I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 210 Giving away a gun

Jackal was probably shocked by Chen Chen's bold and powerful scene, and truly saw the commercial potential of this mercenary group, or PMC company.

Before that, no matter how capable the Dongfeng Corps was in fighting, his judgment of the Dongfeng Corps was limited to "armed force".

But now, after seeing Chen Chen's precise operation in managing the distribution of interests, he finally became interested in getting involved.

This is actually easy to understand.

Where can you really make money?

It is not a large-scale, mature, and highly organized company, but a wildly growing entrepreneurial team!

Obviously, Dongfeng Corps is such an entrepreneurial team.

It has just solved its survival crisis, established its own basic market through ruthless means, accumulated the funds necessary for subsequent development, and also established an intricate network of relationships.

It can be said that this small team has accumulated all the conditions necessary to grow bigger.

The moat has been completely established and the process of building a high wall has been completed. If we really want to engage in commercialization, who can beat them?

So, for Jackals who are in the same place as the Dongfeng Corps, the choice is actually very clear.

That is, try your best to use the friendships you have established in the early stage to hook up with them, and find ways to do some hookups that can make you money behind the company's back.

This kind of hookup doesn't have to be too deep or too strong, just hooking up is enough.

After talking to Chen Chen, although the thread had not been completely connected, the thread had been pulled out.

that's enough.

Jackal was in an extremely happy mood. He happily walked out of the Dongfeng Corps' villa, applauding his own discernment countless times.

Back then, the Dongfeng Corps was still a small corps with only four people - it couldn't even be called a corps. It could only be classified into the ranks of a "gun regiment" along with those unqualified stragglers.

But he just seized the opportunity and laid the foundation for cooperation with them in advance.

When they captured Wanwano, didn't many people think it was just a coincidence?

If he hadn't fought against everyone's opinions and won them over with a few pieces of equipment, how could he have been in the current situation?

If Chaisili hadn't been able to get too close to the Dongfeng Corps, maybe the headquarters would have sent high-level officials here to maintain the relationship with the Dongfeng Corps!

Good guy, I'm not a genius, who is?

Thinking of this, Jackal couldn't help but want to give himself a certificate, the kind that said "Best Bole in Northern Myanmar".

Well, Mugui's Peng Xucheng can barely count, but compared with himself, it's still far behind.

Jackal's footsteps became lighter and lighter, and Chen Chen couldn't help but feel a little funny when looking at his back.

But of course, there is also some satisfaction.

Hehe, in a place like this, what is the ability to gain recognition from women?

Only when a macho man with a gun and a cannon can fall willingly at his feet is he truly powerful!

It is not a real man to ask a woman to kneel down. A real man should make a man bend over!

Chen Chen shook his head gently to dispel the slightly messy images in his mind, and then walked into the villa again, ready to pack up and have a good rest.

During this period of time, he was really tired.

It has always been a high-intensity battle, and it has always been an extremely tense game.

His body can still hold on, but the result of long-term tension on his nerves is that once he relaxes, he will be exhausted to the point of dizziness.

When he walked to the living room, several people from the core group of the Dongfeng Corps all stood up from the sofa and made a "greeting" gesture.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Chen asked inexplicably:

"You guys don't have anything else, do you? If you have anything else, let's talk about it tomorrow. I'm going to bed."

After hearing his words, several people were equally confused.

"What can happen? What's wrong?"

"It's okay, why are you all gathering together?"

"We're waiting for a midnight snack!"

"Why are you standing up for midnight snack?"

As soon as these words were spoken, others were stunned.

Yeah, why are you standing up?

But it seemed that as soon as Chen Chen walked in, his body stood up as if he was out of control.

There is no fluctuation in my heart, it is more like an instinct.

Seeing their reactions, Chen Chen's eyes changed slightly. He knew that his core team was finally formed.

This is a very unnoticeable detail, but it illustrates one thing:

In addition to the deep friendship brought about by fighting side by side, these people under his command already have "awe" of themselves.

The respect that subordinates have for their superiors is something that a team absolutely cannot lack.

No matter how good the relationship is, the rules cannot be violated. This is the most basic principle.

Many people will take the initiative to pursue this "principle", but under the pressure of authority and interests, what they bring is not awe, but "restraint."

Chen Chen did not pursue it deliberately, but on the contrary, this principle was established so logically.

very good.

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"I'm going to take a shower first. What's the late night snack?"

"Chicken soup rice noodles, my dad cooked it."

Bao Qi replied.

"Then leave a bowl for me and I'll eat some too."

After saying that, Chen Chen turned around and walked into the room and took a comfortable shower.

