That night, Xiaoyu left Mengka, and then Chen Chen took out the three 155mm grenades he had hidden before and handed them over to the artillerymen of the 7th Brigade who were complexly "guarding" the AH-2.

By this time, no one was investigating where these three shells came from and whether they were intentionally hidden by Chen Chen, because they were destined to be fired, and to achieve the common goal of both parties.

He Bupa naturally accepted Chen Chen's explanation of "accidentally digging it out of the warehouse". After all, the Eastern Corps had so many trophies. It was very reasonable to find a few shells after rummaging through the boxes, right?

He even sincerely expressed his gratitude to Chen Chen.

"Thanks to Commander Chen this time, don't mention it. We have only 2,000 men in the 7th Brigade. We don't have many useful guns, and the 155mm shells are also very few. One shot is missing."

"We also plan to use it at Jingdong later. I thought about it all night, but I couldn't figure out where to distribute the two shells. Now it's better. Three more rounds are basically enough."

Hearing his words, Chen Chen almost couldn't hold his breath.

No matter how poor the 7th Brigade is, it still has four D-1 152mm howitzers from Maozi, and at least a base number of shells. It is impossible to say that three rounds of shells can rise to the level that He Bupa will worry about.

This is actually a rather blunt compliment.

However, the harshness is still the harshest, and it is mainly a compliment, which can already explain He Bupa's attitude.

Therefore, Chen Chen did not try to expose him, but replied with a smile:

"It's also a coincidence. Our logistics management capabilities are still relatively backward. We don't even know what's in the warehouse."

"When this matter is over, we still have to communicate with Brigadier He. If possible, we might as well borrow the warehouse of the 7th Brigade."

Chen Chen's words were of course polite. There was no way he would hand over the foundation for his survival into the hands of others.

But, to Hobupah, it also sounded like a sign of trust and friendliness.

As a result, the plan for "artillery bombardment" came to fruition. Looking at Bao Qi who was directing his artillery team to conduct artillery fire, He Bupa asked curiously and worriedly:

"Does Chief Chen plan to launch an artillery attack directly at this location? This place is nearly 15 kilometers away from the Mengku Camp. Can it be hit?"

"It's difficult to hit moving targets, but it's quite easy to hit fixed targets."

Chen Chen nodded slightly and continued:

"We will send two reconnaissance teams forward, one to monitor the movements of people in the Mengku camp, and the other to be used as artillery reconnaissance."

"The maximum range of this AH-2 is close to 40 kilometers. As long as the data is correct, you can basically say where to hit."

"Artillery reconnaissance?!"

He Bupa's expression suddenly changed, his eyes filled with shock.

In fact, we can't blame him. Artillery beyond visual range strike is a very big knowledge. Let alone the "unable to compete" civilian weapons like the Northern Shan State Army, even the Myanmar regular army is actually not very good at it. change.

According to Chen Chen's understanding, although the Myanmar Army maintains a large number of artillery, in fact, the quality of their artillery team is extremely low, and the artillery team basically only has coverage strike capabilities.

Or to put it more bluntly, most of the time, it is to use firepower to wipe out targets within a certain distance under the condition that visual observation is possible.

This sounds great, but the problem is.

The real damage effect is extremely limited.

It was not until around 2017 that the mountain troops of the Myanmar Army conducted large-scale artillery training with the help of Serbia, organized several large-scale drills, and initially acquired the capability of precision strikes.

Even the Burmese Army is like this. One can only imagine how far a "militia group" like the 7th Brigade can achieve.

Therefore, when He Bupa heard the word "gun reconnaissance", he was shocked beyond words.

It can even be said that his shock was more severe than when he saw the Mi-171sh parked in the open space.

After all, even if you think it's hard to get a helicopter, you can get it if you think of a way.

If you are not afraid of something happening, you can also invite the pilot over.

But artillery reconnaissance? !

Isn’t it obvious enough what he represents?

If there wasn't a large and systematic army behind them, who would be a good person to learn artillery reconnaissance? ?

Seeing He Bupa's expression, Chen Chen couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

It was broken and accidentally exposed.


But so what?

He scratched his head subconsciously and said:

"It is not an artillery reconnaissance in the true sense. It is actually a close-up reconnaissance to provide a basic direction for the artillery."

"But can it hit accurately with just one cannon?"

"The AH-2's strike accuracy is about 1.5 meters, and within a range of 15 kilometers, the hit rate is still very high."

