I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 216: Arresting people turns into rescuing people

The Dongfeng Corps has traveled the 200-kilometer straight-line distance from Mengka to Kokang many times.

On the premise that the route was familiar, it only took them 6 hours to arrive at the outskirts of Qingshui River.

Unlike the old street, this place is actually just a small town that is not too big. The guards are not too tight and there are almost no checkpoints. Until their plunderers met up with Sang Ye at the Xinguo Warehouse on the periphery, they did not receive any Inquiry.

At this time, the time was 6 pm, and they were still 5 kilometers away from the main urban area of ​​​​Qingshuihe. If they attacked quickly, it would only take them less than 20 minutes to complete the entire process of "breaking in, arresting people, and evacuating."

But before that, Chen Chen must get all the information about Jingyi Trading Company.

So, in the Xinguo warehouse, several people held a brief pre-war meeting.

Sang Ye was the main speaker of the briefing. He was a little nervous, but his logic was still quite smooth.

"Jingyi Commercial Bank is located on the west side of Qingshui River City, juxtaposed with Fulai Hotel. It has a triangular courtyard structure, which is similar to the Banglong Laofajia Commercial Bank we visited before."

"However, the building structure of Jingyi Commercial Bank is not strong because they mainly engage in the business of smuggling second-hand cars. Two of the three buildings are vehicle showrooms made of ordinary color steel, located in the west and north directions respectively."

"The eastmost building is an office building with a reinforced concrete structure - it is also Zhao Jingyi's residence."

"There are nearly 40 employees in the entire business, and about 20 of them are ordinary employees who will leave after get off work."

"Among the other 20 people, about five or six are logistics, nannies and other employees who live with Zhao Jingyi all year round."

"The rest are basically security guards."

"The equipment of these security guards is not strong. Basically, they are mainly Bayi and Bayi bars, but I also saw a small number of submachine guns."

"About five or six of the dozen or so people were wearing light body armor. Overall, they were still very brittle."

"If we want to conduct an assault operation, we can enter directly from the main entrance on the south side, then use smoke bombs to block the enemy's sight, and launch an assault directly on the concrete residence."

"The security inside the residence is very weak. There are usually only two or three security guards standing at the door. It will not affect our assault speed."

"After entering, we can rely on the concrete bunker to suppress the enemy, then go directly through the back door of the house and bypass the Fulai Hotel to evacuate."

"Our vehicles can wait at the construction site near Fulai Hotel. I have seen it. The location there is very suitable and hidden. It will basically not attract attention."

After listening to Sang Ye's briefing, Chen Chen nodded approvingly.

It has to be said that during this period of time, Sang Ye's "self-training" was quite effective, not only in terms of physical fitness, but also in terms of combat theory.

Although the scene at Jingyi Trading Company is only the simplest type in CQB, Sangye is able to plan a complete combat plan based on the intelligence obtained from one contact. To a certain extent, he is already capable of fighting beyond the elite mercenaries. The quality has reached the level of an "ordinary Yankee".

"A very good plan, with almost no omissions."

Chen Chen praised him without hesitation, and then continued to ask:

"How's it going over there with Shortfoot?"

A look of joy appeared on Sang Ye's face, and he immediately replied:

"Dumpty is still watching over there. He has booked a room at Fulai Hotel, where he can see the whole view of Jingyi Trading Company."

"The location of Jingyi Trading Company is very bad."

Chen Chen couldn't help but frown.

"It's very bad. Zhao Jingyi is fundamentally different from the drug dealers we fought before. He feels that what he is doing is a legitimate business and is protected by Kokang officials, so he basically doesn't consider too many safety issues."

"His trading company, let alone us, can easily be defeated by just pulling a group of people from the Allied Army."

"Overall, it's a pretty simple job, captain. Should we set off now and fight it off right away?"

Chen Chen thought for a moment, and finally shook his head and said:

"It's still too early now. We try to wait until late at night before taking action."

"After all, this is a war, and any accident may cause us unnecessary losses."

"Since Zhao Jingyi won't be leaving today, it doesn't matter if we delay."

"In this way, we will first hike to Qingshui River, and then wait in the jungle on the north side."

"If the situation does not change, at 11:45, the looters will start heading towards Jingyi Trading Company. We will launch an attack at 11:50, withdraw around 11:55, and go to Hoban along the Qingshui River and Gunong Highway, where we will complete the interrogation. Determine next steps.”


