Chen Chen sometimes gets annoyed with his caution, because it complicates simple things.

But most of the time, he would be extremely grateful for his caution, because it was this kind of caution that saved his life at the critical moment.

After sensing the appearance of other enemies, the mysterious team quickly made tactical adjustments. The five still capable team members separated to find bunkers. With continuous fire, they completely suppressed the entire color steel room and locked it completely. The direction of attack of the Dongfeng Corps was blocked.

At the same time, the last enemy left behind in the Lexus had also gotten out of the car. He continued to circle eastward, seemingly planning to launch a sneak attack on the three people on the Dongfeng Corps side.


If no peripheral observation team had been set up, Chen Chen would have been doomed after this wave of operations.

But fortunately, Shortfoot discovered his movements in time and reported quickly, giving the Dongfeng Corps time to react.

Shi Dakai, who occupied the commanding heights, immediately turned his gun and used SVD to suppress the opponent's movements.

However, at a distance of more than 100 meters and close to 200 meters, it is really difficult to accurately hit an enemy on the head.

Taking advantage of the sight, Shi Dakai hit the opponent twice, but the opponent only shook a few times and quickly got out of Shi Dakai's shooting range. He even used Lexus as a cover to suppress Shi Dakai with fire!

And his shooting was so accurate that Shi Dakai couldn't even raise his head!

The situation is very bad - both for the Dongfeng Corps and this mysterious team.

The observers on both sides restrained each other, and the assault team was in a stalemate across the colored steel room.

Gunfire continued, and no one dared to make unnecessary moves in this fragile balance.

This is like two teams in a tug-of-war. Even if they relax a little bit, everything will be lost!

Whether it was Chen Chen or the other team leader, they probably had the same thoughts at this time.

They were all betting on which side would have the unlucky guy hit by the bullet.

As long as such a person appears and the balance of firepower is broken, a breakthrough will naturally be opened!


But still the same sentence.

The more saturated the equipment, the higher the fault tolerance.

Chen Chen's caution once again gave him an advantage that was "as light as straw".

In his hand, there are two PKMs.

One branch of Li Gang and one branch of mulberry leaves.

The two-hundred-round ammunition box gave the Dongfeng Corps a slight lead in firepower sustainability.

As the stalemate continued, this little bit of lead gradually accumulated, and finally reached a level that Chen Chen could detect.

He could feel that there were small, intermittent breaks in the opponent's firepower.

And he caught this breaking point.

"No. 3! Throw smoke grenades to divert and help me suppress the enemy driver. I'm going to take him away!"


Shi Dakai's movements were extremely fast. A few seconds later, gunshots from the Bayi Bar rang out. Shi Dakai switched to an automatic rifle and began covering fire.

Chen Chen also immediately took action. He no longer paid attention to the two people who were shooting at the enemy. Instead, he quickly stood up and risked being hit by bullets. He threw a shock bomb into the yard and then immediately circled south. Running wildly across the colored steel room.

Shock bombs cannot make the opponent lose their combat effectiveness. With the help of noise-canceling headphones and effective training, the elite special forces can even enter the door with shock bombs.

This move is just to buy yourself a few seconds.

Chen Chen rushed past the distance of tens of meters.

And when he appeared on the road south of Jingyi Commercial Bank, the driver in heavy armor was holding a gun and shooting back up the mountain.

When he saw the gun in the opponent's hand, Chen Chen even felt confused for a moment.


Or it should use a more common name and call it SCAR-H.

This gun was produced in small batches in 2007 and was first issued to special forces in 2009. In December 2009, due to the SOCOM procurement scandal, a small-scale fully automatic version was leaked to the public.

It can appear on the battlefield.

However, it should not appear in northern Myanmar or in front of you!

Without any time to think, Chen Chen aimed the gun almost under the control of instinctive reaction. The gun body was tilted and the iron sight on the side coincided with the enemy's head. Then the next second, the trigger flicked and the bullet came out.

There was no fancy gun fight. After Shi Dakai helped him hold the gun line, the enemy was nearly two seconds behind Chen Chen.

When he spotted Chen Chen approaching from the side and was about to turn his gun, Chen Chen's bullet had already hit him between the eyebrows.

Finally the first direct kill occurred.

Chen Chen continued to move forward quickly, and at this time, Shi Dakai's voice came from the earphones.

"I got shot, it was fine, but the bullet was very heavy."

"The other party used no ordinary gun."

"It's a new gun."

Chen Chen gave a brief reply, and then immediately rushed to Lexus, preparing to add suppressive firepower from the side.

He quickly reloaded his gun and checked the situation inside the car, but just when he was about to show up and shoot, fierce and precise firepower came from the yard of Jingyi Trading Company.

These are two guns.

I had previously seized the lead brought by the continuous firepower of PKMS, but after I left, the enemy also seized the opportunity when Li Gang emptied his bullets and had to reload under the cover of single-person firepower!

The enemy's decision-making speed was so fast that even Chen Chen was amazed. His attack originally created an excellent opportunity, but the enemy just used the fluctuating "balance" to force out two people and complete the attack on him again. The suppression of this "new direction".

There is no doubt that this is a really strong enemy.

If the fight continues, our side will really have no advantage and may even be dragged to death by them!

Because their personal abilities and teamwork are superior to their own, their ammunition management is even more perfect!

Chen Chen hid behind the wheels of the Lexus, with ricochet flying around him.

The projectiles were not very dense, but they blocked all the angles of his probe!

"No. 2, where have you been?!"

Chen Chen shouted loudly.

At this time, more than 5 minutes have passed since Chen Chen issued the order. In any case, Bao Qi should be here!

If not, the four of them will really be unable to bear it.

The balance has begun to tilt, two of our own firepower points have been suppressed, and the enemy has also found an opportunity to use projectiles.

The two grenades passed over the colored steel room and landed more than ten meters behind Li Bang and Sang Ye.

Too much strength.

However, the next shot will definitely be accurate!

The shouts of the Li Gang came from Chen Chen's earphones. He gritted his teeth and planned to take the risk.

But at this moment, Bao Qi's voice came over.

"I have arrived!"

Immediately afterwards, the plunderer whizzed past Chen Chen's eyes and blocked the door of Jingyi Trading Company.

The predator paused, falling into an eerie and somewhat ridiculous silence.

This silence lasted for a few seconds. When everyone was confused, the M2 on the weapons station suddenly opened fire.

"Bang bang bang bang bang"

Large-caliber bullets shredded everything in front of the looters.

All bunkers became a joke.

No balance, no game, no balance between money and money no longer exists.

In just 10 seconds, the team that was dragged down by the four members of the Dongfeng Corps turned into corpses.


It should be said that they are corpse parts.

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