Hebupa was completely stunned.

Good guy, you said you don’t know martial arts?

If you really let your own team fight

For a range of 15 kilometers, let alone an accuracy of 1.5 meters, thank God for being able to achieve an accuracy of 150 meters.

After seeing He Bupa's expression, Chen Chen also realized that the more he explained, the more complicated it became.

So, he simply ignored the topic and said bluntly:

"Sir He, let's not discuss such technical issues."

"Each of us should do our own thing. I will be responsible for the beheading, and you will be responsible for arranging the troops."

"The time difference must be managed well. If you haven't completed the deployment and encirclement after our beheading is over, the problem will be serious."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, He Bupa immediately straightened his expression, and then replied:

"Sir Chen, you can rest assured on this."

"The combat plan has been synchronized with you. We will definitely not have any problems with scheduling this time."

"At present, we have three company-level teams of 100 people approaching the Burmese army's Mengku camp, less than two kilometers away from each other."

"After the beheading is over, these three teams will immediately rush forward to hold each other back and buy time for subsequent support troops."

"We will ensure that we complete the encirclement and disarm the Menku Camp within one hour."

"At the same time, we will establish a defensive line within two hours to block the Burmese army's reinforcement attack - but at this point, fighting is unlikely to occur."

"We will have a confrontation and then resolve the issue through negotiation."

"As for Chief Chen, you don't need to worry about it anymore after you have finished beheading him."


Chen Chen nodded solemnly.

At this time, behind them, all the troops of the 7th Brigade had completed their assembly.

The scene was quite spectacular, even more spectacular than when Chen Chen led his troops to fight Nuokang.

However, if you look carefully, you will find the disharmonious parts of this team.

Because not only the models of the vehicles are not uniform, but even the clothing of the personnel is not uniform.

The way they identify friend or foe is to tie a red cloth on their arm.

Chen Chen was very skeptical. If we really faced a high-intensity and long-span battle, would this kind of identification of friend and foe really be effective?

But this is not a problem that I should take care of. Anyway, let’s check it out first.

Half an hour later, Chen Chen led the team to the predetermined reconnaissance position.

He had to go, because this artillery reconnaissance thing requires him to be present at the scene in order to play it well.

However, if we practice a few more times after this time, it is estimated that the team members with strong learning abilities, including Shi Dakai and Bai Gou, will be able to copy the gourd.

Following Lin He's footsteps, a group of seven people continued to advance along the jungle, heading towards the Mengku Camp under the guidance of a very weak GPS signal.

After walking for a full two hours, the team arrived at the predetermined highland. After clearing away the obstacles blocking the line of sight near the highland, the Mengku Camp in the distance appeared vaguely in front of them.

But of course, that's not the end.

Lin He will continue to move forward with Yang Shu and Li Bang, approaching as a fire reconnaissance team, observing the enemy's specific personnel movements from a closer perspective, forming a link with the artillery reconnaissance team, and indicating precise directions.

The figures of the three people gradually disappeared from Chen Chen's sight, and Chen Chen immediately began to deploy the artillery reconnaissance team.

In fact, the core "topographic survey" of this area has been completed long ago - it was completed a long time ago when Chen Chen escorted Jiya to Mengbin.

He had already marked all the available azimuth objects on the combat map, and there were four fully available azimuth objects within the detection range of the artillery reconnaissance team.

After determining the specific orientation objects that needed to be used, Chen Chen determined the final observation point subjective and side view based on the terrain, and arranged for a group of White Dog and Shortfoot to go to the side view position, while he and Shi Dakai stayed at the subjective position. .

The distance is very far, the telescope used by Chen Chen and others is not accurate enough, and laser ranging is not available.

But fortunately, Chen Chen had the foresight to import two laser rangefinders with a length of more than 5 kilometers. Coupled with the old-fashioned 40x artillery scope collected from the 7th Brigade, in terms of observation equipment, It has basically reached the level of perfection.

While deploying the artillery scope, Chen Chen gave everyone on-site teaching via radio.

"When we choose an artillery reconnaissance position, we must keep several principles in mind, namely, a location that is convenient for observation, evacuation and concealment, construction of camouflage, and organization of defense against enemy tanks."

"Of course, it is difficult for tanks to appear in Pubei, and the mountainous terrain is not conducive to tank maneuvers, but we still have to be as prepared as possible to be prepared."

