"Please sign the contract. This is a rescue helicopter export contract signed by Laos Muangsin Civil Aviation Group. The total price is 3.5 million US dollars and includes a series of rescue and clearing equipment, as well as cargo transportation and follow-up maintenance services."

"This contract is made in triplicate, one for you to keep, one for Mangxin Civil Aviation, and one for us to keep."

"Please sign Supplementary Agreement 1 to the contract to confirm that we, the Pan East Flight Training Center, will be responsible for the subsequent training and support work."

"We will ensure that your personnel obtain helicopter flying licenses within the next 72 months. During this period, you can borrow the training helicopters we provide for flight training and accumulate flight hours."

"For specific training plans, please see Supplementary Agreement 2."

"Please sign the Integrity and Integrity Commitment, Anti-Money Laundering Commitment, Anti-Commercial Bribery Commitment, Non-US Elements Audit Pass Commitment, EHS Commitment, SLA Commitment, please confirm the QOS clause, confirm the force majeure clause, confirm the breach of contract clause, and sign in Sign every page.”

"Please sign Supplementary Agreement 3 to confirm the subsequent procurement plan for spare parts, fuel and other resources."

In the combat command room of the villa, the signature pen in Chen Chen's hand was flying up and down, and he was signing documents one after another under the guidance of the professionals who followed the helicopter.

The total thickness of these documents was more than two centimeters. It was impossible for Chen Chen to read every page, but he had to sign his name on every page.

To be honest, this was definitely not a pleasant job. He wished he could let a white dog do it for him, but under Xiaoyu's stern eyes, he finally shook off his hand and continued to sign. .

After spending a full two hours, Chen Chen finally signed all the documents. At this moment, he really felt like a businessman doing international trade.

How professional are these people on the other side?

The contract and supplementary agreement are just the tip of the iceberg. They even require themselves to open a letter of credit in the name of Huamei Housekeeping Cleaning Company and use the letter of credit to complete the payment!

But this is all a joke. Not to mention that no bank will issue a letter of credit to a company in Pubei. Even if it is really issued, do you really dare to accept it?

Therefore, this was just an excuse. After Chen Chen stated that he was "unable to issue a letter of credit", the other party once again produced a supplementary payment document that had been prepared long ago and asked Chen Chen to sign and accept payment in the form of DP.

Chen Chen followed his good deeds, but after reaching this point, all the evidence chains were cut off, and all risks were transferred to the Dongfeng Corps.

The money was transferred immediately, and the so-called Mang Xin Civil Aviation in Laos quickly received the transfer. After that, the ownership of the helicopter—no, the right to use it—finally belonged to the Dongfeng Corps.

The two parties shook hands in a friendly manner, and then the irrelevant personnel left immediately, and Chen Chen arranged for vehicles to take them to Xiaomengla.

And those who stayed were the people Chen Chen really needed.

Not including small fish, 6 in total.

In addition to the flight crew members, there is also a ground crew member.

This configuration was more "luxurious" than Chen Chen expected. He was extremely satisfied with it and looked at Xiaoyu with a more intimate look.

Xiaoyu felt a little frightened by what he saw, and finally coughed, breaking the slightly awkward atmosphere.

She spoke:

"The contract matters have been dealt with, so let's get to know each other first."

"I will introduce them one by one. First of all, Chen Chen, you can also call him the nickname Sunken Ship. He is the owner of Huamei Housekeeping Cleaning Company and the owner of Dongfeng Private Force Company. The procedures are formal and in line with international legal standards. It is serious. Businessman.”

Upon hearing his introduction, Chen Chen immediately stood up and shook hands with the others one by one in an easy-going manner. The others also stood up and behaved respectfully.

After one round of handshakes, as soon as everyone sat down, Xiaoyu began to introduce other people, from the driver to the co-pilot, from the mechanic to the ground crew, round after round, several people stood and sat, sat and stood, it was quite a scene. funny.

However, this method of introduction did deepen everyone's memory. At least after this session, Chen Chen was able to call everyone by name and roughly understood their "living habits."

The driver is Cheng Lei, a tall and thick-set Laotian man, but his favorite food is pancake rolls with green onions.