The FN57 was placed on the sink beside him, and the safety was always on. However, the gun had a double-action structure, so it was very safe.

After drying his body, he washed and dried the holster of his gun. When he got dressed again, put on his gun and went out, more than half an hour had passed.

In the living room, no one had used their chopsticks yet.

"You've been taking a bath for too long. Fortunately, you didn't put powder in it in advance, otherwise it would have broken into pieces."

Bao Qi brought the bowl to Chen Chen, while his father Bao Youcheng quickly took out a bowl of rice noodles, boiled them and put them into the soup. He also gave Chen Chen a spoonful of chicken and sprinkled a few millet peppers on it.

After one sip, Chen Chen's face was covered with sweat.

"It was a waste of time. My uncle's skills are good."

Chen Chen said in admiration.

"No, no. I heard from Bao Qi that the chief is also good at cooking."

"I'll do it, no need to be so polite, just call me Chen Chen."

Chen Chen answered modestly and reservedly, and everyone started to move their chopsticks. No one spoke, and there was a loud clattering sound.

Li Bang's sister Li Zhu also ate late-night snacks among a lot of men. At this time, she finally regained some of the innocence that a "little girl" should have.

Everyone takes great care of her, and she can feel this care. Although her behavior is restrained and timid, she is still very affectionate.

After finishing the bowl of noodles, Chen Chen let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

Looking at Li Zhu who was still sipping the soup, after thinking for a moment, Chen Chen said:

"Lin He, during this period of time, you should first find a way to help Li Zhu learn Chinese characters together."

"Then, Dakai will contact the school and she will still have to be sent to school."

"Go and check out the environment for yourself first. The schools in Mengka are a bit hard to describe. If it doesn't work, just go back and study on your own."

There is nothing wrong with what Chen Chen said, because although there are indeed several schools in Mengka, the quality is outstanding.

The "rich" and the upper class here generally do not send their children there, but to the military academy run by the Seventh Brigade, or directly to Mengbin or Jingdong.

But now, none of the three options are feasible, so we have to make do.

"Understood, I'll make arrangements."

Shi Dakai nodded in reply, while Li Bang showed a grateful expression on his face.

"Brother Chen, thank you."

"What's this?"

Chen Chen waved his hand, and after thinking for a moment, he continued:

"Let's just do it in one step. If other people in the Corps already have children, we can help them solve it together."

"How many are there in total?"

"Not many, 3."

Bai Gou replied smoothly.

The rumor that mercenaries have no families is actually completely unfounded, at least in northern Myanmar.

Because for many people, being a soldier and fighting is just a special profession. How could it affect their lives?

You said you are worried that the money you finally earned will be inherited by others after you die?

Brother, this is a broken place. If you don’t become a mercenary, won’t you die?

Therefore, throughout northern Myanmar, although the marriage rate of mercenaries is much lower than that of other professions, it is still quite high overall.

The Lion Corps has brought over many family members before, including some of their descendants, and has solved their resettlement problem. Without worries, the Corps' combat effectiveness will not be reduced, but will instead be improved.

"Then it will be easier to solve. Let's make arrangements. Bai Gou will make arrangements together."

"no problem."

Bai Gou answered immediately, and then asked a new question:

"There are still many problems in life that need to be solved, including accommodation. We should also optimize it."

"Currently, everyone lives in scattered places and their living conditions are relatively poor. Now that everyone has money, it is inevitable to solve this problem."

"My suggestion is to simply plan a unified residential area. You can put it on the burned-out land to the east of the villa. Build a batch of simple houses first, and then gradually optimize it."

Bai Gou's suggestion coincided with Chen Chen's previous thoughts, so Chen Chen did not refuse.

However, the basic principle is still to focus on voluntariness and not to establish a compulsory compound.

The core issues that he could think of at hand had a general direction. Chen Chen said no more, wiped the sweat from his head, turned around and went back to his room to rest.

This time, he slept for 8 hours.

When he woke up the next day, it was already past 11 a.m.

After walking out of the room, the first thing he saw was a few people waiting in the living room, drinking tea and chatting by themselves.

Peng Xucheng, He Bupa, and Bao Xiaomei.

The expressions on the faces of the three of them were all relaxed - not the kind of pretended relaxation, but truly as relaxed as if they were visiting a friend's house.

However, when Chen Chen appeared in front of them, this relaxation was instantly broken.

There's no such thing as formality, it's more about respect.

"Mr. Wreck! Good morning!"

Bao Xiaomei was the first to stand up to greet her, and then said something familiar:

"Can I call you Mr. Chen now? The problem at home has been completely solved, right?"

Chen Chen waved his hand and had no comment on Bao Xiaomei's relationship-building behavior.