Sang Ye answered immediately, without any doubt in his tone.

At this time, he had a strong feeling that he still had too much to learn.

Although his team leader first confirmed his plan, he only used a few words to complete the missing "entry" and "exit" parts of his plan.

Looking back, these two parts happen to be the most important.

After all, what's so great about opening Jingyi Trading Company?

The equipment is fully suppressed, and you can defeat it even if you just walk in.

The most important thing is, isn't it still how to approach covertly and then evacuate quickly?

But thinking of this, he suddenly had another question:

"Why don't we just drive over and wait? I mean, we can also get civilian cars. It won't be too conspicuous."

Chen Chen shook his head and explained:

"If it's an isolated target, it's certainly best to drive there."

"But Jingyi Trading Company is related to Bangningzhuang Trading Company. I always feel that it is not right."

"What if someone is following me? What if their background is not as simple as it seems?"

"Although it may be an illusion, you can't go wrong with being cautious. Let's use the safest method to infiltrate."


Sang Ye nodded convinced and thought to himself:

Otherwise, why would the difference between professionals and amateurs be so big? If you let yourself take the lead in the action, you may be able to achieve good results, but you will definitely not reach the level of "full score"

The plan was drawn up and everyone started taking action immediately.

Chen Chen arranged for Bao Qi to stay behind as the driver, while the four people, including Sang Ye, went north around the warehouse and headed east on a small road away from the main road.

The road was not easy to walk. Although Chen Chen was familiar with the roads and rivers in various locations in northern Myanmar and had seen a rough satellite map in advance, it was absolutely impossible for him to be familiar with all the roads. So basically, the team relied on GPS and compass to determine the general direction and move forward.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Each of them is wearing a body armor, which would be a bit too conspicuous if they were walking on the road.

After spending two hours, the four of them finally arrived near the main urban area of ​​Qingshui River. At this time, they could judge the general direction based on the city lights.

Chen Chen contacted Banji who was following him via radio. Under his guidance, he found the location of Jingyi Trading Company, and found a location for latent observation in the jungle on the north side less than 300 meters away from the trading bank.

Directly below them on the south side is the target this time.

The situation is exactly as Sang Ye said, with a triangular courtyard, two colored steel buildings, and one concrete building.

With the help of the FLIR Recon III thermal imaging telescope, the positions of all exposed enemies are clear.

"Six active targets, there should be more in the building."

Chen Chen said in a low voice.

"I saw two inside the building. They were in the north room and there should be one in the west room. The outdoor air conditioner was spinning."

"There is someone in the east hall. The guard at the door just had a conversation with the person inside."

The "observation and searching for the enemy" method that Chen Chen taught before once again came into play. Based on the details exposed by the enemy, the four members of the team quickly locked the approximate location of the enemy.

The positions of 11 enemies are marked. After the battle begins, these people will be cleared and suppressed as soon as possible.

Time passed by, night came, and the enemy became more and more relaxed. A few security guards even heated up a hot pot in the yard. They were so leisurely that they had no idea that they had been targeted by a hungry wolf that chose people to eat.

It's really not a difficult task - as long as there are no accidents.

Chen Chen thought secretly in his heart.

However, the reason why Murphy's Law is known to the world is because the probability of this thing happening is really high.

At 11:30 p.m., just 10 minutes before Chen Chen's scheduled action time, the accident happened.

A Lexus drove slowly from east to west and stopped on the roadside about a hundred meters away from Jingyi Commercial Bank.

Except for Sang Ye, everyone was instantly alert.

"has a problem!"

"Watch out Lexus!"

"Shorty, can you see that Lexus? Report the situation!"

Li Bang, Shi Dakai, and Chen Chen took turns speaking, and Sang Ye was completely confused.

What are you doing?

Isn't it just a car?

However, he didn't know that this car should not appear here.

There were no commercial facilities near Jingyi Commercial Bank where the car could stop, and after parking, the people in the car did not get out of the car.

Even the car windows are covered with privacy films.

In northern Myanmar, doesn’t this explain the problem?

Chen Chen moved the Recon telescope and increased the magnification, trying to see clearly what was going on inside the car through the windshield. At the same time, a reply came from Banji's side.