The co-pilot's name is Zhang Qian. He looks a bit pretty, but he can eat spicy food very well.

Flight mechanics and clearance mechanics are fond of pasta, while ground handlers and electronics prefer sweet food.

Generally speaking, everyone's habits are quite different, but fortunately they are not hypocritical people, and they have not been spoiled.

The first meeting ended smoothly like this. Even though the rooms in the villa were already stretched, Chen Chen still cleared out enough single rooms for them to live in.

There is no way, these people are all treasures, and they deserve higher treatment.

After settling the crew members, Chen Chen and Xiaoyu returned to the combat command room. This time, what they wanted to talk about was real "business."

"I thought you wouldn't come - logically speaking, at this time, if you come alone to Mengka, your safety cannot be guaranteed."

Chen Chen spoke first, while Xiaoyu shook his head and replied:

"When I was in Thailand, security was even less guaranteed, and that's my job."

"Don't think too much. I'm not here just for your business. In fact, I have returned to work."

"Pubei is about to usher in great changes. Whether you are here or not, I should be here."

"Of course, without you, this change would not have happened."

"What the hell!"

Chen Chen interrupted Xiaoyu's words as if his hair was fried, and then explained eagerly:

"This has nothing to do with me. It's obviously something done by the Bao family, so don't blame me."

Hearing his words, Xiaoyu smiled slyly and asked:

"Now you know how we feel?"

".These are completely two concepts, forget it, let's not talk about it."

Chen Chen sighed and continued to ask:

"I just want to ask, what are the rules for using this unit?"

"I mean, is there a clear death line?"

Xiaoyu shook his head and replied:

"There is no line."

"As I said, this is a transaction between you and two companies in Laos. I am just a matchmaker. It is no different from the body armor you bought before."

"So, we will not have any interference in the use of this helicopter. As you know, the Wa State also has Mi-171, but their use is also free."

Xiaoyu bit the word "freedom" hard in her mouth, and Chen Chen also understood what she meant.

The so-called freedom is that I will not stop you from doing anything, but I will definitely settle the score later.

Therefore, don’t overdo it, and don’t do things that everyone knows you can’t do.

There is actually nothing unacceptable about this, so Chen Chen nodded understandingly.

And then, he followed this topic and asked a new question.

"So these crew members are indeed employees of Pandong Company?"

Xiaoyu hummed and replied in a relaxed tone:


"They don't have any background that you would think they should have. They really just use their skills to make a living."

"How's it going? Does it look like you?"

".Like, so similar."

Chen Chen took a deep breath and did not ask any more questions.

In fact, these two questions were enough to solve all his problems and eliminate all his concerns.

In this case, it would be extremely rude to everyone to continue to ask questions and get to the bottom of things.

On the contrary, learning to shut up at the right time is the way to truly maintain the best rhythm of cooperation.

As a result, the topic of the two people naturally turned. They no longer talked about helicopters, nor the situation in the Wa State, and the Northern and Southern Shan States. Instead, they really walked out of the room like "businessmen" who stayed out of the matter. Under the night of Mengka, we talked about the construction of residential areas and the excavation of canals.

Chen Chen told her some of his future plans, such as finding ways to expand the dock, building a helicopter airport, and if there is a chance, he would also find ways to purchase more helicopters to form a real helicopter fleet.

Xiaoyu just listened silently and didn't make any suggestions, but of course he didn't refute either.

At the end of the conversation, Chen Chen felt that his mouth was almost dry, so he gave the initiative of the topic back to Xiaoyu.

He thought that Xiaoyu wouldn't have anything to say and was ready to answer the call, but what he didn't expect was that Xiaoyu's views on the future development of the Dongfeng Corps were not at all related to him as a "party". Down.

With just a few simple words, she completely revealed the dilemma Chen Chen was facing.

"Based on Pubei, you are destined to not have a 'legal' identity, nor can you obtain more resources and equipment through normal channels."

"So, you should broaden your horizons. If possible, you should go overseas to establish an offshore company. In the future, your main business will be handled through the offshore company."

"The model of the Shadow Corps is actually very suitable. Their roots are in the United States, which gives them more room to maneuver."

"A very simple example, if they want a helicopter, they don't need a solution as complicated as yours."