"It doesn't matter, it's fine. When did you come? Have you been waiting for a long time?"

Seeing his easy-going attitude, the three of them felt relieved. He Bupa also came up to him, shook hands with Chen Chen and said:

"I didn't wait long, nothing happened, it was quite leisurely to drink tea."

"Mr. Wreck, congratulations on your triumph!"

He Buppa has always used the same rhetoric. There is nothing new, but he will definitely not make mistakes.

Chen Chen responded with a smile, never showing any bullying attitude.

"Sir He, every time you talk about triumph, we fight smoothly. It seems that you have a good fortune."

"Hahahahaha, Mr. Sunken Ship's military prowess is like a god. This battle is a relief. Although we and Peng Jiasheng are not dealing with each other, those villains Bai Suocheng are still very hateful."

"Kill them, and I'll give them a slap in the face and say a good death!"

He Bupa expressed his attitude in just two sentences, and quietly took this issue out of the complex struggle situation in northern Myanmar and turned it into a "private grudge".

I have to say that he is still much better than Bao Xiaomei in this aspect.

Compliments that make people feel happy are also a skill.

Seeing that the two were having a good conversation, Peng Xucheng finally found an opportunity to interject, and his entry point was even more precise than He Bupa's.

He said:

"Wreck, I came here on some serious business this time."

"Isn't your Predator gone? The company has considered it and thinks this car is pretty good, and plans to import two more in the future."

"The one we have is temporarily unavailable, so how about we give it to you first? It's still the original price, 1.6 million U.S. dollars, with a weapons station."

"It's expensive, Boss Peng."

Chen Chen laughed and immediately bargained:

"In the past, we didn't have good products. It was okay to buy a car for 1.6 million, but now the price-performance ratio is a bit low."

"Then let's do some replacement. Didn't you pay a few Lexus? I don't think they are bulletproof versions. It's useless if you want so many. Two cars, plus one million US dollars, the predator will give it to you."

Peng Xucheng gave Chen Chen a "you know I know" look. Of course Chen Chen got off the slope and decisively stretched out his hand and replied:

"Then I'll suffer a little loss."

"Win-win, win-win!"

Peng Xucheng's attitude is cautious, but the good intentions behind his behavior are still obvious.

This is a kind of kindness, and Chen Chen will definitely not refuse his kindness.

As a result, the atmosphere between the four of them became harmonious, and they sat back on the sofa. There was no need to talk about more so-called "business", because when they appeared here, it was actually business.

After drinking tea until 12 o'clock, He Bupa stood up and pretended to say goodbye. Chen Chen was naturally not ignorant. After leaving him behind, he asked Bao Youcheng to prepare lunch, and the few of them had an ordinary family dinner. .

After finishing the meal, the relationship between the four people, or the four parties, fell apart.

Originally, the Wa State represented by Bao Xiaomei should have the highest status and comply with the so-called "distant friendship and close attack" rule. However, due to various complicated reasons, Chen Chen was unwilling to have too close contact with her too early, so she became a supporting role. .


Of course, basic respect and warmth are still required.

This is not a blind date, this is a tacit fusion of the four major forces. If they really favor one over the other, then collapse is not far away.

Overall, a very enjoyable meal.

After they said goodbye, Chen Chen also received an unexpected phone call.

He Bangxiong’s phone number.

The other party also received the news from Kokang. He first expressed concern and congratulations like He Bupa, and then informed Chen Chen overtly and covertly about the situation in Southern Shan State, Tachileik, and Thailand.

The King of Thailand has not yet come to his senses, and the situation is still at a stalemate.

He was not in a hurry, and wanted to persuade Chen Chen not to be anxious.

Of course Chen Chen is not in a hurry. His base is not in Jingdong.

At the end of the phone call, He Bangxiong also brought a small surprise to Chen Chen.

During the "siege" of Jingdong, he intercepted a so-called "weapon smuggling team" on the Mongla Highway. It was very small and only smuggled four guns.

Four HK416

He Bangxiong knew that Chen Chen used HK416, so he subconsciously thought of Dongfeng Corps.

Now, these four guns have been sent to Mengka.

Chen Chen couldn't help but find it funny, and he said:

"Commander He, if we find out again, just let them pass."

"The gun belongs to the Shadow Corps. It's better for you and them not to have too many conflicts for the time being."

In response to Chen Chen's advice, He Bangxiong laughed and replied:

"I know they are from the Shadow Corps. It's not like I don't know them."

"It doesn't matter, I can make it easy for you to do things that are inconvenient for you."

"You are a mercenary group and have no jurisdiction, but I do."

"Brother, don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"If they are still lucky, I will send it to you."

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