Chen Chen actually really wanted to solve the Huamei Commercial Bank kidnapping case. After all, this task had a reward of 5 million US dollars.

In terms of value for money, no task can beat it.

But there was no way. The Dongfeng Corps' previous schedule was too tight and the crises it faced were too heavy. Chen Chen simply couldn't spare any time to deal with such "little things."

Therefore, even if he did lock in some clues before, he only used this task as a cover and did not really invest even a little bit of energy.

After the Bai family was destroyed and the crisis he faced was resolved, he really wanted to pick up the matter. However, what he didn't expect was that before he gave the order, Sang Ye actually took the initiative to launch the investigation and gained results. Got it!

I have to say, this kid really wants to make progress.

Chen Chen sighed secretly, looked at the white dog at the door and asked:

"What's the specific situation?"

Bai Gou glanced at Xiaoyu sitting beside him, who immediately stood up and left.

"You guys are talking, but I won't listen or participate."

"Then you go and rest first."

Chen Chen naturally did not try to stay. This was not because of distrust between the two parties, but a simple "rule".

Cooperate when it’s time to cooperate, and don’t get too involved in matters that have nothing to do with cooperation.

So, after Xiaoyu left, Bai Gou sat down opposite Chen Chen and answered:

"Sang Ye is a native of Mengyang. He is very familiar with Huamei Trading Company and has had some dealings with it before."

"Moreover, he is closer to the two team members who went on the mission and has more grasp of the specific details - of course, these people are relatively stupid, and not everything can be expressed clearly during intelligence exchanges. come out."

"So this resulted in some seemingly unimportant things being missed when we briefly communicated before."

"For example, the USB flash drive we got was said to be 'not ready to be sent out yet', but it should actually be called 'not ready to be sent out yet' because the swallow was planning to do some editing on the USB flash drive. "

"This time Sangye suddenly remembered this incident when he arrived at the old street. Then he thought that the hostages should be dead, otherwise they wouldn't need to make a video to separate them."

"This kind of approach is obviously not something ordinary kidnappers can do. It is either a matter of deep hatred or a life-and-death conflict of interest."

"So, he asked around about Huamei Trading Company, threw some bait, and finally found out that someone knew that Xu You's daughter was dead."

"This is very unusual - the news released now only says that his daughter was kidnapped, but does not mention the video."

"Moreover, this suspect really has a direct conflict with Huamei Commercial Bank."

"Taken together, if they are not the culprits, they are at least insiders."


After hearing what Bai Gou said, Chen Chen let out a long sigh of relief.

Is Sang Ye stupid?

No, he's not stupid at all.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to find a breakthrough in the kidnapping case in such a short period of time.

The stupidity he displayed should be "slowness" caused by not receiving professional intelligence training. This is the normal way of thinking of an ordinary person.

After all, not everyone is a genius, and it is even less likely that everyone has the experience they have accumulated from previous lives.

Being able to react in time and use the information you have to make up for the "omissions" is actually enough.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"Sang Ye did a good job this time. After the mission is over, we can give him some bonus."

"But now, we still have to focus on the mission itself."

"Tell me about the suspect he found."

Bai Gou nodded immediately, and then took out a notebook, which recorded some key information in crooked handwriting.

Chen Chen glanced over and saw a few quite conspicuous words.

"Banglong", "Jingyi Trading Company", "Bangningzhuang", "stealing business", "killing the middlemen".

From the string of these words, Chen Chen could roughly understand what was going on, even without having to listen to Bai Gou's explanation.

But the problem is


Bonning Village? !

These two words appear again, and there seems to be some larger story hidden behind them.

At this time, Bai Gou had already sorted out his thoughts.

He opened his mouth and said:

"This time Sangye found a trading firm called 'Jingyi' in Banglong. Their headquarters is in Qingshui River, but their business is quite large. They also have branches in Laojie and Banglong."

"This firm is mainly engaged in the relatively ordinary car smuggling business. It is said that it also sells some arms."

"Their boss had some issues with Huamei Trading Company. Previously, Bangningzhuang Trading Company placed a large order, and Jingyi Trading Company also wanted to take it, but Huamei Trading Company snatched it away."

