Benefits will never be obtained only from the battlefield.

Moreover, it will never be obtained from just one battlefield.

Chen Chen just led the Dongfeng Corps to fight a decisive battle, but after this battle, the whole situation suddenly opened up.

If Nuokang was killed before, everyone still had doubts about the strength and methods of this team, but after this battle, all the local forces began to officially "recognize" this team.

And their recognition actually contains goodwill to a large extent.

Although the Dongfeng Corps fights fiercely and kills fiercely, there is one principle that the Dongfeng Corps has never broken and it seems that it will not be broken in the short term, that is, not to steal things from passers-by.

This can be seen from the objects they attack.

Chen Yimin’s family? They did it themselves.

Nuokang? Drug dealers, and they were the ones who caught the Dongfeng Corps first, well, they were friends of the Dongfeng Corps.

The four major Kokang families? It is impossible not to avenge the murder of a relative.

How accurate is it even?

The entire Kokang was destroyed, and the Dongfeng Corps did not take action against the weak Peng Deren.

The Liu Guoxi family, which was cut relatively quickly and had a relatively low sense of presence, also escaped smoothly.

So in summary, in the eyes of most forces, the Dongfeng Corps is a team with a strong background, strong combat power, ruthless behavior, but also very strict rules.

This group of people don't mind taking chestnuts from the fire, and will even take the initiative to set fire, but the fire they set burns everyone fairly, without favoritism.

The Dongfeng Corps can take advantage of the fire, and so can everyone.

This alone is enough to form the basis for multiple parties to "coexist friendly while being suspicious of each other and wary of each other."

Of course, unreserved trust is impossible. After all, everyone lives for themselves and seeks a way out for their own people.

But on the premise that there is no hostility to each other, why can't we shake hands?

There is no need to be insecure and insecure because of the performance of the Dongfeng Corps, because if we really want to compare, everyone still has the ability to ensure mutual destruction.

This is a simplified version of horror balance, and it's a pretty effective balance.

The situation was completely stabilized, and the Dongfeng Corps finally had time to breathe.

After hanging up the phone from He Bangxiong, Chen Chen spent the entire afternoon lying by the pool of the villa in a daze. He also needed some free time to think about more complex plans for the future.


However, his break didn't last long, as he was interrupted by a phone call from the north.

The caller was naturally Xiaoyu.

Guokang finally ended up like this. If Xiaoyu hadn't called to ask, then they would have been running the Chen Chen line in vain.

"Shipwreck, returned to Mengkha?"

When the call was connected, Xiaoyu asked straight to the point.

"Here we are, just arrived yesterday."

"The matter over at Kokang is over. We won't go back for a while in the future. You can handle the rest of the work yourself."

"No problem. Where is Bai Zuocheng's body? How to deal with it?"

Xiaoyu obviously knew that Chen Chen could not let Bai Zuocheng go, so even if the information was not in place yet, knowing that Chen Chen had returned to Mengka, she could naturally guess Bai Zuocheng's ending.

"The body. There is no body. Bai Suocheng disappeared and we didn't catch him."

"That's fine. Has the problem between you and Peng Deren been resolved?"

"I have no problem with him. We just took advantage of each other once."

Xiaoyu's way of asking questions was quite artistic, but Chen Chen's answers were straightforward.

His meaning was very clear, that is, the Dongfeng Corps was not interested in participating in this kind of power struggle, nor did it intend to use the Peng family as a springboard to do anything.

These words made Xiaoyu on the other side feel relieved instantly - although she said them lightly, she could still hear an unabashed honesty in Chen Chen's tone.

This kind of honesty doesn't mean anything, and sometimes it can even be said to be meaningless.

However, if it is after destroying Laofajia Trading Company, defeating the coup army, completely changing the situation in Kokang, having close contact with the Allied Forces and decisively cutting off these facts

Chen Chen's honesty is enough to explain the problem.