"To put it to the extreme, Nuokang can have an armed helicopter. Why didn't you get it until now? I think you should understand the reason."

Hearing Xiaoyu's words, Chen Mo nodded silently.

After a long pause, he spoke:

"This is one of the options I've thought about."

"However, there is one issue that I must consider."

"That is, once I move my foundation outside Pubei, in a sense I am no longer in control."

"And I have to work in Pubei."

"It's a paradox, you know what I mean?"

"I see."

Xiaoyu stopped, turned her head to look at Chen Chen, and said:

"But there is one thing I can believe in."

"That is, a bird with a nest will not fly far."

".What if I didn't?"

A trace of sadness flashed in Chen Chen's eyes. This was a problem he had never mentioned to anyone, but he had to face it.

From a "heart" point of view, there is no doubt that he certainly has a nest.

However, rationally speaking, he really couldn't think of any situation that would allow him to "return to his nest" in a true sense.

Many times, he will deliberately avoid this problem and convince himself that "there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain", "take one step at a time" and so on.

But as his plate grows larger and his connections become closer, this hope becomes increasingly slim.

So, he simply stopped thinking about it.

Of course, he didn't expect that Xiaoyu would take the initiative to mention it today.

Maybe it's the atmosphere? Maybe it was the delivery of the helicopter that caused something to change?

Chen Chen was unwilling to speculate on Xiaoyu and the shadow behind her with malice. He was more willing to believe that this was just a kind of "inadvertent" kindness.

After hearing his question and seeing his expression, Xiaoyu's eyes flickered a few times involuntarily.

At this moment, she probably thought of many things.

But in the end, those complex, confusing, and highly confusing questions were unified and formed an extremely clear main line, and this main line finally converged into an extremely concise answer.

she says:

"Actually, I think you still have to put aside the phenomenon to see the essence."

"You have to think about who I am and who you are."

"You have to understand the purpose of our existence."

"If you want to understand this, you should know"

"As long as I—and we—exist, you will have a nest."


Chen Chen fell into silence completely. After a long time, he suddenly laughed again.

He looked at Xiaoyu and asked:

"Why, are you here late at night to help me with my ideological work? Are you guest-starring as political commissar?"

Xiaoyu was choked and speechless by his sudden teasing. She subconsciously raised her hand to swat him, but finally put it down.

"You better not mess with me tonight."

Xiaoyu said with a serious face:

"If you make me angry one more time, I will take him away immediately tomorrow."

".There's no need to be so domineering, right?"

Chen Chen smiled awkwardly and looked into Xiaoyu's eyes carefully.

Well, I was indeed angry.

But yes, although the issue they are talking about sounds "emotional", it is actually a bottom-line topic that absolutely cannot tolerate any "dissent."

If you insist on making a fool of yourself at a time like this, anyone else will be blamed for it.

Well, if Xiaoyu was really a political commissar, he would probably have an armed belt stamped on his forehead.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen sighed and said sincerely:

"I won't talk about things that are too far away, but no matter what, I will try my best to handle this incident."

"There is a situation that I'm not sure you have grasped."

"Tonight, the 7th Brigade and the 756th Brigade of Southern Shan State have completed the final preparations. At the same time, according to intelligence, the main officers of the Myanmar Army in Mengku Camp will stay in the military camp in the next two days."

"In addition, the movements of the Shadow Corps have also been confirmed. They are still staying in Jingdong and have not made any unexpected responses."

"The combat conditions are sufficient and the opportunity is rare."

"In other words, tonight is the last peaceful night in Monkha and possibly in northern and southern Shan States."

"Tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow at the latest, we will assist the 7th Brigade in launching an attack."

"In two hours, I will send you back to Xiaomengla."

"This is not negotiable, and you don't need to say, 'This is your job.' I believe your superiors will support my decision."

"Next time we meet, it will be Jingdong."

After hearing his words, Xiaoyu nodded and said:

"The Wa State has reported progress and I am aware of it."

"I plan to leave Mengka at seven o'clock tomorrow morning. Someone will pick me up. But you can also send me off."

After a pause, she spoke again:

"Remember, I give you things to use."

"Use it well and don't die."

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