"I'm in the hallway, I can see the car!"

"There's someone inside, with a gun!"


What are you afraid of?

Before the operation started, Chen Chen was worried that forces from unknown sources would intervene, which not only meant that the operation would become difficult, but also meant that the matter itself would become more complicated.

He desperately hoped that this was just a simple task of picking up money, but unfortunately, it was really hard to make money like this!

"Everyone approaches the target and waits at a position of 100 meters."

"Banji, continue to observe the other party's movements and report in real time!"


Shortfoot answered immediately, and all four people on Chen Chen's side also took action.

They quickly reunited and then quickly traveled through the jungle.

It took less than two minutes for everyone to reach the predetermined target point.

However, the information coming from Shortfoot has also changed.

"Someone got out of the car!"

"Six people, all with guns! Wearing bulletproof vests! Heavy-duty ones!"

"The car is approaching and they are hiding behind the car!"

Hearing the news, Chen Chen's heart skipped a beat.

Not because all six of them were wearing body armor, but because

What they used was the tactic of coordinated concealed movement of people and vehicles.

If nothing else goes wrong, after approaching the target location, they will definitely throw smoke bombs in the direction of the gate, and then the personnel will quickly launch an attack!

This thought flashed through Chen Chen's mind, and the next second, he heard the short voice in the earphones.

"They threw smoke bombs! They're going to fight!"

Grandma, finally met a professional? !

Chen Chen's face darkened, and then he immediately made adjustments to the battle plan.

"No. 3, occupy the favorable terrain and block the door of the house! Don't let these people get in!"

"No. 1, Sang Ye, continue to move forward with me and enter the range where throwing objects can be used."

"No. 1, don't use smoke bombs, they must have thermal imaging."

"Listen to my command and throw two thermite grenades at the entrance of the villa and in the middle of the yard to interfere with their vision!"

"No. 2, drive over here and be ready to respond!"


In an instant, the situation took a turn for the worse. Chen Chen led the team to quickly rush to a distance of about 30 meters. Although their line of sight was blocked, according to Banji's uninterrupted reports, they already understood the situation inside Jingyi Commercial Bank.

This team that didn't know where they came from didn't take the entry route that Chen Chen and the others had preset before. Instead, they unhurriedly spread out their formation and were massacring all moving targets.

The security guards who appeared in front of them were completely powerless. Someone fired at them, but within a second or two, they were overturned by the rapidly turning muzzle fire.

This is a completely unilateral crushing, not only in terms of tactics and equipment, but the individual strength of these people is definitely at the top of the entire northern Myanmar!

Listening to Banji's report, Chen Chen even felt like he saw the shadow of the Dongfeng Corps.


No, not the shadow of the Dongfeng Corps.

In a sense, they are stronger than the Dongfeng Corps because their personal strength has no shortcomings!

Shooting is extremely accurate and harvesting is extremely efficient.

Advancing from 300 meters to 30 meters, the Dongfeng Corps started almost at the same time as them, but by the time the Li Gang threw the first thermite bomb, the opponent had already cleared the entire perimeter and was preparing to attack the last residence. !

Less than two minutes.

If the Dongfeng Corps had been slower for a few seconds, they would have successfully entered the villa and ended the battle completely.

But fortunately, Chen Chen's decision-making speed is just a few seconds faster than them!


There was a distant gunshot from behind, and Shi Dakai's SVD opened fire.

"Hit, but not down!"

Shi Dakai shouted.

Chen Chen acted immediately, and immediately took out an M67 defensive grenade that he had already prepared in his hand, followed by the second and third grenade.

In 5 seconds, all the grenades on Chen Chen were emptied, he passed over the roof of the colored steel house, and fell in the center of the yard.

Under the action of the delay fuse, three grenades exploded just right on the opponent's path. Within a range of 15 meters, the fragments swept across and finally brought down the first enemy.

However, the location of the Dongfeng Corps has also been exposed.

All the muzzles of the guns were instantly pointed in the direction of the colored steel room, and they fired almost without hesitation.

No one could see clearly the exact location of the enemy. Through the thin iron sheet, the two sides began to shoot at each other.

Bullets were flying, and the two professional teams had not officially met yet, but the bullets carrying high temperatures had already spoken the first words for them.

Life and death!

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