So, she opened her mouth and said:

"That's good. That's it. I'll hang up first."

"What?! What!? Just die like this?!"

Chen Chen immediately jumped up from the recliner and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, otherwise what else would we be talking about?"

"How about we talk about how you defeated the Laofajia Trading Company? How about mobile warfare with mobile infantry companies? Or how about you blowing up the border battalion headquarters with 87 melons?"

"How about, let's talk about where you found the teaching materials?"

Xiaoyu's tone was teasing, Chen Chen was speechless for a few seconds, and then said:

"You're just chatting to death. Just wait until you write the inspection."

"Can you have some spirit of contract? Where's my helicopter?"

"What helicopter?"

"Pretend to be stupid, right? If you keep doing this, I'll really die."

Xiaoyu on the other end of the phone chuckled lightly and replied:

"Don't be too happy, there is no need to talk about this on the phone?"

"Just wait. In a few days, when things on our side are sorted out and the approval is completed, someone will contact you."

"However, I still want to remind you first that although this incident seems to have a relatively mild outcome, the aftermath will still be huge after all."

"We have noticed some bad signs. No one can tell whether these signs will continue to develop in the future."

"Anyway, you still have to be careful."

"Use this window period to develop your 'mercenary group'."

"In this way, if there is any opportunity to make a fortune in the future, you will be able to do it, right?"

"That's right, sister, let's get some helicopters."

Chen Chen said seriously.

"Can't I give you an air trip?"

"Okay, I really want it."

"I want your head! Don't ask for it all day long! Forget it, let's talk again, I'll hang up now."

"Wait a moment!"

Chen Chen stopped Xiaoyu again. This time, he really had something serious to ask.

"Gan Mao, I mean, are there any new developments in Kachin?"

As soon as these words came out, the little fish on the opposite side immediately became vigilant.

She restrained her previous relaxed tone, and instead of answering Chen Chen, she asked seriously:

"Why do you ask this?"

Chen Chen hesitated for a moment, and after organizing his words, he replied cryptically:

"When we were in Banlon, we had a brief contact with the Shadow Corps."

"The other party's movements are even more 'uncertain' than I expected."

"I think the power of the Shadow Corps may be strengthened."

"We have formed a rift with them. If we really strengthen our strength, the Dongfeng Corps may be the first to suffer misfortune."

"So, I have to know to what extent they can be strengthened."

"This is not information you have a right to know."

Xiaoyu's tone is calm. Once it comes to real "work", she will immediately become extremely professional. With this professional attitude, it is impossible for her to leak any information that should not be leaked to Chen Chen.

It's okay to just chat, trade, or even make jokes.

However, the bottom line must not be touched.

But Chen Chen did not give up, because he knew the scale of the rules even better than Xiaoyu.

So he continued:

"I don't want any information."

"I just wanted to make a request."

"If, I mean if, Gan Mao has plans to leave Kachin and fly to somewhere else, can we know in advance?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone once again.

After a long time, Xiaoyu finally spoke:

"Tell me first how you judged it."

"The people from the Shadow Corps let it slip."

Chen Chen did not hesitate to blame the Shadow Corps.

"How deep is the leak?"

"They revealed that their 'background' could potentially strengthen the signal, and at the same time, someone named Red Blood Cell said that this would happen soon."

"In addition, the branch of the Shadow Corps in Banglong has a close relationship with Bangningzhuang Trading Company."

"In the end, Jingdong was surrounded and the Shadow Corps' activities were restricted. I don't know why they were so confident."

"Based on these conditions, I can only judge this way."

These words are all lies, but they are also all true.

Completely logical and without any hint of the "supernatural".

Xiaoyu accepted Chen Chen's explanation and said:

".A very wonderful and accurate deduction. You can take my seat."

"Gan Mao. This person is very likely to be able to do what you want."

"Okay, that's it."

"If you have understood this level, then we must meet."

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