"That order was worth less than 1 million U.S. dollars. For an ordinary commercial bank, it is definitely not a small number."

"And more importantly, the boss of Jingyi Trading Company originally wanted to talk to Huamei Trading Company, but their middleman was killed directly by Xu You, and he still doesn't know the reason."

"In short, Jingyi Trading Company and Huamei Trading Company have a close relationship with Liang Zi. It can be said that they are applauding when something happens to Huamei Trading Company."

"But this is not the key. The key is that the boss of Jingyi Trading Company really believes that Xu You's daughter is dead, and he is very sure of it."

"How did Sang Ye come into contact with him?"

Chen Chen asked keenly.

"He found a reason to discuss business. Huamei Trading Company also had smuggling cars. He mentioned it and chatted for a few words."

"Is it credible?"

"It must be credible. The boss of Jingyi Trading Company is called Zhao Jingyi. His name sounds elegant, but he is actually one of you. The gang boss who came over during the crackdown in the north. He has no brains."

"He didn't even realize how important what he said was, and he thought it was a relief."

"That's no problem."

Chen Chen nodded and continued:

"Get your equipment ready. Let's go to Qingshui River again and ask him."

"If there are jujubes or no jujubes, hit them with a stick. We can catch them and talk about it later."

"How is the strength of Jingyi Trading Company? I mean the armed strength."

"Well, it's better than nothing. There are more than twenty people and a dozen guns."

The white dog scratched his head and said:

"This is not considered an armed force at all, right? In fact, Jingyi Trading Company mainly relies on the various forces of Guogan to survive, and it does not need to maintain much armed force."

"It was gone with one charge. It didn't even need a charge. I felt like we were standing there and they just shot."

"But the problem is, there has to be a reason to catch them, right?"

"What reason do you want?"

Chen Chen shook his head and said:

"The police need a reason to arrest people, but we only need a list to arrest people."

"Now it's Peng Deren who is talking to Guogang. Even if he can't help us arrest people casually, can he still fight against us?"

After determining the basic strategy, Chen Chen started arranging the action plan non-stop early the next morning.

This operation actually does not require too many fancy strategies. It can be summarized in just a few words, that is:

Rush on the road, arrest people, and interrogate them.

If the background of Jingyi Trading Company was really as "simple" as Bai Gou said, he didn't believe that this person could withstand his interrogation.

Not to mention what happened to Huamei Commercial Bank, even what happened before the crackdown could be made without telling him.

However, the specific people to arrange and what equipment to arrange still need to be considered.

The number of people should not be too large, as too much will attract unnecessary attention; the equipment must be saturated to ensure sufficient combat effectiveness when the number of personnel is relatively small, and also to ensure that if follow-up operations need to be carried out directly, there will be no further delay. Time to wait for equipment.

Similarly, he must go, because for this relatively "professional" action, there is really no one else in the Dongfeng Corps who can take his place.

The problem of talent gap still needs to be solved as soon as possible.

Standing in front of the villa door, Chen Chen sighed and pulled the bolt to check the status of HK416.

After using it for a long time, he has become extremely familiar with this gun and can complete various tactical actions with his eyes closed.

But Shi Dakai, Li Bang and others on the side are different. Although they usually play with Chen Chen's guns, they have not received systematic training and their movements are still relatively unfamiliar.

Fortunately, this unfamiliarity will not affect their basic operations.

"Brother Chen! This red dot sight is so useful!"

Bao Qi excitedly raised his gun, aimed it, and then put it down, his face filled with the satisfaction of "getting what he wanted."

All the HK416s seized by Chen Chen and others were equipped with red dot sights, which were EoTech 552.

This thing was first launched around 2000. It is a relatively old sight, but has strong stability and reliability.

Chen Chen himself doesn’t like this sight too much. He feels that its field of view is too narrow and the viewing angle inside the scope is green, making it unsuitable for an environment like northern Myanmar where green is everywhere.

However, such small flaws cannot offset the suppressive power of red dot sights on traditional machine sights. It can be considered a good entry-level choice for Bao Qi and others who have just started to use non-direct sight systems.

