.

"I'm not talking about fighting, I'm talking about business."

"You seem to have some kind of talent. You are especially good at manipulating people's hearts."

"There is a lot of room for maneuver in your sharing rules. You can obviously send more money or less money, but you are stuck on this number."

"The proceeds from one mission will allow these mercenaries to have no worries about food and clothing for the next one to two years. It gives them a sufficient sense of security, but it also whets their appetite."

"You simply easily solved the problem of mercenaries leaving the team after getting rich, and more importantly, you actually made gold. I can't think of such an operation even if I break my head."

"The hoarding attribute of gold will inevitably slow down their consumption speed and maintain the hunger of the team to the greatest extent."

"I was wondering, if you didn't become a mercenary and went into business, would you have already made a fortune?"

Chen Chen smiled slightly and replied:

"Who knows? Didn't you ask me to go to Wall Street before? Maybe I really should go?"

".If you go, you will be the real Wolf of Wall Street."

"Maybe you will bite all those capitalists to death."

"But forget it. Compared to the sunken capitalists, what I would rather see are the sunken ships of mercenaries, sunken PMCs, sunken ships of warlords, and sunken ships of arms chiefs."

"Aren't you afraid that I will steal your business?"

Chen Chen asked curiously.

Jackal couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"What joke are you kidding me about?"

"Let's not talk about how long it will take you to reach the same scale as Chaisili. Let's not talk about things like even if you do it, the direction may not conflict with Chaisili."

"Just one reason."

"I belong to Chaisili, and Chaisili is not mine. Does it have anything to do with me?"


Chen Chen glanced at Jackal approvingly and said:

"Then you said so. If I really do it in the future, don't help Chaisili do it to me."

"Don't worry. Even if there is a day when war really starts, I can give you one sentence: I am on your side."

"Our relationship is already that deep?"

Chen Chen asked in surprise.

".You think I am Bao Xiaomei, and you throw yourself into your arms when I come up?"

Jackal helplessly spread his hands and explained:

"I made this judgment based on commercial interests."

"What I mean is, if you really want to get involved in this business, if you really have a conflict of interest with Chaisili, I will choose the side with a greater chance of winning."

"You know what? I'm the complete opposite of you."

"I have a background on the surface, but in fact I don't have one at all; you don't have one on the surface, but"

"In short, there is no one behind me, I am just a tool."

"Since it's a tool, it needs to be thrown away after use."

"Then don't I have to find a way out for myself? Wouldn't it be great if you were willing to give me a chance?"


Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and replied with a smile:

"Perhaps, we can be business partners in the future."

Jackal nodded solemnly and echoed:

"That's right, business partner."

"But, they can also be friends."

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