I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 238 The helicopter is coming

Mi-171SH, this helicopter has both "rare" and "common" attributes.

Among them, it is rare because until 2020, a large country in the north was still purchasing this thing. Because it has a large load capacity, strong functionality, and huge firepower potential, it is very suitable for use as a multi-purpose helicopter.

As a helicopter, its powerful performance is quite rare.

But to say it is common, there is actually no controversy.

Because the prototype of this thing was born in the 1950s, and it was successfully developed around 1993 and put into mass production in 2000.

In a sense, this thing is an upgraded version of the "Air AK". Its large production and wide application are very few other types of helicopters in the world that can match it.

Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia. This helicopter can be found everywhere.

Even the Wa State actually has two Mi-171sh.

Moreover, they got it quite early. They had been photographed in 2008, and they had carried out several "air assault" missions against the Burmese army in 2013.

So in summary, Xiaoyu can provide this type of helicopter, which is actually much more reliable than the "Dolphin" or the Z-9.

But the question is where to pick up the goods?

You don’t have to fight this thing by yourself, do you?

Give me the coordinates and let me grab it myself?

Chen Chen suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, but fortunately, Xiaoyu's answer made him feel relieved a little.

"You don't have to think about receiving the goods. It's definitely impossible for you to open it yourself."

"Besides, if I ask you to drive, can you understand it?"

".I really don't understand."

In fact, it's not just that I can't understand it, but that it's simply impossible to drive it.

A Mi-171sh can be equipped with up to 6 crew members, including the flight captain, flight co-pilot, flight mechanic, release mechanic, electronics specialist and orderly.

Among them, the electronics specialist and the serviceman can be combined, and the two mechanics can barely do the same thing, but even so, at least four crew members are needed to fly the aircraft.

Under such circumstances, it is basically impossible for the Dongfeng Corps to operate the Mi-171sh independently in the short term. His previous consideration was to temporarily rely on the strength of Poly and the Wa State to maintain it first, and then slowly recruit and train it later, and finally achieve complete "self-owned".

Therefore, when Xiaoyu asked, he made no secret of his difficulties and said calmly:

"Moreover, the problem we are facing now is not whether it can be opened or how to open it, but the problem of cultivating a talent team."

"After all, helicopters are different from cars on the ground. We don't have the opportunity to try and make mistakes. One mistake may lead to the annihilation of the entire army."

"On the other hand, you said it yourself, this is a Mi-171sh. I don't know what weapons it will be equipped with, but Tianyan, C-5 and the like should be standard equipment, right?"

"Its firepower can kill a small warlord directly."

"I can't safely hand this thing to an outsider, so if there are no flight crew members, I would rather you not give it to me first."

"A common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade."

After hearing what he said, Xiaoyu seemed quite satisfied. She said in a long "Hmm~" voice and said approvingly:

"You think clearly."

"How about it, do you have any good ideas?"

This is an obvious temptation, but Chen Chen will not be unable to withstand such a test.

After a slight hesitation, he said:

"This still depends on the specific source of the helicopter and the delivery method."

"First of all, let's exclude products from the North, because it's not yet time to eliminate them, and it's impossible to give us the current ones."

"Secondly, rule out the scammers. After all, if it's the scammers, you don't have to call me. Just give me a contact person and I can contact you myself."

"Taken together, there is a high probability that it is smuggled goods from a Southeast Asian country? From Laos?"

"If it is really Laos, then the crew members are actually easier to deal with. Just pack them up with the crew and the goods, and take the equipment rental route. I remember they don't have this service?"

The so-called "equipment rental" is actually an ironic way of saying it by Chen Chen. He is talking about the Golden Triangle area, where the national armies including Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos are generally deeply entangled with private armed forces and warlords, and can even Spend money to buy some military equipment or even the right to use the army.

This is similar to what the United States did in Iraq.

If this is really the route, Chen Chen can completely arrange for the separation of people and goods. The helicopters will be transported to Mengka according to the normal scrapping and export procedures, and the personnel will be rented out in the form of "inspections", "exchanges", etc. .