"In addition, you have now seen the subjective and sideways choices."

"We need to choose a side view about 300 to 500 to the side of the target point and subjective connection according to the terrain."

"This distance is mainly to make up for the blind spot of subjective observation. Theoretically, the farther the better, but considering that the subject may be destroyed by the enemy, side observation needs to be quickly replaced, so the distance should not be too far."

While listening, Shi Dakai took out his notebook and recorded it - this was a little habit among members of the Dongfeng Corps.

After all, you never know when Captain Shen will pop out a few pieces of battlefield knowledge worth recording, so it makes sense to bring a small notebook with you.

Looking at his actions, Chen Chen shook his head helplessly, then set up the steering wheel and continued:

"The steering wheel must be accurately returned to north and corrected using the magnetic declination on the map."

"We must ensure that the direction measured by the steering wheel is consistent with the map. Our current map is relatively old, but the elements are complete and accurate, and it is still usable."

"Rear, given baseline shooting direction."

Chen Chen issued commands to Bao Qi through the radio. After a short wait, Bao Qi read out the data, and Chen Chen immediately completed the setting on the steering wheel.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Chen continued:

"Now we need to measure the subjective and side-view straight-line distance, which is currently 420 meters. Based on this distance, we need to assign anti-target divisions to the side view."

"In this way, the triangle has been formed and the distance can be measured - of course, we now have laser ranging, which is more accurate, but you still have to learn the method."

As he spoke, Chen Chen quickly read the data and calculated the viewing distance based on the trigonometric function formula.

Subsequently, he determined the coordinates and elevation of the observation post using the main-side intersection method based on the precise coordinates of the azimuth object, and completed the report to the rear artillery position.

At this point, he has completed all the preparatory work required for the deployment of the artillery reconnaissance and observation post. The next step is to conduct reconnaissance of the target in the reconnaissance area.


Yes, a little over an hour had passed, but they hadn't really taken a look in the direction of the enemy's position.

This is artillery reconnaissance.

Chen Chen hid all the equipment and lay on the ground waiting for intelligence feedback from the approaching investigation team.

Lin He has led the team forward to a position only 800 meters away from the Mengku Camp. From his perspective, he has a clear view of the entire Menku Camp.

He quickly instructed several key buildings according to what Chen Chen had taught him before. Chen Chen conducted the rendezvous operation with the side view in advance. He himself served as the calculation team. After calculating the intersection division and viewing distance, Chen Chen reported to the rear. I also marked it on the map.

He could only complete the calculation work by himself, and it took him another hour to complete the calculation and teaching.

But fortunately, what they were going to conduct was a "sneak attack operation". The combat window was so wide that they were not in a hurry.

After all this was completed, everyone began to enter the waiting time.

They must determine the specific target to be bombarded based on the intelligence sent back by Lin He, and strive for one bombardment to kill and injure as many enemy officers as possible.

Bao Qi sat next to the AH-2 cannon a little bored, with He Buppa standing next to him.

The latter's expression was filled with some expectation and some confusion.

Because in his opinion, this battle of the Dongfeng Corps was a bit too unusual.

Everyone was very relaxed, as if what they were going to do was not a "big battle", but just a simple training.

Especially this young man named No. 1, or Bao Qi, he even has the leisure to write and draw on the paper repeatedly, and from time to time he makes a sound of "Oh~~" in his mouth.

He Bupa wanted to ask, are you really here to fuck?

But in the end, he didn't ask the question.

After a long wait, Bao Qi's expression finally changed.

He stood up suddenly, listened carefully to the information coming from the radio, and after repeated confirmation, finally reported to his commander who was rushing to the front line:

"The weather conditions are good, and the temperature and pressure preset errors are controllable. I am determined to use the precision method to effectively shoot the target. Two consecutive shots, complete!"


After receiving the feedback, Bao Qi immediately directed all the artillery from the 7th Brigade to start loading and continuously reported various metadata.

According to his data, a monkey can adjust the cannon well.

But it still took the 7th Brigade's artillery a full minute.

A minute later, Bao Qi pulled the match rope himself.


One shell came out of the barrel, followed immediately by a second corrected shot.


The dust has settled.

Bao Qi clapped his hands and stood up. He Bupa beside him asked in astonishment:

"Is this the end?"

"it's over."

Bao Qi nodded and replied:

"This is real fucking."

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