15 kilometers away, the command post of the Burmese Army in Mengku has been reduced to ashes.

They had no idea where the shells were coming from, nor how to avoid them. The whole camp was in chaos, and everyone was busy taking cover.

However, after two short explosions, there was no other movement around them.

All is silent.

It was silent in the camp, silent in the mountains and forests, and those two huge craters.

It's even more silent.

The command post that was hit no longer existed, and less than half of the officers originally gathered inside were gone.

That’s right, it’s literally “gone”.

It was blown to pieces and scattered in the air.

The power of the 155 howitzer is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people who have not experienced large-scale battlefields. According to exaggerated claims, its killing range can cover less than half a football field.

And within 6 meters of the core of the explosion, everything will turn into powder. Unless they are hiding behind a special bunker, no one can survive this "arc of death".

Two minutes after the shelling, some people began to react and ran to the command post to check the situation.

They tried to rescue people, but soon they discovered that the so-called "rescue" had no meaning at all.

Needless to say, those that are gone, even those that are still "complete", how can we save them?

Under the violent shock wave, their internal organs were probably shattered. The blood spit out from their mouths was mixed with the fragments of internal organs and the vomit in their stomachs. The scene was so horrifying that it looked like they were digesting themselves.

Such horrific scenes frightened these Burmese soldiers who had never really experienced the battlefield. Their first reaction was not to defend against the enemy, but to

Run away!

But where to escape to?

The enemy has already charged!

He Bupa's arrangement was indeed quite reliable. He mobilized all his private soldiers, put on the body armor he got from Chen Chen, and stood at the front.

These private soldiers are much worse than the Dongfeng Corps in terms of combat effectiveness and fighting will.

However, with the support of body armor, they rushed into the Burmese military camp. It was really like entering no man's land!

Especially after the opponent completely lost command, the private soldiers went crazy.

Relying on the influence of the "promotion of the bulletproof effect of bulletproof vests" specially organized by He Bupa in the military camp, almost all of them can be said to be not afraid of death.

Wherever he passes, he is like a tiger among wolves.

The heavy firepower of the Burmese army did play a certain role, but was quickly overwhelmed.

After the first batch of commandos seized the firepower, the situation began to develop in a one-sided direction.

Escape, only escape.

Either that or surrender.

The reinforcements arranged by Hebupa had little effect, because the battle did not last as long as an hour at all.


In fact, it only lasted 15 minutes.

The entire Mengku military camp was completely taken over. The defenders either desperately broke out under the leadership of junior officers, or they dropped their weapons and gave up resistance.

The armed reconnaissance team that did not retreat from the observation point saw this scene completely. Even the three people who were accustomed to the Dongfeng Corps' victory with fewer people felt a sense of...

Unprecedented shock.

There is no doubt that this is a big win.

Moreover, it was an overwhelming victory.

And the person who really "created" this great victory did not even enter the battlefield from beginning to end.

Two hours later, Chen Chen led the team back to Mengka.

At this time, the 7th Brigade had completely taken over the Mengku military camp and captured more than 400 Burmese soldiers. They used this as a bargaining chip to reach a temporary ceasefire with the Burmese army who came for emergency reinforcements from the Mengxiu area, and the two sides entered a confrontation.

For Hobupah, this was an unprecedented advantage that he had never imagined.

Prior to this, even though the 7th Brigade had nearly 2,000 men, it was always constrained by the nail driven into the Mengku Camp near Mengka.

Occasionally conflicts would break out between the two sides, and occasionally there would be a few "tragic" battles with more than 10 casualties, but generally speaking, neither side could completely "extricate" the other side.

And now, this goal has been achieved simply.

It was so simple that Hebupa couldn't even believe it was true.

Seeing Chen Chen returning with a relaxed look on his face, he rushed forward in a "rolling and crawling" manner. Then, he held Chen Chen's hand and said with a trembling voice:

"Sir Chen, we won the battle!"

"With less than 50 casualties, there is almost no cost. We destroyed the entire Menku Camp."

"I never knew a war could hit you like this."

"You just are."

He Bupa didn't say any more because he really didn't know how to describe it.

However, facing his sincere admiration and admiration, Chen Chen just shook his head calmly, and then said:

"The bombardment was very effective."

"It should be said that we are very lucky."

"The preset meteorological condition parameters are not much different from the actual meteorological parameters, which greatly improves the accuracy of our artillery fire. The first shot hit the head of the opponent's command post."

"The effect of approaching armed reconnaissance is also very good, and it just seizes the time when their senior officers are meeting."

"I don't know what kind of meeting they are having. Maybe they have noticed something unusual about you and are having a meeting to discuss how to deal with it."

"It's okay now, there's no need to discuss it at all."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, He Bupa wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

Because at this time, his heart was really completely filled with "shock".

I can no longer tolerate any other emotions, and can no longer say anything other than "admiration".

Therefore, he almost completely ignored Chen Chen's "self-effacing remarks" and just continued to say:

"Chief Chen's command was good. This shot directly destroyed the confidence of the Burmese army."

"I doubt they will dare to confront us in the future."

"It doesn't matter where the command post is located, they can be taken out with one shot."

"There is also movement over at Jingdong. We have just received news that the Burmese army in Jingdong has begun to shrink into the city, and even many of the outer camps and outposts have been abandoned."

"Then it's time for He Bangxiong to take action, right?"

Chen Chen interrupted him and asked.

"It's moving!"

He Bupa nodded solemnly and then said:

"I have sent two troops to Jingdong and are currently preparing to organize a defense change with the 756 Brigade in Dabang."

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Chen suddenly realized something was wrong.

Waiting in Dabang? !

Doesn't that mean that there will be a window period of at least half an hour during the defense change operation of the 7th Brigade and the 756th Brigade? ?

If at this time, Jingdong's defenders launch an attack on the 756th Brigade and then hit Dabang all the way.

Jingdong's defenders are shrinking into the city, but are they really shrinking? !

Chen Chen's heart jumped suddenly, and then he immediately said:

"Let the 756th Brigade hold its position!"

"Don't move, because if you move."

However, he didn't have time to finish his words.

At this moment, He Bupa's intelligence adjutant ran up to him and said urgently:

"The Burmese army in Kengtung has launched a full-scale attack. They have organized heavy weapons and are launching an attack on the 756 Brigade on the north side of Kengtung!"

"The 756th Brigade may not be able to withstand it any longer. We must provide support as soon as possible!"

He Bupa froze on the spot in astonishment, while Chen Chen suddenly calmed down.

Sure enough, it can't be that smooth.

Our side has a well-planned plan, but the enemy is not a fool either.

But the problem is

With the capabilities of the Kengtung Burmese Army, it was impossible for them to respond so quickly.


Shadow Corps.

They intervened early.

How dare they get involved in an operation of this scale? !

Chen Chen took a deep breath and looked at the helicopter parked in the distance.

The defense line of the 756th Brigade must be defended, no matter what.

Otherwise, if the Burmese army goes up the river, Monkha will be so dangerous.

He never expected that he originally planned to use this helicopter to deal with the Shadow Corps.

But now, I have to let it go ahead of time!

There is another chapter today.

The matter is basically settled.

The outline is also sorted out.

I'll make up for what's missing later.

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