However, this method of operation does not completely solve the problem of "credibility". It can only be said that both parties have mutual control, which is slightly more reliable than Chen Chen finding someone by himself.

Therefore, Chen Chen didn't want Xiaoyu and the others to follow this process, but if there was no other way, he could make do with it.

After hearing his guess, Xiaoyu on the opposite side directly denied it without hesitation.

"How could it be so complicated?"

"I have already said that business is business, and we will definitely complete the agreement in a purely commercial manner."

"Since you are so familiar with the weapon configuration of the Mi-171sh, you should also know who has this helicopter in Pubei, right?"

"There seems to be some in Kachin, Wa, and Karen, but I don't know for sure."

Chen Chen replied.

"Yes, Kachin and Wa have them, but Karen does not. They only have Mi-8."

"Then do you know where the Wa Mi-171, their helicopters and pilots came from?"

"Then don't be so pretentious. I really don't know. Just tell me."

Chen Chen sighed helplessly. He vaguely felt that Xiaoyu really thought too highly of himself.

Are you kidding me? If I knew where the Wa helicopters and pilots came from, I wouldn't have to fawn over you every day. Wouldn't I just buy them myself?

In fact, the origin of Wa helicopters is highly confidential. Many people think they come directly from the north, but in fact they are not at all.

Not only the helicopter is not, but also a series of weapons and equipment and electronic equipment on it are not.

Chen Chen knew that they took a complicated and tortuous import route and used Laos to bypass multiple inspections, but he really didn't know how this road was opened.


However, Xiaoyu's next answer gave him a simple answer.

"The equipment was purchased from Laos. Laos has its own export requirements. There is no doubt about this."

"But, they only care about delivery, and after delivery, they don't care."

"So, the problem of pilots is another problem. However, there are still many retired civil aviation pilots."

After hanging up the phone call from Xiaoyu, there was finally a clear plan for the delivery of the helicopter.

Just as Chen Chen expected, the cargo had been prepared a long time ago and is currently parked at an unknown civilian airport in Laos. The fuel has been filled up and the C-5 rockets have been mounted. Although there is no TY -90, but it has three more 12.7mm heavy machine guns in the nose, side door, and tailgate!

Moreover, this is not the final state of arms.

Because there are still two empty mounting points on its short wings, if necessary, you can directly purchase an upgrade kit from Maozi in the future to mount heavy cannons.

Just listening to this thing makes me feel full of martial virtue, it is simply Pu Beiping's replacement aerial gunship.

Chen Chen wished he could fly back immediately, but the pilot was not there yet and the procedures had not been arranged properly. Chen Chen had to be patient and wait a few more days.

But what can you do if you wait?

The coalition's combat plan has not yet been launched. Even if the AH-2's muzzle has been aimed at the Menku military camp, Chen Chen cannot even send out forward observation posts, let alone fire, until he receives instructions.

In addition, the business matters have been basically completed, and now the Dongfeng Corps is in a strange state.

Just like the candidates before the college entrance examination.

We clearly know that the big exam is just around the corner, we know that we may have to face a major test, and we know that there will be major gains after the major test. This should be the most stressful time, but...

The school leaders arranged a three-day holiday at this time!

And he took all the books away from you, meaning that you could relax before the big exam!

Who can stand this?

Therefore, Chen Chen had no choice but to vent his slightly suppressed emotions on the Dongfeng Corps.

Its specific manifestation is.

The training started directly with intensity.

Of course, it’s not Devil’s Week or Devil’s Month.

It's the extremely boring and boring helicopter boarding, disembarking and rappelling training.

Baigou was responsible for getting a container back, and then found someone to cut two small doors on the container, raised the container to a height of more than one meter, and then moved up this side and down that side. It took half a day to practice.

In addition, they also practiced operating machine guns for cover in narrow spaces.