"You should pay attention to find the appropriate aiming distance. The pupil distance of the red dot sight is infinite. There is no need to deliberately aim according to the machine sighting method. The most important thing is to be comfortable."

Chen Chen opened his mouth and warned.


Bao Qi answered cheerfully, then turned around and started messing with the new gun again.

But compared to him, Shi Dakai was much calmer.

Of course he also liked HK416, but after playing with it for a while, he put it down carefully and then said to Chen Chen:

"Captain, I won't bring the HK416 this time. I'll use the Bayi Bar."

"Bao Qi himself has a light machine gun, and the firepower stability is relatively guaranteed. Even if he is not used to the HK416, he can still change it to a light machine gun."

"I can't. My sniper rifle is locked. If there is no server that can take advantage of it, it may be more troublesome."

"It's better to wait until you get back and have time to practice before you consider changing the gun."

"no problem."

Chen Chen answered decisively, and then said to everyone:

"There is a high probability that we will only be involved in a small-scale CQB operation this time, so the problem should not be big."

"Bao Qi is familiar with the HK416 and plays with it a lot. He can bring a new gun."

"Bang Li, you should bring AA-12, and then a PKMS."

"Bao Qi brought PKMS and HK416."

"Shi Dakai brings SVD, plus Bayi Bang."

"As for throwing objects, carry them according to the standard configuration."

"In addition, considering the urban environment, we will bring listening stations and wall-penetrating detectors this time."

"At the same time, we have to carry additional machine guns and rifles for Sangye and Banting. The overall equipment is relatively heavy. We have to drive Peng Xucheng's Marauders back first - White Dog, you do it."


Bai Gou nodded immediately and accepted his job as "logistics quartermaster" without any resistance.

Seeing the Dongfeng Corps team getting ready to go, Xiaoyu, who was still staying in the villa and planned to "do all the tricks", also sighed.

"You are also very expert in ammunition and gun management. If there are better guns, choose PKM and SVD."

Hearing her words, Chen Chen calmly shook his head, and then replied:

"There is no best weapon in this world, only the most suitable weapon."

"Those of us came here with Soviet-made weapons, and our proficiency is much higher than the new equipment."

"This time we are going to play high-intensity and fast-paced CQB, so we will definitely use old equipment."

"But in the future, we will definitely have to gradually change to more uniform equipment."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. What are your plans now?"

Chen Shenwei planned to delay for too long. According to the communication with Sang Ye, the boss of Jingyi Trading Company was unstable and might soon leave Qingshui River and sneak to the north to "negotiate business."

Therefore, in order to make a quick decision, they were preparing to leave this afternoon. Xiaoyu's original plan was to stay one more night, but there was a discrepancy in the time between the two parties.

Therefore, Chen Chen must confirm Xiaoyu's arrangements. If necessary, he plans to send Xiaoyu away now.

But Xiaoyu did not make things difficult for him, but said bluntly:

"You do whatever you have to do, and we're still following the original plan."

"I'm not leaving right away today, that would be too abnormal."

"But there's no need for you to stay here with me."

"Assign me an entourage who is knowledgeable and trustworthy."

"Tomorrow afternoon, we will set off back to Mongla."

"Let the white dog follow you."

Chen Chen pointed to the white dog waiting aside. The latter immediately walked up and stood upright in front of Xiaoyu.

He didn't feel there was anything wrong with being used as a bodyguard. After all, he knew Xiaoyu's face and his identity.

In his heart, if Chen Chen can entrust such an important task to himself, that is not contempt, but reuse!

So, he opened his mouth and said:

"Captain, don't worry, I will complete the mission resolutely!"

"I'm here, and Manager Ke Meng is there. If I'm not here, she's still there!"

"It's not that exaggerated."

Xiaoyu couldn't help but smile, and then comforted:

"There won't be any danger, and I won't run around. I just need a contact person."

"Okay, you hurry up and prepare. It's time for me to plan your residential area."

With that said, Xiaoyu waved his hand to Chen Chen and turned around to leave without any hesitation.

But after taking a few steps, she suddenly turned back and said to Chen Chen with a frown:

"Remember to put on the neck gaiter of your body armor!"

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