The conditions were not enough, so manpower was needed to find a crane to hoist the container in the air. The machine gunner moved a small bench and sat next to the small door. The people below tied a rope and pulled the container to swing around.

Although it seems a bit ridiculous, this thing is really effective.

It only took a day for several machine gunners to fully adapt to the irregular shaking scene. Although their shooting was not accurate, at least they would not vomit themselves.

In addition, since the machine gunner has adapted, others must also adapt.

It is no exaggeration to say that it took Chen Chen less than two days to complete the disenchantment of all members of the Dongfeng Corps.

Before that, most of them viewed helicopters with awe, admiration, and fear, but after two days, they were probably just bored.

And nausea.

I don’t know if when the helicopter actually flies over, they will see it as just a large container with different coatings.

Regardless, the results of this training are quite gratifying.

Of course, because it itself is not too complicated, Chen Chen did not spend too much time on building proficiency. Instead, he simply practiced it and let it go if he could meet the basic requirements.

What is really difficult is the rappelling training that follows.

This thing belongs to the advanced skills among advanced skills. Not to mention ordinary mercenaries, even the regular armies of various countries cannot play it well.

Needless to say, India would be too embarrassed to make a year-end summary if it didn't kill a few people in a year. Even the air assault brigade of the United States, Maozi, and a certain big country in the north had frequent accidents on this subject.

Chen Chen didn't really want everyone to master the helicopter rappelling skills. In Li Bang's words, it was just for fun, and it was just idle time anyway.

A rope was hung down from the roof of the villa, and then everyone took turns to descend. Those who dared not go down would be kicked down. Anyway, there was a swimming pool below, so no one could be killed.

After practicing like this for three days, everyone was so helpless that they even touched their waists when they saw the rope.

this habit

It’s hard to say much.

Five days passed in a flash, and new news came from Xiaoyu.

The plane is ready and the pilot is in place. Now we just need to wait for a suitable opportunity to transport the helicopter.

It would be in place within five days at the latest, that was her promise.

But why is this time and what is the right time? Xiaoyu didn't say, and Chen Chen didn't ask.

All he could do was to quickly clear a piece of land as an airport for the helicopter to dock.

It was up to the Dongfeng Corps to do this themselves, so all the team members finally got a short rest. Those team members who were originally unwilling to do such "chores" also picked up shovels and rushed ahead as if they had received a gift.

It took half a day to clear the site, one day to complete the simple paving, and two days to pull up the barbed wire fence, arrange the circuits, install the lights, and arrange the monitoring and warning posts. The construction of an extremely crude temporary airport was completed.


However, although the airport is simple and crude, the location chosen by Chen Chen is not trivial at all.

It is surrounded by trees and tall buildings for cover. In the middle is a billboard that has been installed before saying "drug abuse is harmful to health". The main building of the villa is used as cover to the north, and the widest part of the Mekong River is to the north and south.

Basically, this temporary airport eliminates all possible raids. In the future, if you put up more camouflage nets and build a hangar, you can ensure its safety on the ground.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the helicopter.

Chen Chen became more and more anxious as he waited. He wanted to call Xiaoyu directly and ask how the arrangements were going.

But he also knew that if Xiaoyu said he would wait, he would definitely have to wait.


Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long.

On an ordinary night, Chen Chen suddenly received a call from Xiaoyu.

Less than an hour later, the unique roar of a helicopter suddenly came to Mengka.

Chen Chen personally provided ground guidance, but in fact, the pilot of this helicopter did not seem to need this kind of thing.

He simply and slightly roughly slapped the helicopter that Chen Chen had been thinking about so much on the ground without any unnecessary shaking.

Before the engine was shut down, someone came out of the side door.

Chen Chen couldn't wait to greet him and put his hand on the cabin wall of the plane happily.

That's what it feels like.


His face was full of intoxication, while Xiaoyu standing beside him was dumbfounded.

She opened her mouth subconsciously, but finally said nothing.

Forget it, what can you say about him?

Let's just get along with each other, how can we break up?

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